Chapter 23

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A/N: You might hate me or love me for this chapter. I'll leave it up to you to decide.

Happy reading ;)


Chapter 23

"This is the last one." Pearson sighed, glancing around the quiet library. "We've been to all the places I know he usually goes to."

Chloe and Pearson have been looking for Ace everywhere. They had spend the rest of the day going to all the places Ace usually goes to, but he wasn't at any of them. Chloe glanced at her watch and saw that it was already seven o'clock. They had been searching for the past seven hours and the sun had already gone down.

"I don't understand. Ace doesn't just disappear without telling anyone about it. This is not like him." Chloe frustratedly muttered.

"I'm sorry, Chloe." Pearson sighed in defeat. "I don't know where else to find him." He apologized as something dawned on Chloe.

"But I might." She mumbled under her breath. "I gotta go!" She announced, running for the door.

"Where are you going?" Pearson asked, sprinting after her.

"I think I know where he might be. I'll let you know if I find him as soon as I can." She bid as she unlocked the car.

"Chloe wait! Chloe!" Pearson tried calling after her but she had already pulled out of the parking lot.

~ * ~ * ~

When Chloe saw Ace's figure hunched, his elbows resting on his knees, by one of the big rocks before the city view, a deep sigh of relief had rapidly escaped her mouth. She sent a quick message to everyone that she had found him and that she had everything under control.

She took the melting chocolate fudge sundae and the medium fries she had bought earlier at McDonalds before heading towards where he was sitting. "Care for a cream-fry?" She quietly asked him, gesturing to the snacks in her hands.

Ace glanced at the food before turning his head towards her. "No thanks. I still think they're disgusting." He calmly muttered, causing a small gasp from her lips. She couldn't help but have a déjà vu moment of the last time they were there on the night after Jim's party.

"I am totally offended right now, but I'll let it slide just this once." She stated as she sat on the rock beside him, placing the fries and her ice cream down. A very faint, small smile was visible on Ace's face and it was enough for Chloe to know that he was still able to manage his problem, whatever it was.

A comfortable silent fell among them as they took in the beautiful view of the city. The city lights together with the stars and the moon really did make the dark brighter. It reminded Chloe that no matter how dark the world really was, there was still hope displayed by the lights.

"How'd you know I would be here?" Ace questioned, breaking the silence.

"Well, aside from the fact that Pearson and I have looked everywhere, I figured I would take my shot and see if you were here. You mentioned last time that you usually come here to think." She recalled. He didn't reply and she could tell that he had something bothering him inside.

"Ace." She started as she placed her hand on top of his, which was resting on his thigh, in comfort. "Whatever it is that you're going through, I want you to know that we're here for you. I'm here for you." She assured him.

"I know." He softly whispered, his gaze still fixated straight ahead at the city. Chloe was about to pull her hand away from his to give him more time to think, but Ace only tightened his hold on her. It was as if he was getting his source of strength from her tiny hand. "I saw her today." He said after what had seemed like forever.

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