Chapter 33

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A/N: Hey, I'm alive! I apologize for the late update. School and work have been beating me up lately. But all is good!

Happy reading :)
Chapter 33

"Thanks again for watching the kids, Chlo." Kelsey gratefully thanked her sister who was carrying Khylie in her arms.

"Don't mention it. The kids are going to have so much fun with Auntie Chloe, aren't we?" She said while giving Khylie a little poke on the nose and the child let out a little giggle in glee.

"I left the twins' bag in the kitchen with their milk and spare clothes. Ems and Kaycee left theirs in my old room upstairs." Kelsey informed her.

"Alright, Kels. You should get moving or you won't have much time to get ready for the ball." Chloe stated, giving Kelsey a little push on the arm.

"Fine, fine, fine. I'll go. Bye, sweetheart." She said as she placed a peck on Khylie's head. She then did the same thing to Melanie who was in Lynn's arms and bid Ems and Kaycee goodbye before darting towards the doors to leave.

"What time is Uncle Ace getting here by?" Ems asked in boredom as he sat on the kitchen stool with his head resting on his hands.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon. Why don't we hang out by the backyard and enjoy the weather, mhm?" Chloe suggested while she sauntered towards the backyard with the kids in tow.

After half an hour of Chloe trying to get Ems and Kaycee to play, she finally gave up, defeated by the power of technology. Kaycee had been on her iPad since they had decided to chill at the backyard while Ems had been on his phone. She tried to encourage them to play and would have played with them herself if she didn't have to keep an eye on the twins who were running around the backyard, trying to climb on stuff or eat some grass.

"Hey!" Chloe heard Kaycee and Ems both scream in protest, making her turn around to see what was happening. She then saw Ace holding onto Kaycee's iPad and Ems' phone at either hand.

"Aren't we suppose to be hanging out and having fun?" Ace raised an eyebrow at the two.

"I was having fun until you took my iPad away." Kaycee sassily remarked, earning a flick on the forehead from Ace. She hissed in pain and furiously rubbed her forehead to soothe the sting.

"Don't give me that attitude, Kaycee. I'm not as nice as your parents." He sarcastically smiled at her and handed Lynn the kids' gadget to bring inside the house. "C'mon, I'll teach you what real fun is all about." He dragged the two towards the small basketball court in their backyard and passed Ems the ball.

"First to get 21 points win. Whoever loses gets sprayed with a hose." Ace informed the two and Kaycee quickly snatched the ball from Ems' hands and shoot it, earning herself a point.

"Hey, the game hasn't started yet." Ems protested but Kaycee only stuck her tongue out at him in mockery.

"C'mon bud, where's your skills at?" Ace teased his nephew who sprinted towards the ball and tried to show off his moves but Kaycee was quick and guarded him.

Soon enough, they were sweating and panting. Ace was the first to win while the siblings battled it out. By the end of the game, Kaycee ended up losing.

"Do I really have to go through this?" She groaned, getting ready to shield her face with her hands as Ace took a hold of the hose and faced it straight at her.

"That's what you get for cheating." Ems mocked her as Kaycee made snarky faces at him.

Before Kaycee knew it, she was being sprayed with cold water. She squealed and giggled as she started jumping and running around the backyard with Ace in tow. After a good minute of running around like a maniac, Ace then faced the hose to Ems, who was taken off guard by the cold water hitting his skin.

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