Her wish

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When in morning Manik got up, Nandini is already got ready and made all arrangements for Manik to get ready, he took his towel and went to the bath and got ready to puja both walked

When Rajaji saw Manik he is very happy and excited he hugged him with happiness "why didn't anyone informed me that you came back from the war I would have arranged a grand welcome for you" he said with happiness
" I came at midnight so I couldn't disturb you all"
"yuvaraj!!! At least we would have done arthi you returned from the war" badima said with a pout
"your Choti Bahu did arthi when I returned."
"bahu you know he is coming still you didn't inform us?" she angry now along two other ranis
"when hukum bodyguard came back you all slept and hukum ordered him not to inform anyone in the Mahal I thought it might be something which I shouldn't reveal so I couldn't," she said in a soft voice
" I want to surprise you all" Manik said
"I have some many complaints in your wife yuvaraj, she is stubborn. She didn't listen to my words she always slept down ate so less food and always wearing those dull dress as if no one in this Mahal is present I warned her still she didn't listen to me" masa complained
Manik with a stern face asked, "what punishment should I give her ma sa?"
"give her thrice food and don't allow her to step out of bed and you will see this personally"
"ok ma sa I will," Manik said
Nandini pouted
After puja when they reached their room Manik ordered dasi to bring food for Nandini she brought which is all Manik's favourite. Manik made her sit on his lap and started feeding her while he is having food
"so you were reckless as usual?" his voice is cold and angry
"no I was a good girl as always" she pouted
This time he didn't take her pout in his mouth but kept steel face " I said you should be healthy and take the best care of yourself but you didn't listen so from today on you will sleep away...." Nandini closed Manik's mouth with her palm her eyes filled with tears
"never ever say that whatever punishment you want you can give me send me to the dungeon beat me whatever but don't say that we had so many days away from each other already not again I will die if so" she begged with tears
Manik is numb he removed her hand pressed her to himself harder "I promise" he said and took her lips into his mouth and started to kiss fascinatingly she moaned inside his mouth

Manik couldn't control more he lifted her took her to the bedroom closed door removed her blouse with one go and started smooching her boobs while sucking her lips.

When he satisfied he removed her lehenga and checked her naked body her belly started showing up and her body became sexier he touched the belly softly kissed it with pure bliss then came to face "you look so beautiful with this swollen belly and when I feel I am the reason for it makes you sexier more" he kissed again she blushed hard

He slowly entered her without keeping any weight on her, she gasped and tingles and goosebumps started as it felt after so many years she is feeling him inside her. Manik smirked and started to move slowly, he took almost an hour to pleasure her and himself she is totally exhausted he made her sleep and covered with a duvet. He again took a bath changed into the presentable dress as he has to report himself in assembly and give the report of war.

Manik while leaving he kissed Nandini forehead and whispered to sleep well and came out closed the door ordered dasis not to disturb her till she wakes up and strict orders not to enter the room and walked away.

In assembly after the war discussion, the king announced about Nandini's request about widows and military servicemen alliances, he also informed that it's his choti bahu's first request. Manik felt proud of the ideas he voted positively as all agreed too, finally, the two laws emerged which Nandini suggested

After that, the king and other people discussed other issues which are important among them some are very important. Among some villages, people are going against the king which is not a good sign so Manik felt that he personally has to visit those place and check the king agreed.

When Nandini woke up already noon, she found herself naked which made her panic a little then blushed to remember the make-out which made her more content she got to freshen up then dressed well and came out enquired about Manik then walked to the kitchen she checked the food items.

At lunch, Manik and king were busy in some discussion so Manik couldn't talk to Nandini. When it is almost night Manik came to his room Nandini is reading Ramayan. He got fresh up and did puja then came to Nandini took her in his lap
"did you sleep well?"
"yes" she blushed
"Nandu!!!!! I need to go to some villages as they are going on the revolt against kingdom I need to go and make the situation best and come back I know I just came from war and now going back I too want to stay with you always but duty is first" he is watching her expression carefully
She nodded as yes "which village?"
She gasped
Manik looked at her with a frown
"jasmeer!???? Is it my village? No the people there are devotees of you they can't be like this"
"for three months we are getting complaints"
"how is it possible maybe some miss communication happened between government and people, you should visit once can I come with you I want to see all my childhood once again?" she had tears
Manik is worried about her health and safety he started thinking as he doesn't want to disappoint her as she asked something for her sake for the first time he kissed her temple "but...... You see it's an almost fifth month you look filled up you are carrying twins and you don't take proper care of yourself I know if I go you do same ok I will ask father permission and if mothers object???? Ok I will try my best"

Nandini with excitement kissed his cheek. Manik dragged her more to himself and started kissing her back with the full passion he started playing with her body he was disturbed by dasi she reminded them as its dinner time Manik got frustrated but having no choice got up hugged her tight and kissed her once again then both walked to the dining hall.

Manik raised the topic of taking Nandini with him to jasmeer all objected
"father, it's the first time after our marriage she asked me something for herself, she never asked me about any craving as all pregnant ladies ask which I don't want to deny we should consider her wish after all it's her birthplace and she did not visit it after her family death"
All three ranis and king unwillingly accepted the wish with so many instructions and warnings.

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