Hema punishment

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Nandini is training for sword fight, Manik he himself is training, he is making her tough and hard to fight with him, not like last time. He want Nandini to win in all means he want Hema shut for life time.

When Nandini was fighting with him, she herself found fighting with her father, he was always tough and strong when he was teaching her sword fight. She has to put all energy in her hands and fight and legs to be strong at place, stand still so that she can atleast defend herself. Here Manik is too strong for her but she is not letting him to win that easy.

Manik when fighting with her got to know her weakness being short in size she is easy in escaping but tough when comes to attack so he made sure she knows how to attack so for atleast half he taught her how to attack when it was dawn he stopped training her.

When he stopped she almost slipped hersrlf and about to fell down Manik was sharp to catch her in one hand she felt dizzy Manik lifted her in arms and took her to wash area and made her sleep on couch which is placed near the pool, made Dasi to remove her chappels dress and wrap in a cloth which is comfortable, Manik ordered oil for massage when Dasi brought Luke warm oil he started to massage her feet Nandini got up in second and took her legs away from him "hukum!!!! Never try to touch my feet again in life I prefer to die than making you do that" she said with tears
"I am just massaging"
"Dasi will do it please you be with my side that's it"
Manik smiled ordered Dasi to give massage he sat besides her hold her in arms
"we will postpone fight for two days"
"no hukum let me do this, I will be fine"
"you are carrying two more kids inside you"
"they are your kids, they have blood line to fight back so don't worry"
Manik smiled "you are really something which I never expected to happen in my life, relax" he kissed her forehead
Nandini blushed as he kissed her infront of Dasis

Whole night Manik made Nandini feel relaxed, he made room be plasentable, a smell of herbs which body and mind light was added a Dasi is always pressing her arms and one her feet so that the pain which caused in sword practice is minimized. Manik is besides her talking sweet nothings. She slept fast.

Manik when confirmed Nandini is sleeping he made all Dasis go away, he covered her with duvet and cressed her softly then walked to balcony.

"What is life for him???? It's not what everyone felt for him, he was always lonely in spite having these many people but now he is not, he have Nandini beside him, presence of her makes him feel comfort and content. He still feels it's a miracle that happened to him, in case of Nandini.

The way he cooked for him just after he forced her and took her innocence without any softness, which he still feels sorry, her small gestures which took his heart away being stubborn her contradictions in some things all made him amused

Manik thought she is just in lady for money, but knowing Nandini he is out of words she herself sacrificed her self respect to himself, when some days back she said she was seen naked by some others he felt like his blood boiled and heart burnt but when she said he had killed them he felt little better. But..... What she felt about he watching her been naked made him overwhelming and pleasing. "So she already decided me as her husband?"

Manik smiled by that thought he looked at Nandini he walked to her and kissed her lips soft which lingered lazily, she reacted even in her deep sleep, unknowingly his hand traveled to her boobs she moaned softly he is sexually aroused instantly but stopped himself as she is tried beyond her energy

Manik slept besides her, puffing last lamp in the room, she gripped his waist tight and kept half of her body on his, he wrapped his hands around her happily. She started rubbing herself on him, Manik looked at her in confusion she is deep sleep but her body is reaching to his bodily touch. He remembered from the day he first time had till now he never made her sleep just like that without sex when he is around her, it's first time and she is missing their make outs, and being pregnant her hormones ditched her sane he smiled started to play with her body and kissing her jaw line, Nandini is giving him more accesses to kiss her more he smiled and gave her love bite she woke up.
"Hukum!!!!" She moaned
Manik hovered her and slid himself into her without giving her chance to speak, he kissed lips she moaned inside her sleep, he slowly and with good peace made her release he too poured his seeds. Both smiled
"so you can't sleep without this?" He teased
"no its not true it's you who woke up"
"you was the one rubbing yourself to my body"
She widened her eyes and felt most embarrassing
"and I loved it very much" he kissed her pout which she made unknowingly
She hugged him tight in shy he held her tight in arms and made her sleep he too slept this time.

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