Chapter 47

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A/N: I can't believe that the month of July is almost over. I could've sworn July had just started. Time flies indeed!

Happy reading :)
Chapter 47

Right when they arrived home, Chloe was welcomed into Lynn's warm hug. "Mama Lynn. I'm fine." She assured her when she saw Lynn's worried and tear-streaked face.

"I was so worried." Lynn muttered while they started heading towards Chloe's old room upstairs.

"Don't worry about me too much. You know how strong this little girl is." She said in a teasing manner as an attempt to lighten the mood. It had seem to work when she heard Lynn chuckling beside her.

Once they had reached her room, Chloe was forced to stay under the covers of her bed. Even though she felt completely fine, she obliged to Lynn's wishes of staying in bed and resting, not wanting to make her worry about her more.

"I'll prepare you some soup for dinner. I'll be back." Lynn informed her before leaving, while Hilda entered the room with a duffel bag in hand that had Chloe's clothes.

"Mom." Chloe started, earning a hum from Hilda in response. "Can you call Ace and ask him to come over? I need to talk to him."

Hilda warily glanced at her daughter with a hesitant look on her face. "I don't think that's a good idea." She voiced out her concern.

"Please, mom. I won't be able to rest well tonight if I don't speak to him now." Chloe persisted, knowing that her tactic of persuading her mother was a little manipulative as she was pulling her medical status card as an excuse.

Hilda heaved out a sighed and nodded in defeat. "Fine, I'll give him a call."

"Thanks mom!" Chloe gratefully uttered, shooting her mother a triumphant smile.

~ * ~ * ~

Chloe had just finished the soup Lynn had prepared when Ace had arrived. Lynn left with the food tray while telling Ace to come in when he only stood by the door, not making any movements of coming in.

Ace hesitantly entered the room, closing the door behind him. "Hi." He awkwardly greeted as he stayed where he was near the door, avoiding her eyes at all cost.

"Hi." Chloe replied and sighed when he didn't make any movements to come closer. "Come here." She commanded. He obliged, keeping his head low, and halted once he had reached the foot of the bed.

"Ace, come closer." She repeated, not liking the big space between the two of them. She knew that he probably felt uncomfortable because of the fight that they just had. But she was willing to put it all aside and forget all about it if it meant that she could spend the last couple of weeks of summer with him before he flies back to Connecticut.

Ace finally looked up and Chloe was surprised when she saw his bloodshot eyes and what seemed to be well-up tears. He looked very vulnerable. She had only seen him cry a couple of times, and every time she did, she felt as if her heart was being crushed.

She sat up and pulled onto his arm, making him sit on the edge of the bed facing her. She cupped his cheeks and swept the tear that had escaped his eye with her thumb. "What's wrong?" She worriedly asked.

"I almost killed you." He lowly muttered, guilt and pain flashing before his eyes.

Chloe quickly shook her head in disagreement. "No, no, no. Please, don't say that. It wasn't your fault." She assured him as more tears travelled down his cheeks.

"I shouldn't have argued with you. I'm so sorry." He sincerely apologized.

"And I'm sorry too. I should've told you about my plans to Australia sooner. I'm sorry."

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