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Nandini is waiting for Manik and all men who went to fight back. She is even worried about ladies who are helping them. She know that Manik can turn tables within no time but still she is worried.

Since from the day he entered this village Manik is very much worried and tensed, he is for first sorry, he thinks his own failure which made Nandini worry more. About ladies as it is she who trained them so she worried that they are doing well or not.

Nandini want to go with them but Manik warned her not to step out of the house, she even remembered how mothers warned her to take care of herself. And she too felt that she can be only burden nothing more than that so she stepped back.

Manik is not eating well, nor sleeping well every moment he is either thinking or worried. Nandini too effected with him, she is unwillingly have food night time without Manik's naughty acts and hugs she is unable to sleep well and total day time she is busy with training and cooking.

Nandini is roaming in hall waiting for Manik. Her chachi and bhabhi ask her to take rest but she is no where listening to them. Manik only can make her calm down. She is just watching the front door.

Here Manik ordered his men to take Samanth to king, he then ordered all the soldiers to have food go, so he walked with them. When they reached Nandini came to front door running while her Bhabhi held her safely stopping her from running
"Hukum!!!! You are alright??? Is everything ok? Nandini asked when she came to Manik
"Rani sa!!!! Look at yourself why you always run?"
Nandini least bothered about herself "Samanth didn't do any stupid things as before?"
"No!!!! We all did it we won"
Nandini smiled and hugged him happily Manik moved uneasily, Nandini felt irritated
"Rani sa these are some soldiers they need food can you arrange?"
"Yes Hukum" Nandini felt embarrassed she left Manik and made her pallu straight and covered her face. She walked back to kitchen.

Manik gave some leaves and asked dasi to grind them to treat the scared which he gave to soldiers. They grinned and gave that to soldiers. They took it and applied it one their wounds.

Manik took bath, performed puja, he then, walked to soldiers understand the situation totally, then he enquired about their village and its condition and problems. They explained that their Samanth is a wise man, he is very polite to people. Manik felt happy.

Manik send his messenger bird with a letter to king to inform the situation and his decision of making Nandini's Chachu as next Samanth. He even gave detail description of people leaving here. He also informed about Nandini being healthy.

Nandini after preparing food she made dasis serve all the soldiers and she brought food for Manik. After two months today she brought him thali and with all varieties for food. Manik smiled seeing Nandini happy face.

While eating Manik explained about the total fight and Samanth getting punishment too. She smiled widely.
"I should appreciate that your training worked well, all ladies were very much helpful"
"They were good, they all learned quickly" Nandini said with broad smile
"So your trick actually worked" Manik said with smirk
Nandini blushed "Yes it worked"
Manik felt an urge to eat her up but he maintained his sanity.

When everyone finished their food, they apologised once again and took leave to go back to their village. Manik accepted their apology and warned them to know the situation before act and sent them away.

Manik made sure that took proper food. Till night there where so many works to complete for Manik. He completed them and came back early. When it was dinner time, Manik announced they will go back in two days.

Nandini is happy and sad too. She didn't go to her house as things pulled by in dirty way. She happy that major problem is solved. Manik looked at her and kept silent.

When both are in their room, Manik asked "Nandu what happened why are you sad?"
"I want to see my house spend some time at least one day with all those childhood memories"
Manik hugged her and made her sit properly. "I knew that, I made that house cleaned up properly, tomorrow we will spend there and then we will go back to our home is it ok?"
Nandini like a small kid hugged him back with happiness.

Next day was new day for all village, an independence from the evil they suffer from last five years. Manik called for a meeting all village came to river bank.

"As you all know that Samanth has been arrested I want to appoint a new Samanth, did you people have any one in mind that we can appoint as you people want" Manik asked public.
Maximum people suggested Nandini's chachu
Manik smiled broadly as he too want him to be new Samanth. But he refused saying he is just bhramin he don't know about ruling. Manik insisted and explained his duties. Manik even appointed new gang of ministers to him who will help him in making village a best one as before. Manik made Nandini's chachu as new Samanth and gave him proper guidance.

Manik and Nandini came to Nandini's house. It is cleaned Nandini felt so emotional. All her memories came back. Her brothers, mother and father words her fight with brothers her mother warnings, her father's teachings All came as a moving motion in front of her eyes.

Nandini cried for sometime. Manik just held her near heart and let her cry, he knows that she needs to let this emotional trauma should be let out so that she feels light.

After crying she washed her face and started to show all her childhood memories to Manik how she learned sword, how she learned making arrows, her skills in kitchen how she improved with the help of her mother, she even showed her room. Her belongings

Manik found childishness in Nandini for first time, he loved it a lot. He slowly dragged her to himself and kissed her passionately. Nandini bit taken back by his action but then gave totally to him kissing back. He loved her reaction. Both enjoyed kiss after a long time, without any tension any stress.

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