Chapter 25

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A/N: Yay, an early update! Hehehe! 

Happy reading y'all :)


Chapter 25

Two weeks had passed by and Ace had been avoiding Chloe like a plague. He didn't go to the café whenever she was working. He would often go to school early to avoid bumping into her and would come home late so that he didn't have to sit through an awkward dinner. He also stirred away from her in school, going the other way whenever he saw Chloe heading towards him. It was completely ridiculous. All Chloe wanted was to clear up any misunderstandings so that she could move on and not deal with it any longer. But the guy kept on dodging her no matter what.

That was when Chloe realized she have had enough. If Ace have regretted their kiss and thought that it was a mistake because he absolutely have no feelings for her, then so be it. Chloe was done trying to chase after him. She was done being stuck in this nonreciprocal, unrequited love she had for him. Enough was enough and this was where she was going to stop.

"Chloe!" Pia's high-pitched voice rang in her ears, making her jolt.

"You said something?" She asked.

Pia sighed and looked at the dress she was wearing in the full-length mirror. "I asked what you think of this dress." She repeated.

Chloe sheepishly smiled because she had once again zoned out and shot Pia an apologetic look through the mirror. "I think you look fine." She answered.

Pia rolled her eyes and turned around to face her while placing a hand on her hip. "You said that for the last 10 dresses. And you said it every single time after I snap you back to reality. Chlo, what's going on?" She worriedly questioned, getting down from the platform where she was trying on dresses for prom. She maneuvered her way to the chair where Chloe was at, trying not to trip due to the lengthy gown she was wearing.

"Nothing. Nothing's going on, don't worry about me. And in terms of the dress, who cares which one you pick? You'll look stunning in anything that you wear, Pia." She honestly told her.

"Oh don't you try to change the subject now, Missy!" Pia blurted out in irritation. "I know something's bothering you. Is this about Ace? Did something happen with you two?" She directly questioned her. Straightforward as usual.

Chloe sighed in defeat, certain that Pia wouldn't let her leave the boutique without her finding out what exactly happened between her and Ace. "If I tell you, promise me you won't freak out and act all gushy about it?"

"You and Ace kissed, didn't you?" The words had quickly escaped Pia's mouth before Chloe could even utter another word. She stared at her dumbfounded, her mouth slight agape in bewilderment and surprise. How her friend knew that she and Ace had kissed was beyond her.

"B-but - H-h-how - What?" Chloe stuttered in confusion and astonishment. She must have looked like a fish stuck on land, trying to gasp for some water. "How'd you find out?" She asked when she had somewhat composed herself.

Pia chuckled in amusement and smirked. "I didn't, I was just guessing and took my shot." She honestly admitted as Chloe frowned in annoyance. "But it was pretty obvious that something was off about you and Ace. You guys have been avoiding each other like a plague. And, just from previous experience, I tend to avoid the guys that I've kissed and actually had feelings for too." She added.

"So avoiding is okay?" Chloe asked with a raised brow.

"Heck no!" Pia screamed in reply. "That won't do the both of you any good. You have to talk about it and figure out what you really are and whether the kiss meant something for the both of you. If, for instance, the kiss was completely meaningless for the other person, a closure is still a must. It's the only way the two of you can completely move on." She stated as if she was an expert in dating.

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