Chapter 35

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A/N: Sorry for keeping you on your toes lately with my updates. I've been really swamped with school and I still have one more finals to write. Barely hanging but almost there!

Anyway, happy reading ;)

Chapter 35

"Is this really necessary? I look like a hooker you can pick up off the streets." Chloe commented as she stared at her reflection on the mirror. She unconsciously cringed as she eyed the little drape of cloth which to Jane was considered a dress.

Chloe was wearing a hot, seductive red strapped dress that stopped before her knees. It was so short and tight that if she bent down, she was certain the whole world would see her buttocks. She tugged on the dress down so that it would cover more of her back area, but that left her breast area on display. There was really no middle ground with the dress, it was either one or the other, which infuriated Chloe.

"What are you talking about? You're serving looks right now, Chlo. A little bit of sass with a dash of class. Just the perfect combination." Jane insisted as she finished curling her hair.

"Where are we even going? You know I have work tomorrow morning." She reminded her, still struggling with the dress.

"Oh relax. Work is not going anywhere. What you need is to chill, so that's what we're going to do."

"Shouldn't I be the telling you this since you're the one getting married in a few weeks time?" She remarked, finding the situation a little amusing.

"I know, but by the looks of it, you look like you need it more than I do." She teasingly joked, earning a little scowl from Chloe. "Anyway, we should really get going. I promised Liam we'll be there on time."

"You still haven't answered my question. Where are we going, and what are you and Liam up to now?" She asked, knowing that her friends were up to no good again.

"Nothing. We just wanna hang out. Now slip these on and get a moving!" Jane ordered as she handed Chloe a pair of 6-inch nude pumps.

"I'm holding you responsible if I fall flat on my face tonight with these killer shoes." She muttered, carefully slipping them on before grabbing her purse from her bed. She followed after Jane who had already left the room.

"Hey, you're looking fancy. Where are you going?" Chloe heard Jared's voice by the living room.

"Just going out with Chlo." She informed him.

"You actually got her to go out? I'm impressed."

"Hey!" Chloe protested, shooting Jared a playful glare.

"I know right? I'm pretty amazing." Jane complimented herself as she put on a light coat in case it gets breezy later on at night. "See you later, Jare. Let's go, Chlo!" She ordered as she sauntered to the door.

"Call me if you need someone to pick you up later, okay?" Jared insisted.

"Will do. See you later." Chloe said as she hugged him goodbye and followed suit after Jane.

She just hoped Jane and Liam didn't plan anything devious again.

~ * ~ * ~

"This is your idea of relaxing?!" Chloe screamed at Jane and Liam over the loud music booming on full blast.

"C'mon Chloe-berry, when was the last time you stepped foot on a club?" Liam yelled back to her. "You should count yourself lucky that Pia isn't here and has a flight tonight. If she was here, trust me, this will be the least of your problem!" He told her.

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