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Being a single father of a 6 year old girl wasn't something Min Yoongi had planned to occur in his life. He was a successful business man, who didn't have enough to time to be looking after a kid on his own.

But with unfortunate events, his highschool-lover had left him to continue her death enticing habits. She needed "space" and "someone better", was what Yoongi could make out from her blubbering rant the night before she left. Not only was he left with a broken heart,severe depression, and an empty bank account, he was also left to raise a child.

Time skip to a few years, Yoongi ended up digging himself out of his dark past and proceeded forward, taking his beautiful daughter along with him. Busan took him in without hesitation and even granted him new friendships and opportunities. His new job as music company owner was offered to him through one of his friends, Kim Namjoon. Thankfully, their business had grown and assisted Yoongi financially.
Unfortunately, this made his schedule severely tight and stripped him of his fatherly time.

Coming home at 10pm and almost at midnight on some occasions, was something that he was held accountable for by his daughter. Even at such a young age, she was still quite firm and capable of giving him a scolding. Her tea parties and playtime's were beginning to get boring without her daddy being apart of them. So, Yoongi had no other choice but to place her in some sort of time consuming sport. To his dismay, she hated everything he had suggested for her to join. Except, dance.

Yoongi's daughter had begged and thrown several tantrums just for him to place her in a dance class, until he finally budged and allowed her to do so. He searched online for the perfect studio to enroll her into and stumbled upon a highly ranked class.

'Park Studio'

Yoongi reviewed the comments and feedback from various parents before deciding it was good enough. Within a few days, his daughter was accepted and began to attend his classes everyday of the week.

- - -

Park Jimin was a dance instructor who recorded his practices for YouTube on his free time. Although he loved teaching kids how to dance and spending time with them, it was a bit tiring when parents would leave them overdue to their lessons.

And of course, Min Yoongi was one of those parents. Thus leading for Jimin to boil up some sort of grudge toward the father of Min Sunmi. It wasn't like Jimin had anything important to do, it was the fact that he wasn't getting payed for his extra hours that aggravated him.

"Sunmi, do you know when your daddy should be coming?" Jimin bent down to meet with the girls short height, questioning her father's arrival kindly.

She simply shrugged and continued to spin around in circles, watching her loose clothing flare up in the reflection of the mirror.

"Daddy is busy, that's why he put me in here" the girl spoke softly with quiet giggles.

"Is he? What does your daddy do?" Jimin seated himself on the floor, back against the wall and stared at the bubbly child.

"I dunno', boring stuff? He makes people famous" Sunmi paused her spinning to catch herself from tipping over.

"He makes people famous?" Jimin arched a brow while crossing his arms over his chest.
Who makes people famous for a living?

"Mhm! Daddy says he helps alot of people to be like pop-stars. Um...I don't remember his work name but...I think he calls it min?" The girl frowned as she attempted to recall the company's name.

"Min? Like MinKim entertainment?" Jimin's eyes widened as he realized who's kid this actually belonged to. Could she be telling the truth, or pulling his leg for fun?

"Yea,That one!" The girl giggled before skipping around the empty studio.

"No way.." He shook his head in disbelief. How could he be teaching the Min Yoongi's daughter?

"Yes way!" Sunmi chirped in his face as she seated herself between his spread out legs.

"Y-You do know that your daddy makes alot of big choices right?" Jimin stared at the girl in shock. She scrunched up her nose and tilted her head to the side.

"Daddy is nice but he makes people cry sometimes.." she pouted at the thought of her daddy being so cruel.

"Yeah, Yoongi isn't very nice when he's working" Jimin tsk'ed and sighed.

"I miss him alot" Sunmi whined and allowed herself to sprawl out across the floor. "Daddy takes too long to get here"

"I'm sure he's on his way, just be patient princess–"

"Sorry I'm late. Sunmi come on, daddy has to get home and finish his final project" Yoongi stumbled inside the studio with his phone in one hand while the other stretched out to the girl.

"It's no problem, but please be more courteous of my time..I have things to do too" Jimin had stood up from the ground to meet the man face to face. Yoongi furrowed his brows together, as if he had just heard profanities splurge out of him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think I was that late." Yoongi huffed as he enveloped his daughters tiny hand with his own.

"Well you were exactly–" Jimin glanced over at the clock pinned to the wall. "A whole hour late...so.."

"And I said I'm sorry. But I would think you would've had some sort of understanding as to why I'm late. Making money to be able to pay for my child's needs doesn't happen for free, I'm late because I was working, not just because I was picking my ass for fun"

Jimin stood frozen in bewilderment. He had simply told him to be more considerate, and this is how he responds?

"Sorry, I'm just stressed. I didn't mean to go off like that.." Yoongi apologized with a light bow. Jimin nodded and patted Sunmi's head before dismissing them from his studio.

"It's fine, just let me know when or how long you'll be late..and I hope to see you next week Sunmi" jimin smiled.

Both Yoongi and Sunmi left the building and went home to their usual routine; dinner, followed by a bath, brushing their teeth together, and reading a goodnight story before heading to bed. That's the life Yoongi was used to.

And nothing could break the strong bond between Yoongi and his daughter.

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