Chapter 6

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A/N: Bonjour mes amis! Update time!

Enjoy and Happy Reading :)


Chapter 6

Chloe had shut the front door of their house and was about to climb the stairs when a familiar, husky voice halted her steps.

"I'm home!" Kyle announced and Chloe stared at him, flabbergasted. She was frozen on her spot with her eyes wide open and her mouth agape. Kyle dropped his suitcase and spread his arm out. "What, no hug?"

As if she had been poured with ice-cold water, she snapped out of her trance and ran towards her older brother. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he spun them around. "I missed you so much, Kyle!" She muttered with her face nuzzled in the crook of his neck.

"I missed you too, baby girl." He said and settled her down on the floor. "So, how are you?"

"I'm great." She beamed. "How are you? I haven't seen you for so long. Still can't believe you blew me off on my birthday." She pouted.

"I'm really sorry, Chlo. I was really busy with the internship and I couldn't take the day off." He apologized.

Chloe shot him a smile and shook her head. "Don't worry about it, all is forgiven. I was just teasing you." She told him. "Anyway, what are you doing here? Why the sudden visit?" She asked in wonder.

"Can't your big brother, who you haven't seen for six months, visit and maybe make it up to you for missing your birthday?" He remarked and Chloe watched him with squinted eyes, amusement dancing in them.

"Sounds like a load of bull-"

"Okay fine, there's a family dinner tomorrow night and Dad required me to come." He admitted and Chloe's brows furrowed in confusion.

"A family dinner? What for?"

Kyle stared at her in ridicule and chuckled. "Don't you live here? How do you not know?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Well excuse me, Mr. Smart-mouth... I wasn't informed, okay? So quit it and tell me what the dinner's for." She demanded with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Well, it's a celebration for everyone, I guess. Kelsey and Mason's 10th year anniversary, Dad's officially welcoming me to the company and as of Monday, I am going to be the new COO." He winked. "And Ace got accepted to all the university he's applied to. So I guess it's a series of celebration in one day." He continued, chuckling as he find the situation amusing. Seemed like everything was working well in their family.

Chloe, on the hand, felt a little sad at the turn of events. Everyone in their family were accomplishing so many things, and here she was, with zero achievement. She suddenly felt worthless and unsuccessful.

Regardless of how she was feeling, she shot Kyle a small smile. A smile was always a good way to hide one's emotion. "That-that's great!" She stuttered and cleared her throat when her voice cracked at the end. "I'm happy that we're celebrating as a family, we haven't really done that for a while." She genuinely told him.

"Absolutely, baby girl. You have no idea how much I miss you guys."

"But why are we doing it tomorrow night? Why not Friday?" She asked in curiosity.

"Kelsey and Mason are flying out Friday night for their trip to Paris and Dad and I have a business dinner to attend to. So tomorrow's the only time we can really do it." He reminded her.

"Oh, right. I completely forgot about that. So wait, does that mean Ems and Kacey are staying here while they're out?" She excitedly questioned. She really missed her nephew and little niece. She wouldn't mind babysitting those little monsters.

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