Chapter 19

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A/N: An update, WHAATT?!!! Lately, I've been really in the mood to just write and let my creativity be free. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Happy reading :)


Chapter 19

"CHLOE! CHLOE!" Ace yelled out, hoping that he would find her soon. The clouds started to darken and he knew sooner or later, the rain was going to begin pouring.

"CHLOE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He tried once again but to no avail. He had been searching for almost an hour already and there was still no trace of her.

"Anyone found her yet?" Mr. Kim's voice boomed from the walkie-talkie.

"Negative, sir." Jared answered.

Ace took the device that was clipped on his pants and spoke. "Still no trace of her, Mr. Kim." He informed them.

"Okay, we'll keep looking. Security is scouting around the north and west side as well. Let me know if you find her." He lastly said before the buzzing sound subsided.

Ace clipped the walkie-talkie back on his pants and kept moving. He was going down a steep path when he saw a piece of material by a low tree branch. He went closer and studied the object closely. He couldn't be mistaken. He was so sure that it was the bracelet that Jared had put on Chloe yesterday morning.

But Ace didn't care that the bracelet was ripped in half or that it was broken to begin with. He was worried about Chloe and what might have happened to her that had caused such damage to the bracelet.

He quickly scanned the place to check if there was another sign of where she might be. He carefully walked a little further down and halted when he saw a sinkhole fifteen metres away. He slowly made his way to the sinkhole and prayed that Chloe didn't fall in there. But to his dismay, he saw Chloe's figure, unconscious.

"Chloe! Chloe! Chloe, please wake up!" He screamed in hope that she would hear him. She stirred her head and slowly opened her eyes. She looked confused for a second until her memory slowly came back. She sat up and her hand rapidly shot up her head, feeling dizzy.

"Chloe! Hey, up here." She heard Ace's voice from above. She glanced up at him and groaned when what felt like a volt struck her head.

"Hey, I need you to stand up. Stand up and try reaching for my hand." Ace ordered as he took his bag off and laid down on the ground on his belly and stuck his hand down.

Chloe tried standing up but came falling back down when she felt a shooting, aching pain on her right ankle. She hissed and held her foot to soothe her muscles. "I think I sprained my ankle when I fell." She stated.

Ace sighed, trying to think of a way to get her out of the hole. "I'll call for help. Don't move." He said before he stood up and took the walkie-talkie that he placed beside his bag.

"I found her." He announced over the line. "But I need some help. She's currently in a sinkhole with a sprained ankle. Mr. Kim, please call the security to get the ambulance ready."

"I'm on it." Mr. Kim replied.

"How is she? Do you know where you are?" Jared asked, concern leaking through his voice.

Ace glanced around before responding. "We're nearby the spring on the west side."

"We're on our way." Jared said before the buzzing sound died.

Ace looked down in the hole and found Chloe's face scrutinized in pain. He took a piece of stick laying around the ground and placed an extra red shirt he had in his bag on one end while sticking the other end on the ground, making a flag so others would know they were there.

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