Chapter 26

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A/N: Update time, everybody! Happy reading :)
Chapter 26

Ace had managed to sit through dinner without having to speak with Chloe at all. He could also tell that she felt awkward being around him and hadn't really spoken a word to him. He knew he should feel relieved that she was also avoiding him, but why did he feel a little disappointed that she wasn't trying to talk to him or fix things between the two of them? He wasn't used to not having her bug the hell out of him whenever they get into little fights in order to make up. He guessed he really messed up this time.

"So have you decided yet?" Kyle asked him as he handed Ace a glass of orange juice while he took a sip of his red wine. He knew his little brother was driving home so he didn't bother offering him some alcohol.

"No, I honestly don't know what to do." He truthfully told his brother before he took a sip of the juice Kyle had given him. They were currently talking at the balcony of his condo and the night view was pretty amazing. The warmish breeze indicated that summer was just around the corner although it was still pretty cool at night.

"It should be easier now, shouldn't it? I mean, now you have more reasons why you should go to Yale and move to Connecticut." Kyle pointed out as if it was the easiest decision on earth.

"Are you telling me to go?" Ace asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah, I guess so." He nonchalantly shrugged. "Be honest with me, Ace. Aside from here being your home, what else is holding you back from going anywhere else?"

Ace was afraid he was going to ask that. He wasn't ready to tell his brother about his feelings for Chloe just yet. But he knew he had to tell Kyle sooner or later anyway. He just didn't know if now was the right time to tell him, especially not after what happened between him and Chloe two weeks ago.

"Is it that girl you were telling me about?" Kyle persisted when he didn't get a reply from Ace right away. "Is she the reason why you don't wanna leave?" He added.

Ace heaved out a sigh and took another sip of his orange juice to calm his nerves down. Ace was afraid that Kyle had hit it spot on. Chloe was a big reason why he didn't want to leave. Aside from leaving Hilda, he couldn't bare the thought of being away from Chloe. He knew he hadn't really done anything but push her away. But he was satisfied with having to see and be with her everyday. He was certain that she wasn't going anywhere. But now that he was going to be away, he didn't know what he would do with himself without having her around.

"Have you at least told her how you feel?" Kyle pressed on when Ace didn't respond once again.

"No." Ace shook his head in reply. "Would it matter now? If I'm moving away, there's really no point of telling her how I feel anymore." He pessimistically stated as he sat on one of the chairs.

"Of course it still matters." Kyle muttered while he took a seat across from his brother. "Just because you're moving away doesn't mean that the two of you can't be together. Long distance relationships may be hard, but if you truly love and care for each other, it shouldn't be a problem."

"I just don't think it's the right time for us right now. I mean what were the odds that my biological mother is from Connecticut where Yale, my dream school, is at? It's like the universe is telling me that I will never be with this girl. That it's just not bound to happen." He sulked in frustration and resentment.

Kyle nodded his head in comprehension and tried to put himself in his brother's shoes. "So maybe it's not the right time for the two of you just yet. But maybe, someday, you'll meet again. Maybe then, you can be together."

Ace scoffed and shook his head. "I highly doubt that." He murmured, knowing fully well that it wouldn't take long for Chloe to find someone else to love. She was, after all, the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on.

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