Chapter 41

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A/N: Hey y'all! It's currently 03/21/2020. It's been a little crazy all over the world due to COVID-19/coronavirus. I hope you and your family are all safe. Ontario, Canada has called an emergency. School was cancelled and classes are now online. Please continue to socially distance yourself if the virus is in your country. And please pray that it'll be over soon!

Anyway, happy reading :)


Chapter 41

It was already Friday night, which means rehearsal dinner. After the entourage had practiced what they were going to do for the wedding, they all headed to the hall where the rehearsal dinner was going to happen.

"I can't believe that you're getting married tomorrow." Ace muttered to his brother as they entered the hall to join the party.

Kyle chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. "Neither can I. I'm gonna be a husband."

"Goodbye, sweet bachelor life." Ace kidded.

"You owe me a story, you know?" Kyle told him, causing confusion to settle on Ace's face.

"I do? What do you mean?"

"Please, every night you're on the phone with someone. Did you really think I wasn't going to notice?" He questioned with a raised brow. "So, everything worked out with mystery girl, I'm guessing."

Ace smiled at the thought of Chloe and felt the warm feeling in his chest. Just the mention of her name changes his mood. "You can say that." Ace nonchalantly shrugged.

"Well, when do I get to meet her?"

"Soon, I promise."

"Babe, we're about to start." Jane interrupted as she looped her arm around Kyle's.

"I'll see you later, bro." Kyle told his brother before getting dragged to the two seats in front of the hall designated for the bride and groom.

Ace made his way to his table. He shot Chloe a wink, making her smile, before occupying the seat next to her. Jared, Liam, Pia, and Cassandra were all dining with them at the same table.

The rehearsal dinner had began. They ate dinner, then afterwards, the speeches had started. The bride's parents started it off, welcoming Kyle to their family. Next, the groom's parents uttered a short speech as well to send Kyle off and welcoming Jane. After the toasts, they then started the party, dancing and mingling with the guests.

"I thought your family was coming?" Chloe asked Ace, sitting next to him after feeling tired of dancing.

"Mom just sent me a message saying that there was a delay at the airport. They'll be arriving late tonight and will only be able to attend the wedding." He explained, noticing the worry in her eyes fade away. "Were you worried of meeting my family?" He questioned.

Chloe scratched the side of her head in sheepishness and shrugged. "A little." She truthfully told him. "I mean, they're your family. They're important to you and I wanna make a good impression."

"They'll love you, trust me." He promised as he shot her a reassuring smile.

"Do you think they're gonna find our relationship weird?" She asked with uneasiness lacing through her voice.

Ace thought about it for a second. He really wasn't sure about how their families were going to take it, but he really hoped that they would be fine with his relationship with Chloe. "To be honest, I'm not sure. But we'll do our best to make them understand our situation. We'll fight for this relationship together." He declared, giving her hand a firm squeeze.

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