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War started.

Nandini is silent all the while. She is just doing her duties the charm the crispy smile and attractive glow on her face is not at all nearby her now.

Badima and ma both are taking care of Nandini but she is not at all showing any interest in any work or even in her health. All time she is busy either with her knitting or writing the accounts nothing much she barely sleeps.

Here in battle field Manik sent a group of people to talk to them for peace so that they can avoid killing people but the rivals disagreed which made Manik anger rose to peeks. He had glimpses of Nandini limp body which he carried to forest and he begging the old lady to save her. Even the screams which Nandini go on keeping till she was ok.

Manik made a war plan engaged people to prepare for war and even made all arrangements rechecked them. He doesn't want to loose his worriers in large numbers so Manik made such plan of war that few members can make it win and he is one leading the few people.

Manik when completed all his work and came to a tent to take rest of his heart and mind was full of Nandini thoughts. He knew that how she will spend her days when he is away. He is still shocked that why she doesn't take care of herself when he is away as other wives of his?
"Nandu!!!!! I hope this time because our children you take proper care of yourself, unlike other days. I know you are stubborn than me when it comes in rituals and heart what shall I do with the girl?" He all of sudden felt restless. He called his messenger bird and wrote a letter to Nandini and sent it.

Here in Mahal, Nandini was in the balcony watching sky think about the war which starts tomorrow. Manik's messenger bird came, she smiled widely and took the bird cresses his head with love gave it food and water then started reading

I hope your taking best care of yourself, I want you to look ravishing when I return mostly healthy and fit so that I can make love to you all day in spite if you pregnant.
Don't worry if me. It's common I will come soon
Was written she smiled and sat before writing table and wrote
Don't worry about me take care of yourself I am at best
Think about my suggestion once
She gave it to messenger bird and asked him to fly away to Manik
Manik read it and smiled weakly.

Everywhere are dead people bodies, blood and blood all ladies crying seeing their loved ones dead bodies, they are screaming some lost son, some lost husband, some lost fathers, some brothers. They all are cursing Manik for this destruction some are given fire. Some families even don't have money to give them fire or don't have an heir to give fire to the dead body.
All ladies in white saree pale faces and shattered luck and crying are seen.

Nandini got up from her sleep with a scream. The above all were seen by her in a dream which made her difficult to breathe she is struggling to consume oxygen she started huffing. Dasi came running to Nandini, gave her water and rubbed her back after five minutes she became normal but she is so scared of closing her eyes.

Till morning she started to read Ramayana to make herself calm and peaceful. When it's morning she completed her daily works and went to the puja room after puja she bent down in front of the king "father I want to ask something"
King asked to stand up "ask me, it's first time you want something I will grant you whatever you want"
"Father!!!! I had a nightmare last night all ladies who lost their loved ones are cursing hukum which made my heart feel numb when we can't avoid war can we at least arrange an ashram for the widows' children and parents who are left back without any source of living???? We can give them work like cooking for servants dasis guards and even use them to plant medicinal plants, even make them work under doctors for so many injured people serving, and we can pay back for work they do so that they can survive and even support children and old in-laws"
Raja Ji is mesmerised by the idea, all his wives also felt happy "Sure beti!!!!! I will make it happen as soon as possible"
"If we can make a special incriminates to soldiers and their families like their children can be appointed in our political or military services in first priority, and even after the death of any soldier his family will get some amount of land so that they can survive on it"
"I will discuss with everyone in assembly I liked it, this makes people encouragement to join military and guards duty. I liked the idea"
When Rajaji left she walked to badima "MAsa!!!!! Can I go to a temple and distribute sindhoor and turmeric among ladies.?"
"You can But, take help of dasi and take care of your health and mostly be happy when Yuvaraj returns he will not be happy when he sees you like this so be presentable and happy"
"MA!!!! When hukum is not in mahal I can't be presentable, when he is back I will make myself presentable"
"You are Royal bahu Nandini here our mood or circumstance should affect our appearance as people look at us and feel about their future if you go like this to temple they will think that at war Yuvaraj is in tough time so be happy beautiful and distribute some gold coins among poor and even make people have food"
"Ok MA sa!!!"
"Nandini! We royals have to keep everything buried in heart and be always best to people see Manik he is having hell at mahal still he is ideal for many people around the world being his wife you to learn that from him"
"Sure MA sa"
Nandini bowed in front of her and came to her room, got ready took required things and started to temple.
It's lord Vishnu temple, she made puja and gave offers to temple and god then made arrangements to supply food for pilgrims and devotees, she distributed sindhoor turmeric and flowers to all the ladies and then gave poor money blankets and food.

Manik, when got up in the morning war preparation, is going he got fresh up dressed up and went to the war area. War started, it is already one-sided war as Manik's warriors are double in the number to the opponent and Manik's war strategy is much advanced and takes less time and to reach the target in a very narrow way, Manik he himself started fighting with the king of pithouri Manik within no time defeated the king and made war win, he killed the king and took the kingdom to himself and even made all the warriors and guards to surrender to him. All did when he made minister to take control of everything after the war and he asked all the king's family to go to their mother's place asking as the only son who is just three years old Manik he himself made all required arrangements and even apologize to kings wife and kept his point of view in killing the king she with heavy heart accepted his apology and thanked him for making her and her son go along with all the gold, money and horses elephants and dasis.

After making everything settled Manik made minister look after other things and started his journey to Mahal. He desperately wants to see Nandini, he already sent the need of a win and even sent away his worries back so that they can take rest and be with families happily. When he returned back it was almost midnight. He made his horse eat and drink water when he came inside Mahal.

All mahal is dark everyone except guards are sleeping but his room is not dark when he was about to come in, Nandini is ready with arthi thali she is dressed up like a new bride in a red lehenga full hand bangles, flowers jewellery and most important the smile she is carrying on lips. Ge wants to globe her but stopped himself she did arthi and touched his feet made him eat sweets and welcomed him happily he just lifted her in arms while she held arthi thali carefully and he with a broad smile took her to his room which is lighted with diyas and decorated neatly he placed her safely on the bed "how do you know I am coming home?"
"I felt it and....... Your bodyguard said when I insisted "
"so you are spying on me?"
" no, I was desperate to see you that's all"
He smiled took her in a hug then kissed her with so much love. She removed her dupatta and jewellery and took Manik to wash area made him take a bath and she brought him food and she made him eat well and gave him milk and paan he went felt relaxed and happy he took her in his lap and asked "how are you? Did you take good care of yourself"
"yes hukum see I am fit and fine"
"well let's have our war now" he made her sleep on the bed and kissing her body with passion and lust she missed him so much. He too did

Guys sorry for the very late update

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