Chapter 29

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A/N: Quick update before my classes begin tomorrow. Stress is about to hit me pretty soon so please bare with me and my updates!

Happy reading :)
Chapter 29

The whole night was filled with fun and laughter. Hilda was so happy that her family was complete again. She couldn't have asked for a better present. She was so blessed to have an amazing husband and four loving children. While they were all sitting around the table to have supper, Hilda made a request to her kids.

"Would it be possible that all of you stay overnight? I really miss having you guys around the house. It's very quiet with just your father and I." She asked her children, glancing at them with expectancy.

"Sure, Mom. Whatever you want." Kelsey agreed, while Kyle and Ace also nodded their heads in agreement. She then glanced at Chloe, waiting for her response.

Chloe eyed Jared for permission and he only chuckled and nodded. "You don't have to ask, Chlo." Jared quietly reassured her as she shot him a smile.

Chloe then faced her mother and nodded in response. Hilda beamed at all four of her children and watched them in adoration as they ate.

They sang and danced the night away and before they know it, they were all retreating to their old rooms to rest. Ace handed little Melanie, who had slept in his arms, to Kelsey. "Thanks, Uncle Ace." Kelsey thanked him and took Melanie in her arms. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Kels." He bid her before heading to his bedroom.

It looked spotless clean, no single trace of his teenage mess. He sat at the edge of his bed and pulled the drawer of his nightstand open, checking if the picture frame he had left four years ago was still there. And it was, to his surprise.

He took it out and stared at the photo. It was a picture of him and Chloe when they were younger. They were probably around the age of eight. That was the time when Ace realized that he liked Chloe. He then opened the back of the frame and took the letter he had written to himself before he left for Connecticut. He opened and read it:

Note to Future Ace:

Don't be stupid and stop running away from your problems. Stop running away from the love of your life. If, by the time you read this again, you still have feelings for Chloe, promise me that you'll tell her and not let her go so easily. It's time that you acknowledge your feelings for her and proudly let the whole world know. Don't be stupid this time!

P.S. If you leave her again, you will regret it for the rest of your life and be haunted by 'what ifs'.

Ace cringed yet smiled at how childish and cheesy he sounded four years ago. He couldn't believe that he actually wrote himself a letter for crying out loud. He then sighed, knowing he couldn't let the teenage Ace down. He promised him that he was going to tell Chloe how he felt if he still have feelings for her, which he did. He was still so in love with her even after all these years. He tried to forget her, he tried to go out with a few girls in Connecticut, but none could make him feel the same way as he did for Chloe. You really can't teach the heart how to feel.

He returned the letter back in the frame, sealed it, and placed the picture frame at his nightstand next to the lamp. He stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After relaxing under the warm water, he put on a pair of ball shorts and a plain white shirt. He then went down to the kitchen to grab himself a water bottle.

On his way up to his room, he noticed a silhouette by the balcony of their house. Thinking that it was Kyle, he sauntered towards the sliding doors, only to find Chloe. His eyes darkened as he stared at her alluring figure. She was wearing a silky baby blue nightgown that stopped right before her knees. Her flawless shoulders and neck were on display as her hair was wrapped in a messy bun at the top of her head. She was more beautiful than ever and she certainly glowed up since he had last seen her.

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