Chapter 8

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A/N: Update time! Happy reading :)
Chapter 8

It was already eleven o'clock at night and Chloe could feel the fatigue sinking in on her. Her eyes were started to droop and she was starting to lose focus.

"Okay Chloe, just answer these last two questions and we're done. You'll be all set for your quiz tomorrow." Jared encouraged her as he shoved the notebook in front of her where he had quickly scribbled two equations for her to solve.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick and I'll check it right when I come back." He announced and left the study room to head to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Chloe reluctantly took the pencil and started solving the problems.

After two minutes of doing his business to the bathroom, Jared headed back to the study room. He was halfway there when he saw Ace emerging from another hallway going towards the study hall.

"Hey." Jared acknowledged.

"How's the studying going?" Ace questioned.

"It's great, man. We're almost done."

Ace glanced at his watch and nodded. "Yeah, it's getting pretty late and it's a school night. You should probably head out soon." He informed him, sounding awfully like a dad, as Jared nodded his head in understanding. They both made their way back to the study room only to find a sleeping Chloe. She had her arms laid out on the table with her head resting on them.

Jared chuckled and approached her. He watched her with an amused look. 'She must have been really tired', he thought as he gazed at her with a smile on his face.

Ace didn't like how Jared was staring at her, not one bit. And it bothered him that the thought of another guy looking at Chloe brought a weird sensation in his chest. Ace cleared his throat, earning Jared's attention. "I think it's best that you go." He politely told him.

"Yeah, I'll just quickly check over her answers and leave." Jared said as he checked the notebook and noticed that both answers were correct. He placed a check mark beside each answer and quickly scribbled a 'good luck' note on the side. All the while, Ace was watching him with scrutinizing eyes.

"Alright, I must be going then." Jared announced, zipping his backpack closed. "I'll see you tomorrow at school." He told Ace, patting him on the shoulders on his way out.

Ace heard Lynn's voice by the door, muttering a farewell to Jared. She then walked in the study room and sighed at the sight of sleeping beauty. "She must have been exhausted." She commented. "I'll go wake her up so she can go up to her room and rest well." She said, approaching Chloe's sleeping figure.

"It's okay, Mama Lynn." Ace halted her mid-step. "Don't wake her up, I'll just carry her to her room. Let's not disturb her sleep." Ace offered and Lynn nodded her head in response. "Can you just please arrange her stuff and put it in her bag?"

"Of course, sweetheart. You go on ahead and head to bed. Goodnight." She told him as he was scooping Chloe into his arms and shot Lynn a quick smile before leaving.

Chloe instinctively wrapped her arm around his neck and cuddled closer to his chest. He focused on keeping himself composed as he climbed the stairs. He had managed to moved the duvet to the ends of the bed and gently placed Chloe down. He tucked her in and made sure she was comfortable.

He stared at her sleeping form longingly and swept away the stranded hair that had fallen on her closed lids. He placed a lingering kiss on her forehead and muttered a goodnight before heading out to go to his room.

~ * ~ * ~

"Rise and shine, Chloe!" Lynn greeted her as she moved the curtains to the side to let some light in the room.

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