Chapter 38

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A/N: I know this is the chapter you've all been waiting for... ;)

Happy reading!
Chapter 38

Chloe was certain that an hour had already passed yet sleep would still not visit her regardless of how exhausted she was feeling. Her body was physically tired but her mind kept wandering off, keeping her wide awake. It wasn't helping that Ace had still not join her, only entering the bedroom half an hour ago to grab some clothes to change into after he showered.

Chloe had just turned onto her side facing the door when she heard faint footsteps shuffling near the room. She quickly turned around, her back facing the door, and pretended to be asleep. She heard the door slowly opened, a little squeak could be heard from its hinges. She stayed still, doing her best to not move and to keep her breaths even so that he wouldn't notice that she was faking it.

She heard some shuffling around the room before she heard the door closing, darkness engulfing the room. She shut her eyes tightly when she felt the bed moved from under her. She felt his side of the bed dipped and she could only guess that he was lying down beside her now. Chloe did her best arranging the pillows that separated the two of them. It was a difficult task to do since there were only four pillows in total. So she could only placed two pillows in between them vertically.

Chloe focused on keeping still and her even breathing that a gasp had almost escaped her mouth when she felt the pillow behind her back being moved, then it was gone. Her hand unconsciously made its way to her mouth, trying to cover her staggering, nervous breaths. 'Why would he remove the only thing that's keeping us separated, and me sane?' Chloe warily thought, her cheek muscles aching from keeping her eyes tightly shut.

"I know you're awake." Ace's husky voice tiredly muttered, allowing Chloe to release the breath that she had been holding.

She sat up on the bed, glancing at his lying figure. It was dark in the room and the only light came from the street pole that shone through the white opaque curtains of the window. But it was enough light to see the features of his face.

"Why did you take the pillow?" She grumbled, glaring at the pillow that was now placed in between his legs as he laid on his right side, facing her.

"I can't sleep without a pillow in between my legs." He answered.

"But that was our border line. It keeps you on your side of the bed and me on mine." She reasoned out, sounding like a little child.

"What is the big deal?" Ace groaned. "We used to sleep on the same bed, smaller than this, every night when we were little. You didn't seem to have a problem with the space then." He pointed out, closing his eyes to get ready to sleep.

Chloe took a notice of his lids closing and knew that if she didn't do anything, he would fall right to sleep. "Exactly! We used to." She argued, placing a hand on his shoulder to shake and keep him awake. But it was of no used because he kept his eyes closed no matter the shaking. "We were innocent children then. And that was before I-" Chloe abruptly stopped, suddenly becoming aware of her almost slip up.

Ace took a peek at Chloe when she had gone quiet and halted with the shaking. He knew she had almost slipped up and had caught herself right on time. He opened his eyes completely and saw the mortified expression on her face.

"Before what?" He curiously asked, causing her to whip her head towards his direction. He then sat up, his face inching closer towards hers. "Before you started having feelings for me?" He huskily said while coming a little closer, making her instinctively scoot back. "Before you realized that you liked me?" He added, inching closer and closer. "Before you noticed that you desired me in a way that you shouldn't?" He finally asked, his face only a couple of centimetres away from hers.

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