Chapter 27

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A/N: Here it is, guys! Another lengthy chapter for y'all. 

Happy reading :)


Chapter 27

Chloe felt so nervous that she thought she was about to throw up. Her palms were sweating and she couldn't stop herself from bitting the corner of her bottom lip in anxiousness, that it had started to bleed. Her stomach had butterflies swarming all over it and it wasn't the greatest feeling. It was as if her stomach was doing a somersault within her. 

"Will you stop doing that? Your lip is already bleeding." Jared commanded while handing her a tissue to wipe the blood away. 

"I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous. I don't know how you do this." She stated as she wiped the blood off of her bruising lip. 

Jared chuckled and sat on the stool next to her. There were currently at the school auditorium where the music festival was being held. It wasn't just for their school, it was more of a collaboration between schools all over their region. Every school have at least two to three participants who will represent their school and perform. It was a day filled with talented musicians and there were a few important people from the music industry who would be attending. One of them being Tom Gascon, the director of Crowell's University and Jared really hoped that he liked their performance. 

"I'm a musician, Chloe. Performing is what I do for a living." He said. "Besides, we'll only be performing for a good five minutes. It's not like we'll be up there for two hours and have a concert." 

"I know. I just can't help but think that I'm going to somehow mess up and screw this up for you." She anxiously told him. 

"Hey, Chlo, listen to me." He sternly muttered, gently holding her by the shoulders to keep her gaze on him. "You're not gonna mess up or screw anything up. We've practiced a lot and rehearsed, and in all those times, you were amazing. And I am a hundred percent certain that you will be incredible tonight. So stop worrying and just breathe. When we go up there, just imagine that it's just the two of us in the music room practicing. Trust me, they'll love you." He assured her, managing to calm her nerves. Jared had always been good at calming her down. And Chloe will be forever thankful of him. 

Chloe took a deep breath in and loudly exhaled out. "I can do this. We can do this." She muttered, earning an encouraging grin from Jared.

"That's the spirit! We'll be just fine, believe me." He promised as the emcees made their way to the stage, indicating that the program was about to start. 

~ * ~ * ~

Ten performance later and it was now Jared and Chloe's turn to perform. Chloe sat on the stool next to Jared and took the cylinder percussion she was going to use. Jared shot her a reassuring smile and nodded his head once as if asking her if she was ready. Chloe took one last deep breath before cueing him to start. Jared then started to play the guitar and sing.  

"It is that smile, that seems to take the ache and pain away

That pushes me to live my life today

That brings me bliss and joy"

The next stanza, it was Chloe's turn to sing and the people were anticipating to hear her sing. It was the first time she was going to sing in public and many of the students were excited to finally hear her performance. 

"It's in those eyes, I see my future in the brightest way

There's nothing left for me to do but say,

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