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When Nandini got permission to travel with Manik to her birthplace she became excited she packed all the required things and rechecked them twice.

Manik when returned to their room after all his works he found Nandini all excited about checking her belongings for travel, he got a naughty thought he smirked

He kept straight face and walked to her sent all dasis out and he made Nandini sit on his lap and creased her hair with care and said "nandu!!! You are not coming I have to go alone"
Nandini felt as if some has poured ice cold water on her, her face went pale and eyes started to watery she took a deep breath and calmed herself and smiled "its ok, I was just..... Pregnancy hormones that are playing" she just got up and walked to Manik.

Manik felt bad he hugged her tight and kissed her on the temple, " I thought you are a wise lady"
"what do you mean by that?" she asked in confusion
"I was pulling your leg but you just gave up already???"
Nandini looked at him confusion and observed him more clearly and when she got a hint of a mischievous smile she blushed and got a broad smile "you mean we are going?" with hope
Nandini smile grew big she hugged him more
"but.... What will I get in return?" he asked while placing his hands on her shoulders
"hukhum!!!! What you want????"
"same old thing"
She blushed "I am always yours"
"I know" he lifted her arms walked to the bedroom.

Next day early morning they started a journey early, along with Nandini some special dasis and an elderly lady who is experienced in deliveries so that she can take care of Nandini in this journey period.

To reach Jasmeer it may take three days, so Manik made all arrangements in course of the journey, he made frequent stops so that Nandini may not get any trouble while sitting in palanquin. When they stop at night to take rest Manik ordered workers to place tents ⛺️. Nandini prepared food for all the people with the help of dasis. She served everyone with her hands then she too had food

When they were in their own tent, Manik said to Nandini "before we reach village we have to change into common man get up so that we go to the root of the problem. In this condition I don't want you to take the risk to go along with all these people and relax in our allotted house and I will daily visit you"
"What is the need of it?" Nandini asked in confusion and sorrow
"Being a Yuvaraj and enquire about things will always get just some official information not the real problems nor truth so I always travel as common and stay for some time like a worker or small businessman and spend time with common people when I get to know the real problem then I will go to them as Yuvaraj to solve them"
"It's incredible and commendable that is the main reason people love you as Yuvaraj from the heart," she said with pride
"Acha!!!!!! But I love you madly"
She blushed, he hugged her tight and kissed her
"We shouldn't here all the soldiers are nearby and I don't want them to listen our make out sounds please" Nandini begged
"Can you sleep without that?" He challenged
She felt embarrassed "y yes I c can why not?" She made a strong face
Manik smirked raised his brows while playing with his tongue inside his mouth "Ok let us see"
"You better see" She is confident now.

After turning and twisting in bed trying to maintain sane both got frustrated "ok let us hug tight and sleep so that we can sleep fast" Manik suggested she happily nodded and hugged him tight Manik turned her back towards him and held her tight near his body so that her baby bump doesn't get any stress and he too can be held her really close.

When it was almost midnight Manik couldn't sleep and Nandini is also trying hard to sleep but it's always a bad try so both thought of taking a walk near river so that they can get sleep when they came out of tent Manik found guards are standing not near the tent but at some distance so that they won't disturb couple which made Manik smile he held Nandini hand turning back to tent tied the door of tent closed and kissing Nandini madly.

"We already wasted time let's just enjoy our routine so that we can sleep peacefully" She was about to say something he stopped her and started to remove his dress she blushed seeing his urgency when he is his all glory he removed her dress and started the bedtime game but without allowing her to moan or make any sound when they both satisfied both slept peacefully

Morning, when Manik got up, found Nandini in dasis dress arranging the things he got angry instantly "what the hell Nandini why are you dressed like dasi?"
She smiled "Hukum!!!! Did you forget we are going to the village as commoners?" She reminded
"Did you forget I said I am going and you will rest"
"You get to know men problems I will know ladies problems can't there be any ladies issues? And..... when you are working hard here I can't stay in Mahal alone away from you"
"Nandini why do you always argue and be this stubborn? You are travelling this long is this not sufficient you want to stress more??? Since from you are pregnant one or the other issues are coming and you are not even trying to take care of yourself nor our children in your womb I am fed up with you how many times I have say take care of yourself?"
"Then you take care of me by keeping me always beside you Hukum" she replied in the same tone
He ruffled his hair in frustration "all my wives are equally crazy and I am hopeless"
She giggled
"Don't you dare laugh" he warned
"No I didn't" she kept a stern face
His anger flew away his face soften "Nandu!!!! I want you to be safe happy always smile and be healthy"
"Hukum!!!! Did you see me happy when you are away from me???? I am unhappy when you are with me in any of the situations? Even when I am injured that badly I was very much happy in your presence why don't you understand? Place things surrounding can't make me happy only you can keep me always happy with your mere presence that's it. Just simple"

He huffed took her in lap "will you listen to me when you come with me? If say to stay away or keep yourself safe will you? Can you at least do that???? Look Nandu, I am the only son of my father and these are only heir of our whole kingdom whatever happens our heir should rule this country for that you should be healthy and safe when I am travelling like this I may face so many dangers, battlefield is best one we know the opponent strength and weakness but here we don't even know our enemy and they know our all weakness so I want to make sure that my father can't be all alone at last my son should give him hope to rule this country if I am not the....." Nandini closed his mouth with her hand tears flowing like the river
"I know and I understand I will promise I will keep your son safe and make them next heir of our country please never ever say this again" she hugged him and cried

Manik hugged rubbed her back softly "Ok stop crying and let me get ready" she got up he kissed her temple

Afternoon they reached the boundaries of village Nandini got tears all her childhood memories came back to her parents' siblings and cousins friends everyone. Manik felt her emotions as he hugged her by sideways both smiled hardly

Manik ordered his men that spread the news that Yuvaraj is nearby village he will come here is weak, and you people keep all our things in our residence they obeyed all dispersed

Manik and Nandini in common man get up entered the village.

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