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Manik is not happy with the fight between Hema and Nandini it's not about doubt or any kind of silly reasons he doesn't want Nandini to be involved in any kind of issues in mahal.

Things became complicates out of hands and outraged he doesn't want Nandini to be in all these. The life they had at seaside mahal or at tribal area was best no issues not fuss just amazing company of each other and happiness around them

Inspite of he being a rude arrogant man her charm her calmness and smile made an aura around her which makes other to think about her in and only positive. She is spice of his boring and hectic life and he don't want her to loose that aura of her.

Nandini here is ashamed of herself this fight now is between whom? Two daughter in laws of King what trend does this make among people outside and about Yuvaraj!!!! Both are his wives especially whom can he make him a man when one looses and been send out of country how will he be normal???? Everyone outside country and inside country speaks about them and taunts Manik saying nayi dulhan had kicked soon to be queen out side out of her insecurities and desires to become queen.

Nandini became vulnerable she went in search of Manik as it is almost night and Manik didn't show up till now. When she found him in stable, playing with his horse.
"Pranam hukum!!!" She said in soft voice
Manik dismissed Dasi and other guards made her sit in his lap
"what have I dragged myself into????? I am sorry hukum I was totally insane when I did it I was not thinking straight how can I fix it?"
"Now you regret?" He asked in amusement
" Yes, I do"
"but..... I want this Nandini frankly speaking I want this...... I know how much damage it will cause for your own reputation and pride still I want this to happen and I want you to win this at any cost..... For me for family and for kingdom..... I want to show everyone that you are my best choice can you do this for me?"
"Yes if not you I have to do it in very harsh way which leads to so much destruction and make me regret for ages because war is the only solution I have for this"
"no hukum never war is a solution for anything it is the problem of everything I will go for it if you really want me to do so"
"Yes but take best care of yourself Nandini I want my heir no doubted but I want you more than anything and I am obsessed with your soft silky body I don't want you to get little hurt"
"how much trained is di?"
"Well she is rajput she know things well and she got trained well I will say it won't be a easy match she is best attacking"
Nandini smiled
"why are you smiling?"
"My father used to always attack on me along with bhai I never tried of attacking I am always best at defence so it works now I hope so"
"good do practice with me once you can make things easy"
"come on let's go to bed and have our game"
"hukum shall I ask you some personal?"
"why are you so attractive to me? Till now I don't remember a day without making out when you are with me why so?"
"I don't know the first time when I had you, you made me feel so relax happy and content it was never just sex though I was angry on you for accepting such offer.... Wait let me ask this everything I am forgetting know you from these many days I am sure that you are not with me because of my father or pandit or any other thing and I even know that you can defend your self even by words then how come you landed with me???"
Nandini composed herself she got up played with her fingers for a moments pussed her lips Manik is patiently waiting for her answer

She took deep breath looked at him and said "you was the one who saw me all naked having no choice I had to come as you only have right on my body"
"what does that mean??? Why will I see you naked? I never did such things and you are throwing indecent allegation how????" Manik voice raised
Nandini pussed her lips and closed her eyes "hukum!!!! When I lost my parents on that day when three men were forcing on me they made me naked and almost having me you killed them all I was their all naked infront of you then you throw me your turban I wrapped it around my body you made me feel good then brought a dress for me from near by village and asked me where should you leave me I rejected to go back so you sent me to madhurai" she said in one go
Manik dragged her pinned her to his horse harshly "they saw you naked? How dare???? I will kill them" Manik eyes are blood red and anger is on head
"you already killed them"
Manik looked at confused then stood close to her then hugged her "so I saw you naked on that day?"
"truly speaking I didn't see you nor remembered, you were just a citizen of country whom I should protect"
"that is the main reason I obeyed for this"
"anyways let's go in, did you eat well? I know eat with all of them can make some what awkward but you have to eat well and take care from now on we will make sure you take good care of yourself"
Nandini nodded

When they reached their room Dasi brought milk some fruits and pann.
Nandini was about to cut the mango Manik took it squeezed it hard on her lips few drops of juice fell on her lips Manik instantly started sucking her lips while drinking juice she giggled and she too sip the juice from her lips
Manik removed her dupatta and poured juice on her clevage she gasped "hukum!!!" She tried to stop him to touch but Manik took her both hands made them back of her waist held them with one hand she moaned he slowly started sacking juice and licked it with his tongue tip she started to bend her head to cover but Manik took her chin in hand made it up and started to do more lazily "hukum....." She is breathing heavily Manik left her hands tored her blouse she screamed in shock he made her sleep on bed and squeezed all the juice on her both breast then on her naval he throw the fruit and attacked her body she is moaning badly he is sucking nippels like hungry beast till all juice is been drained of he removed her skirt and he too became naked hovered over her placed himself at entrance and jerked in
"you always make me hungry and wanted I always become a beast when it's you"
"hukum!!!!!" She moaned more as he is giving her hard thrust without putting weight on her body. She is shivering in pleasure.
When Manik gave her total pleasure and reached climax both started patting "you know that you looking amazing when you climax"
She blushed
"don't blush I may get hard again she pouted he took her lips in his mouth again
"you pout only to make me suck your lips I know" he teased
"no hukum you always want an opportunity to suck my lips"
"Yes they are pulpy cute soft"
Nandini touched his lips" they are soft cotton soft" she said she pecked his lips he kissed her more
Both slept in each other arms

When in the morning they were in puja room pandit brought some threads for Manik and Nandini so that the baby will get strengthen.
After her all works like cooking and setting her room neat she walked to ground for practice but guards stopped her
"badibahu rani is practicing so you can't go in choti bahurani sa" guard explained
Nandini back off while coming back to room her Dasi said "you should have gone inside guard can't do anything bahurani sa"
"no she is elder and she is senior here we should give her respect and no need to do so let's go" Nandini walked into her room she took her own sword and went to balcony and started to practice. Dasi went out.

When Manik came for lunch she was seriously practicing Manik took his sword and went to have a game with her. Nandini when saw Manik she frowned and was about to stop Manik instigated with sword to fight back she looked at him a moment then she too started.

Manik at starting thought of just playing around but when she is moving her sword with very easy and her moves especially very sharp and contradictory which he almost forgot to use. He took almost energy to copeup with her.

Nandini had practiced her whole life her father was very strict when it comes to learning every move he reached made a remarkable mark in her mind as he made her practice for hours sometimes in a day

Her father used to say "never try to make other think you are weak just give them a glimpse of your bravery they start to make some mistakes which can be grabbed and get won. Same time never underestimate your opponent, his strength is his weakness understand it every battle is first fought in your mind then on ground his one move gives you further seven moves access so take it as your smart essential and give them check."

Nandini just did the same when Manik was using his strength on her she just turned the sword and shifted to his side which made Manik strength weaken and loosen his grip on sword she took opportunity and made her sword on his neck. Manik shocked startled amused and astonished

"it's been ages I have seen my defeat it's..... Really..... Appreciate able how did you do?"
Nandini explained he did again she did the same once again Manik now got idea what she done so he defended and started to fight but she is at very easy playing with sword.

Manik after an hour of practice stopped her to have food. Both fresher up and walked to dinning area.

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