Chapter 30

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A/N: Sorry I was only able to update today. Been so busy at school and work. Anyway, enough about me.

Happy reading :)
Chapter 30

The next day, everyone had breakfast together and Hilda teared up at the sight of her whole family complete again. She really missed having her children around and the house was too quiet with just her and Lucas. It was times like this that she really cherished and she was glad that they were complete.

"Just to remind everyone again that the suit and gown fitting is on Thursday at 6PM. Jane and I expect all of you to be there." Kyle reminded everyone as they ate together.

"Can I actually take a rain check on that?" Mason sheepishly asked him, shooting Kyle and Jane an apologetic smile. "That's our marketing team's deadline for our new project and I have to be in the office for it. I'm so sorry." He explained. "Oh, and you will have to excuse Jared as well." He added.

"Jared?" Ace blurted out, unable to prevent himself from asking. He was getting pretty pissed because all he had ever heard since he arrived was Jared this, Jared that. It was as if the world was telling him that he was too late to try and win back Chloe because of Jared.

"Yes, he actually works for my marketing team since his jingle was chosen back in high school. He's a very hardworking guy." Mason informed him as Ace resisted the urge to groan at yet hearing another compliment about Jared. He only nodded his head and forced a smile towards Mason's way.

"Alright, but nobody else cancels on us or else I'm going to revoke your invitations." Kyle playfully warned them, shooting them all a menacing glance for added dramatization.

The whole family laughed and got back to their breakfast. Meanwhile, Ace was staring at Chloe who was sitting directly across from him. He noticed that she wasn't really eating and was just playing around with the food on her plate. He also took note that she had become skinnier since he last saw her. He watched as she fished the phone out of her pocket and checked her messages.

"Mom, Dad, Jared just texted. I have to get going." Chloe announced as the whole table had gone quiet to listen to what she had got to say. She got up from her seat and went to kiss her parents goodbye.

"Alright, sweetheart. Visit us soon, okay?" Hilda told her, pecking Chloe on the cheek as she nodded her head in response.

"Take care, darling." Lucas said, kissing her on the head.

"I should head out too." Ace declared, standing up from his seat. "I promised the guys I would meet with them today." He explained when he noticed the curious looks he was getting from his family.

"Oh, well then, Chloe, you can just go with Ace." Hilda suggested to her daughter. Hilda knew that what she was doing was quite cunning. She was playing matchmaking here but she could see the longing in the eyes of her children. She could feel that they both still have feelings for each other and she wanted to see them happy again.

"Um, that's okay, Mom. I can just ask Papa Philip to drive me." Chloe declined, hoping that Philip, Lynn's husband who was also their family driver, was free to drop her off. The last thing she wanted was to stay in a car, alone, with Ace. She was afraid that she might let her guard down that she had worked so hard to build if she spends more time with him. If only she had her car.

"Well actually, I asked Philip to pick up some stuff for me at work." Hilda lied, saying a little prayer in her head that Philip was nowhere around.

"Oh." Chloe muttered in disappointment. "Then I'll just call a cab and-"

"It's okay Chloe, I can drop you off." Ace insisted, cutting her off. It was obvious to Ace that she was trying to avoid him. But he told himself he was going to do everything in his will power to win her back and that was what he intended on doing.

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