Chapter 12

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A/N: Update time! Enjoy ;)
Chapter 12

The next day, Chloe left Jane's house early for her interview at the café. She was interviewed by Patrice, the hiring manager, and asked her of her availability. She was then told that she could start her training the next day after school. She was going to be trained by no other than Jared.

"Congratulations!" Jared exclaimed and placed a cup of ice coffee on the table in front of her. "This is on me."

"Thanks. And I really appreciate this, Jared. Thanks for helping me out in getting this job." She gratefully thanked him and took a sip of her coffee.

"No worries, if there's anything else I can do for you, just lemme know."

"Are you finish your shift?" She asked him.

Jared looked at his watch to check the time. "Still have ten minutes to go. Why?"

"I think I owe you some ice cream. Remember, I said that if I get this job I'll treat you some. Well, if you're not busy afterwards, I would like to properly thank you." She informed, earning a light chuckle from him.

"Sure, sure. I'll be out in ten if you can wait."

"I'll wait."

~ * ~ * ~

Ace and Pearson went to La Mille to grab some lunch together. It was a popular restaurant downtown ran by Richard 'Ricky' Hellman, best friend and a business partner of Ace's brother-in-law, Mason King.

"You know, you really do have a manipulative sister." Pearson confirmed, earning a chuckle from Ace.

"I can't believe you fell for that. You should've known better." He smirked as the waiter placed their orders on the table.

"I showered three times as soon as I got home because I couldn't get the smell of vomit out of my system." Pearson stated, making a face that showed his disgust. "I can handle a drunkard, all right. But taking care of three, with one of them being so touchy — it weren't the girls, by the way — is the worse experience I've ever had in my life. Never again am I trading you off no matter how childish and annoying you get when you're drunk." He informed him.

Ace snickered at his friend's suffering. It was fun seeing him so worked up when he was usually a calm and collected guy. "Well, there's always a first for everything. And what do you know, maybe gay guys really dig you." Ace teased and a table napkin flew right on his face. He chuckled and threw it back at Pearson who caught it easily with his hand.

"But you're right, Chloe is one manipulating lady." Ace agreed. "She told me yesterday that I used up my favour card on a drive to McDonalds. I gotta admit, she's getting pretty good at lying, but still not good enough to make me believe her."

Pearson laughed after he had swallowed a sip of his drink. "She still thinks that you don't remember anything from Friday night?" He questioned.

"Clueless as ever. You know me, no matter how drunk I get, I never forget. The perks of having eidetic memory." Ace said, tapping his head with his index finger.

"It's not only a perk, it's also a curse. Sometimes, it's easier to forget than to remember." Pearson said, his words acting like a double-edged sword. "Speaking of the devil..."

Ace looked over his shoulder and found Chloe and Jared by the door. They had Cheshire Cat smiles on their faces that spoiled Ace's mood. Just seeing a pure, genuine smile on her lips made him tremble. But seeing her beam like that with and to another guy made his insides boil beyond keeping homeostasis stable.

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