Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey y'all! Updating before exams eat me up alive! Got five exams to write day after another. Praying that I pass, lol!

Anyway, Happy Reading :)
Chapter 5

Chloe rushed through the hallways, bumping into people here and there. She was literally running from one side of the building to the other. She turned around the corner and sighed in relief when she had spotted Jared shoving books in his locker.

"Jared!" She panted. "I'm so glad you're still here."

"Hey, Chloe." He halted to glance at her. "What's up?" He asked as he continued to shove his textbooks in his locker.

"You're going to work today, right?"

"Yeah, my shift starts in half an hour."

"Great! Will you do me a favour and possibly hand this resumé to your manager?" She asked, handing him a brown folder, which he assumed held her resumé.

Jared stared at it in confusion and waited for her to further explain herself, yet she remained silent. "What?" He blinked in flabbergast.

"Please, hand my resumé in." She nonchalantly repeated and Jared raised a brow at her.

"You do realize that there's a chance you'll be getting an interview and possibly the job, right? That means you'll have to work, Chloe. Work." He said as if she was stupid enough to get herself into something that she didn't know of.

"Yes, Jared. I am fully aware that getting a job does require me to work." She retorted and shoved the folder towards him. "Now will you please take the damn resumé and give it to your manager?" She snapped with gritted teeth, offended by what he was implying. She wasn't a princess and she, for sure, wasn't a brat. She really wanted to prove to people like him that she could do it. That she could get a job, work, and earn herself some cash.

Jared stared at her in fright and rapidly grabbed the folder from her grasp. "Geez, you're scary when you're snappy." He murmured under his breath but she could fully understand every word that came out of his mouth.

She playfully rolled her eyes and sighed. "Thank you." She calmly told him.

"Are you sure about this though? You really wanna work?" He questioned one last time as he shut his locker closed and locked it.

"I'm a hundred-and-one percent sure." She assured him. "I just thought that maybe, by getting a job, I can finally have something going on for me. I mean, you have your music, Jane has her law school, Pia with her modelling and fashion designing, and Liam with his summer training for their family business. Everyone seem to know exactly what they want to do, except me. I just - I just feel like I need to do something and find what I like to do, you know?"

Jared nodded his head in comprehension. "Yeah, I got'cha. Well, I will support you all the way then."

"Thank you, Jared! If I get this job, we'll go out for some ice cream. My treat, of course!" She promised and he smiled at her cuteness.

"Alright, alright. That's a deal then. I better go though, or else I'm gonna be late." He announced.

"Of course, of course, go on ahead. Thank you again!" She repeated for the millionth time. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya!" Jared waved goodbye and headed towards the doors.

~ * ~ * ~

"Guess what came through the mail this morning?" Pearson excitedly asked as he waved a folder in front of Ace's face while he was jotting down notes for their project. They were currently at the café working on their Chemistry project. The café was their usual hang-out place and it became their safe haven.

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