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Latha is doing all things that pandit has said her to do for three months. She is fasting performing all puja and required things to do.

When everyone in the mahal came to know this all were happy as now she is busy with some things she won't bother them.

Hema is cunning but she won't show anything outside. She looks very soft very humble and always do all her duties perfectly so that no one put finger on her work but reality is she makes all them to make other didn't get ideas which she is thinking. So everyone thinks she best for Yuvaraj unless they come to see her reality.

Where as Latha is different she shows her cunningness and rudeness to all, she is new to mahal. It's been only few months back she came to mahal. She is always flaunting herself and her tag of being rani and wife of Manik

She is taking advantage of being Manik's wife. She only wants power, she want to become Manik's favourite wife and rule him so that he will listen to her every word, in that way she want to even become queen and sit besides him when he is been crowned

Manik is Manik he never touched her or try to mark her, on his very first night which was arranged in her parents house she came in with so many dreams but Manik just called her parents and said that " he is not interested in all this dramas it is you who forced to marry but can't force to sleep with her I am leaving to my mahal, send your daughter when you feel like sending good night" he left for journey without listening to anyone's words.

From that day on she is trying all ways and all means to make Manik hers but it's like impossible task. Now he is staying most of the time with a lady who can give him son fuck her day and night made her furious.

Hema felt this situation funny, she knows Manik very well, he is not interested in any women she is sure that he didn't even touched the lady who has been appointed as his mistress to give birth to a son, she knows Manik wants a son some where he can try but..,,, sleeping with her day and night is impossible as he is not fascinated by sex as usually men do.

Hema was the one who had the first experience of him, after her marriage Manik as gone for training when he returned she expected that Manik out of young blood comes to her be his slave but to her surprise he hated her behaviour rather than loving her body, she got angry, she ordered for a drug from her mother's place to make him sleep with her so that once his body get Addicted he will be with her but that too failed he fucked her but no where he is affected by it, he felt disgusted and even started hating himself which made Hema frown news is she got pregnant, she expected now he will at least care her, but no he was just concerned about his baby nothing else so she again tried twice again Manik got suspessious he confronted her

So much drama happened war happened between family he abounded Hema forever, this all happened when she was second time pregnant but her fate didn't changed. She even some times doubt that is he impotent?

Now coming to point, seeing Latha desperate she got some new ideas she want to play with her and her emotions, she want to see Manik anger again she want make him irritated again and again as he is wasting his youth just by banning her. She felt more furious when he made his other two wives pregnant without any efforts of them, she started hating him and want to prove to world that he is impotent, and having son for him is last thing she wanted for Manik.

She want to chase Manik and find that sinter and kill her but she don't want to get involved either so she want Latha to do that in her this curiosity anger frustration and also lust. So that after effects of her work will be only for Latha to get punished no where she will be involved. She is concerned.

Hema came to Latha room, she want to just provoke her and make her go after Manik more and more. She want to irritate Manik, give him more haterate, so she came with big smile and dasi who is caring some dress jewellery fruits and flowers.

Seeing Hema in her Latha first frown then composed and invited her in
"In this seven months it's first time you are visiting me it's really a pleasant surprise" Latha said with smile on face and sarcasm in tone
Hema smiled hugged her "choti!!!! You should be one to visit me first after you come here still I waited for seven months patiently so I came to you at least I should the generosity of being elder and queen"
Latha clutched her saree tight when she said queen, Hema noticed it smiled more
"Anyway!!!! Being elder I came to gift you and even want to thank you"
Latha confuses "Thanks for What?"
"I heard you are doing puja for three months which hukum asked do?"
"Yes I am doing" she said proudly
"That's it!! Hukum want son he want you to pray for him to have a son, may be with lower class lady, if you pray that boy may get best qualities of hukum, so I came here to thank you as his wife I came on behave of him"
Latha is now furious "never in my dreams I thought this might be the reason" she said fisting her hand into ball
"Hukum loves you I think he might give you the son also and make his mother as we all have one daughter at least I know I have two but you childless I heard you are untouched so you don't have choice of having one mostly son according to pandit so you might get that son you are lucky, See May be he has half blood of low class half will be hukum blood and I think you will become best mother all the best choti, anyhow I have work you take good care don't forget praying for our husband bye" she got up hugged some where deep in her thoughts lost Latha smiled and went away

Latha started thinking

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