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Manik is sitting in lawn Nandini is besides him both are watching nature. "Yuvaraj can I ask you something which is too personal"
"Ask" He is watching her
"You married so many times I heard all reasons back of them but I want to know your story"
"Why??? Are jealous"
"May be" she blushed
He laughed
She looked at him "why are laughing?" She pouted
He again took her pout in his mouth "Yuvarajjjjjj"
"When ever you pout I will take them into my mouth"
She blushed
"Do what do you want to know?"
"Ok!!!! Hema father Raja Amar Singh you know him he hardcore animal, when I was kid he invaded our kingdom Raja ji won the battle so he proposed as token of his security by making us a relatives he made us marriage, both made agreement like I should never leave or hurt Hema and we should never invade his kingdom, same way Raja ji asked for water source in our sanded lands which he has so we got married, after marriage pandit said that she will be the reason of my fathers death having no option everyone tried to make her be humble and  be caring among all but she is cunning and rude by nature as her father that's about Hema. About our relation she drugged me thrice which are made up as my daughters I found it at third time I killed the one who gave her drug and warned her father if she ever drug me I will kill merciless. We had great arguments even had a war on it I won the war so he made Hema understand from then on I never entered her room nor she is allowed to mine. Only for public we are wife and husband

About Sudha she was reason for boundary on north west they gave me Sudha as alliance I have to agree she is stupid beauty conscious always she is beautiful but not attractive even by her character, I went to her now and then but she nags a lot which I hate that's why I stopped to go if I had to release stress I will try Sudha and Padmini. Padmini is stupid and always relay on other words easy to manipulate she married me fighting with her father she says she loves me but no she is just manipulated by some one that's it she is ok worth to go and have a night but same as Sudha always bugs me about one or the other thing so I always avoid going to all of them."

"What about choti rani?"
"Latha!!!!! She is most cunning she always shamelessly throws herself on me but I get irritated when I see her why I don't know till now I didn't touch her"
"About all other ranis?"
"They are just coccubinies I don't care nor touch them they agreed and married so I am not at fault it's their own fate"
"What is number of mine?"
"Aaa13 and among those Rani's you are fifth but in my heart you are alone"
"They fight?"
"Always but only my mothers take care of them I don't go in their fightings and they don't come to me"
"What if your mother or father won't agree me??"
"They will I know them and... my father gave me a promise when Latha was married to me that when ever I bring anyone as mine they all four will accept her with whole heart and even make her queen with me"
"Aaaaaa I don't not want the title it's always the right of first wife of yours"
"We will see now stop your boring questions and let us go for boating"
"Ok" she pout as he said boring questions Manik again took her pout in his mouth she blushed as always.

They both started boat riding no one is allowed. They both were enjoying the nature and having good time. They both rode faraway when they are returning back all of sudden a man from water came and attached Manik but Nandini took sword and stopped the man in nano second fighting started with that man and Nandini she is fighting like a pro Manik is enjoying her fighting as he is relaxed. When she was about to loose the sword Manik came back of her held her hand and started fighting just in two moves he killed that man. But he got little cut on his chest. Nandini started crying like a baby Manik smiled. They reached mahal she gave him laape on the wound which paste of some medicinal plant. She even gave him some turmeric milk.

Manik made soldiers search that man when they searched he found that the man was from enemy kingdom he ordered to send the body to that kingdom, they took the body away.

Manik raised the security of Nandini, he even installed some major requirements like thrones kept down the wall so that if any one jump from wall they will land directly on thrones which have poison in them so he will die for sure, he even asked soldiers to be alert all the time.

Manik made Nandini learn some more techniques in sword fight and also asked her to practice it daily so that she has to take care of her own. She agreed.

Manik when returned mahal he said about the attach to Raja ji he even informed about the measures he took for Nandini. Raja ji is happy for that.

Manik now visiting her daily how much late it might be but he is going to see her, their love making sessions became most steamy some time they tease each other some times they crave for each other some time they only make love but all time one thing is common ultimate goal if ever thing lead to love making.

Nandini even learning sword techniques from Manik he is all time romancing and teaching her the techniques. He is day by day loving Nandini more when he is seeing her simplicity dedication and caring for him. He now found the reality that all these years he was searching a women like Nandini in all his wives but at least he found her.

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