Alternative ending/Announcement

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Hi y'all!

I just wanted to say thank you very much for all your love and support! Thank you for joining me throughout this journey. Yay for another completed work! It's always an achievement finishing a book. And again, I wanna thank all of you for your tremendous love and support!

To be honest, I was torn when I was writing this story. I wanted to give Ace and Chloe a happy ending, but at the same time, I wanted to preserve their family. It was a tough decision.

But I wanted you to know that there was an alternative ending: Ace and Chloe deciding to split up because they value their family more. So basically, they try the long distance relationship with Chloe in Australia and Ace in Connecticut but it doesn't work out for them. They then meet in person and decide to see other people, a mutual decision that they both wanted. Then they meet again at Kyle and Jane's son's birthday party with their respective partners. No bad blood whatsoever and they live happily ever after, just not with each other. But they still remain good friends and stick with the whole 'sibling' thing. Of course, they're each others' first love, but they realize that it's best to just stay as friends rather than boyfriend/girlfriend.

So that was the alternative ending. But I figured everybody is expecting a happy ending and at this time, with 2020 being a little rough on us all, we much needed and deserve a happy ending.

With that said, I will let you decide on how you want Ace and Chloe's relationship to end. Either happily together or happily separately. Either way, they're happy and you're happy!

Again, thank you for all the love and support!

In regards to future works, I am still undecided of what I wanna write about. Stay tuned with further announcements on my profile.

If you love reading my works, I have other completed books. Just go to my profile to access them.

Continue to stay positive and always have good vibes! Stay safe y'all and God bless. Until our next journey together!

A ❤️

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