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Nandini came to room, she is in hell pain on her neck, she touched it lightly and hissed, she removed hand closed eyes for a moment to calm her racing heart, she knew it's not going to be  easy with Manik now he is beyond pissed off. He is angry

She just walked to wash area removed her dress got fresh up changed to regular dress, and made her hair in bun so that she won't distrubed her wound on neck. She asked Dasi to dress up the wound properly she did.

One Dasi came with medicines and food. All mothers entered Nandini room, she adjusted her dupatta on her head and bow her head said "Pranam MA sa!" To all
"how are you? Did you get deep cut?" MA asked
"no ma sa!!! Little cut it will heal in few days"
"beta!!!! Take good care of yourself all our hopes are on you, I know from day one you are been targeted by one or the other things but be careful, Yuvaraj will not spare you if you neglect, you don't know how possessive he is when he likes some one so careful take medicines on time" choti MA said

"bahurani!!!! How dare you do this to yourself??? Don't you know that how badly Manik wants you how can you neglect yourself??? Bare his warmth which is going to be hell for you, think before you act particularly when Yuvaraj warn you, take rest" Badima said anger which is evident in her tone and eyes disappointment is clear

Nandini apologized everyone they left once they felt she needs rest. Nandini Sat down with thud on bed, now she is hell scared, Manik didn't show up till now. She is waiting for him, her eye lids became heavy sleep took over.

When she woke up its already dusk , diyas are lit all over room she lazily yawn and stretched herself she came to see Manik who is staring at her, she smiled but he didn't then all the things happened in morning crossed her mind, she got scared and became stiff. she got up from bed and was about to adjust her dupatta Manik in one step reached removed her dupatta in angry "how many times did I ordered you not to hide yourself from me? Are you determined that you won't listen to me?" He yelled at her
She flinched in horror. She nodded no
Manik took her chin lifted it "why didn't you had lunch?"
His anger is in words and in his touch "I.....I.. Forgot" she said in very low voice
Manik got more angry he dragged her she hissed as her neck got stretched which made her cut get freshen up it even started to bleed
Manik is scared looked at the wound his anger flew away he made her sit and and started dress the wound slowly while blowing air so that she won't feel much pain. She cried little
"when you can't handle this small cut how dare to insisted for fight?"
"I won" she said in soft voice which even had little pride and happiness
Manik looked at her took her both arms made her sleep on bed and hovered her harshly "how dare you to oppose me? How dare??? What do you think that you can oppose me and servive? What do you think I can't be angry on you or you won't get punishment? From now on for two days walk with out chappels" he said in anger. Nandini laughed
Manik looked at her in shock
She laughed like manic
Manik got angry "stop!!!! Why are you laughing? What's funny?"
"Your punishments Yuvaraj!!!! Walk without chappels? Really??? What's hard in it? Here in mahal it's so clean and  soft then what is difficult in walking without chappels?"
Manik looked at her in surprise "walking with out chappels means humiliation only servants work without chappels here"
"oooo!!!!! Still I don't feel any difficulty"
"aha??????? OK let me give you much more tough punishment," she pout Manik took her lips  in his mouth she blushed
"don't distract me"
Nandini opened her mouth wide "hukum!!! I never distract you"
"acha!!!!! Who  laughed when I was giving you punishments? Who pout now knowing I take your pout in mouth?" He accused
She twisted her lips and frowned and kept silence Manik started kissing her other side of neck collar bone then cleavage she is moaning
"you very well know this body soul skin breath everything everything is mine and I am Yuvaraj I don't share with anyone not even you then how can you dare to risk what is mine?" He harshly gave love bite on her breast she screamed "hukum!!!!!!" He left her skin on breast and gave a open mouth kiss on the love bite to smoother it. "I can give you marks pain and suffer like this none other not even you" Manik said obsessively.
Nandini moaned Manik is about to tear her blouse Nandini stopped "hukum!!!! It's dusk we shouldn't do that please"
Manik got more angry "I hate your rules and Yuvaraj make rules doesn't follow rules" he teared her full dess in one go, she refused begged but all went in vein he inserted his dick in anger as she is making it hard for him, when he entered she gasped same feeling everymoment he enters all her nerves make her weakest she unintentionally moans for which Manik smirked but he played so slow which irritated Nandini a lot "hukum please"
"what please nandu?"
She knew he won't give what she want unless she ask
"hukum go fast"
"you said we shouldn't?"
"Hukum please"
Manik smirked " beg me"
Nandini looked at him a naughty smirk playing on his face
She hissed "no need do what ever you want" she turned her face
Manik irked, he started moving but not that fast which Nandini want she is enjoying his tease. Manik started sucking her boobs making her more weak she begged "hukum please go fast"
"that's like my lady love" he started to give her what she want both started patting taking heavy breaths Manik with high speed thrusting her she screamed his name "hukum" in pleasure and released he too released both started taking heavy breath he came down with pop sound she hissed a little he took her in arms and kissed her madly and made her sleep as she is tired

When Manik woke up, Nandini is sitting on floor leaning back to bed knitting
"why are you sitting down?"
"Just like that, had good sleep?"
"Yes after having I always sleep peacefully" he said smiling
She blushed " you get fresh up I will order food here"
"what time it is?"
"Almost 9 everyone had dinner so I will serve you here"
"ok I am really hungry" Manik said walked to wash area. Nandini ordered Dasi to bring food which she cooked along with milk and pann. Dasi brought all with help of some more.

Manik came back Sat on floor and prayed started to eat he is literally very hungry, when he was about to complete he looked at Nandini her face is pale "did you eat?"
"what??? Why didn't you eat? Even afternoon you didn't eat, you were full stressed out on top of it made you tired and then you cooked still didn't eat why?" He almost shouted in angry
"you were sleeping how can I eat leaving? Afternoon too you didn't eat how can I eat?" She pouted Manik dragged her into his  chest and took her lips in mouth "now eat sit here" Manik started to feeding her. She happily ate.

When they were sleeping on bed playing with each other fingers, Nandini asked "hukum!!!! What happened to didi sa?"
"Don't think much, relax"
Nandini didn't bug him more as she knew he will be angry.
"Nandu!!! Is your health ok?"
"Yes hukum why?"
"I have some work for you"
"Yes hukum order me"
"from tommorow on mahal works of all my wives I means checking their facilities, arrangements and everything should be checked and keep them in order and detailed information should be kept."
"But why me??? I am just arrived they are so many seniors present"
"brainless the one who can manage little is under punishment so you are alone left"
"but.... Ask Badima na?"
"Are you scared?"
"don't you should make yourself prove in this for me" Manik said firmly
Nandini nodded having no option.

Hema is been under grounded in her own room, daily one Dasi will certainly clean the room and do all formal duties, give one time food for her and goes. The Dasi is one of the loyal one of Manik she raised him when he was kid she loves Manik a lot she cares him as her own son Manik calls her as daima. She will daily give Manik report about Hema

Hema is shattered her all dreams and identity is been snatched, she never felt this lost even when Manik had took owe to not to touch Her or walk to her room, she had hopes on only becoming queen. From very childhood her only dream is to become queen of simhalghar. When she left smahalgharh her parental country at age of 8 her father said to her that she will be queen of simhalghar. From that day on she is treating herself as queen but now everything over.

She rewind everything: Manik interest in girl is something she never thought of but dreamed to have for her, the way he is reacting for her, caring defending and protecting her made Hema rag more. Now Nandini is pregnant with son which is like more poison for her survival. Hema for first time cried. Cried for Manik

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