Chapter 14

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A/N: Really really sorry for not updating in a while. The good news is, I'm alive, lol! Anyway, school has taken a toll on me and I haven't had the time to do anything aside from studying and doing the readings for my classes. Once again, forgive me!!! Hope you all understand.

Anyway, happy reading :)

Chapter 14

Three weeks had passed since the day Chloe and Ace went to the beach. Chloe could feel the exhaustion sink in after working at the cafe for the past three weeks. Her shifts were on Mondays and Thursdays after school, and Saturday mornings. She had been quite busy and tired from school and work. She and Jared even had to drop their Thursday tutor sessions since she had to go to work for her shifts. They still met up on Tuesdays during lunch time but they only had forty-five minutes together. Their schedules got even more hectic when Jared's jingle was chosen for the King Corporations' commercial. Now, Jared was as busy as ever, Chloe was surprised he was still standing. She really saluted him.

As for Chloe's father, he still had no idea that she worked at the cafe. She had been telling him that she had a big project coming up and had to stay after school to finish it since she would usually get home around eight-thirty and miss dinner. She would also sneak out on Saturday mornings or tell him that she was going for a morning jog just to escape him.

As for her mother, Hilda had found out about her job when she caught Chloe sneaking out of her room to go to work. Chloe had no choice but to tell her the truth. Hilda was not happy about it at first because she really wanted Chloe and Ace to focus on school and not worry about getting a job. She remembered when Kelsey had to drop out of college because she needed to get a job in order to earn money so that they could pay the bills. The last thing Hilda wanted was a repeat of history. However, when Chloe explained to her why she wanted to have a job, Hilda understood and obliged then.

It was Sunday and Chloe had been studying for her Math test the entire day. She knew that if she failed this test, Mrs. Halley would not be so thrilled. She really wanted to pass and not disappoint her teacher again. But with Jared having so much on his plate, the last thing she needed was to add to it and ask him to tutor her. So instead, she decided to give Math a go and see if she could possibly understand it on her own.

"Chloe, sweetheart?" Lynn peeked in, knocking on the door of the study hall that was already slightly open. Chloe looked up from her textbook and glanced at her former nanny. "It's time for dinner." She informed her.

Chloe glanced down at her worksheet and saw that she still had fifteen practice questions to do. "I still have a lot to do, Mama Lynn. Maybe in half-an-hour?" She suggested, although she doubted she would be finished by then.

Sighing, Lynn replied, "I'll just bring you your dinner then. I'm sure your parents will understand." She said before leaving to get her something to eat. Lynn came back five minutes later with sliced chicken sandwiches and fruits. "Eat up, sweetheart. You'll study better when your stomach is not empty." She stated and left Chloe to her studies.

Half-an-hour had passed yet Chloe was nowhere near done. In fact, she had only answered four questions and three of them were incorrect. She sighed defeatedly and smacked her head against the table in frustration. Why couldn't she get Math? Why did she find it so hard? Why couldn't she be intelligent like Ace and Jared?

Meanwhile, Ace was watching her, leaning against the doorframe. "How's the studying going?" He asked, bringing his arms across his chest.

Chloe looked up at him and groaned. "Why is Math so hard?" She complained as she greatly frowned at the worksheet in front of her.

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