Chapter 37

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A/N: Just a quick update before school and work load start piling up.

Happy reading :)

Saturday came rolling pretty fast and the girls and the boys enjoyed their separate parties. The guys went out to lunch and played paint ball afterwards. They had lots of fun and Kyle was surprised when he saw some of his old friends from high school and university. While the girls went out to brunch, did karaoke for an hour or two, and spent the rest of the day pampering themselves up at a spa.

"I don't think I've thanked you for today yet." Kyle told his brother. Ace was now driving the two of them to the beach house he rented an hour and a half away to meet the girls. The other guys were also heading there for dinner with the ladies.

"I had so much fun. It's been quite a while since I last hang out with just the boys, you know? So for that, I am sincerely and genuinely so thankful." Kyle once again told him.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the party, Mr. CEO. You know, it wouldn't kill you to spend some time with your friends once in a while. I get that being the boss of a multi-billion company ain't easy, but it's also important to look after yourself." Ace reminded him.

"I know, I know. Jane tells me the same thing when I over-stress at work. You don't have to tell me twice." He chuckled. "By the way, also very grateful on the 'no-stripper' policy. I appreciate it." He added.

"The night is still young. How are you so sure that I didn't get you one?" Ace teased him.

"It's because I trust you. I know you would respect my wishes. Right?..." He doubtfully added at the end, making Ace chuckle at his not-so-loyal brother.

"You can relax." Ace told him when he noticed his tensed shoulders. "There are no strippers." He assured him.

Kyle let out a breath of relief. "Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see."

~ * ~ * ~

Ace had sent the address to the beach house to Chloe and they were now on their way. She was driving her car with Jane in the front seat, while Kelsey rode in the back. Liam, Pia, Cassandra, and two other girls whom Jane were friends with in university were following right behind them in Liam's car.

"Thanks for this, you guys. I really enjoyed today." Jane gratefully thanked them, sparing both of her soon-to-be sisters-in-law a glance.

"Oh, don't thank us just yet. We have more planned for you." Kelsey told her.

Jane's brows furrowed in curiosity, a smile was still evident on her face. "That reminds me, we've been driving for over an hour now, where are we going?" She questioned as the view started to switch from the city's skyscrapers to endless trees.

"We've got one more surprise for you. I'm sure you'll love it." Chloe smirked, not giving her a hint of where they might be.

Soon enough, the beach came into sight and Jane gasped in surprised. "The beach? But it's almost night time. The sun will be setting down soon." She curiously muttered.

Chloe only smiled and turned right towards the modern, two-story beach house and parked at the driveway. She turned off the engine and got out of the car.

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