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The world suddenly stopped spinning for the two, taking it's time to give them the stillness they needed along with a breath. Although they were still awkwardly standing in the center of the parking lot right outside of the restaurant, it felt almost as if they were in the right mindset and scenery for their actions.

It wasn't the first time Jimin had kissed someone, but it was the first time he had been asked. Usually, the person would just go for it with no questions asked, but Yoongi was different. He truly did believe Jimin was too precious to be pressured into anything, especially at such a sentimental moment. So of course, when he asked, Jimin was taken aback to hear such a question slip past his rose lips.
Nonetheless, Jimin nodded his head slowly and kept his eyes glued to Yoongi's as he stepped closer.

Yoongi tucked a hand behind Jimin's neck to pull him closer, the space between them now reduced to it's maximum. Jimin felt his breath hitch once Yoongi neared his lips to his, barely making a whiff of his breath pass above his skin. Before Jimin could calm his rapidly beating heart, their lips had already collided.

For Yoongi, this was one of the best times he could've spent with Jimin. It was a time that they would both remember, not only because of the tears shed, but because this was the first time Jimin's opened up to anyone this much before. He loved seeing this side of him, despite the anger and sadness he had built up inside him. Yoongi saw a glint of relief in his eyes once he got it all out, he saw hope.

Jimin, on the other hand, was in utter shock. Even though he had just let his worst side of him be revealed to Yoongi, he still wanted to kiss his tear-coated lips. This was the moment Jimin knew Yoongi could be the one. But maybe he was just too busy gushing over him to notice Yoongi hadn't felt the same. Yoongi was a grown man, a man with a child who would be much better off without Jimin in their life. Yoongi didn't need someone like him;to treat like a baby whenever he had the urge to cry, he didn't need someone to look after other than Sunmi. He didn't need Jimin.

Still, their lips molded into each other's and pulled away with a soft smacking sound. Yoongi kept his gaze on the boy in front of him, admiring the way his eyes were still closed and how his full, pink lips were slightly redder than before. Jimin eyes finally fluttered open to find Yoongi's dark ones staring back at him.

"You kissed me." Jimin said bluntly, a blush covering his cheeks.

"I did." Yoongi chuckled. "Should I do it again?"

Jimin looked down at the ground after shaking his head. He knew what Yoongi's expression would be; confused,upset, shocked. Hell, if Jimin were Yoongi in this situation, he'd be confused too. This was why Jimin never wanted to be in such a relationship, he was a confusing type of person.

"N-No?" Yoongi frowned at his rejection. He knew it wasn't his choice to make, but he did know that he personally liked it, so why didn't Jimin? Was he taking it too fast? Was it him? Did he not like the way his lips felt? Maybe he should've worn some chapstick before–

"We should get back.. I-I need to go home" Jimin shuffled past Yoongi, brushing his shoulder with his own as he made his way to the car. Yoongi sighed and followed him and entered it quietly, starting the engine and backing out of the parking lot.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Yoongi decided to spark up a conversation. Deep down, wanting to know the truth behind Jimin's thought process and emotions.

"Jimin" yoongi cleared his throat, noticing the boy flinch in his seat slightly.

"Yes yoongi?" He replied with a raspy tone, due to the previous incident.

"What's wrong.." Yoongi shook his head at his choice of words and restated his question. "Why are you so upset? I'm worried that I've done something wrong..it was my mistake of bringing up your parents, but please understand I didn't know your situation"

"It's not that" Jimin sighed. "It's just... I'm not sure what's going to happen once this night ends. What are we Yoongi-ah? We went on a date and I screwed it up by letting out my emotions, and yet, you still were there to comfort me. You were so...gentle, caring, accepting. No matter how much pain I'm in, you're there to sooth my tears and rock my issues away. Why? What am I to you? I'm just a burden who seeks attention, right?"

The car suddenly jerked to the side, pulling over to the edge of the road and put into park. "Jimin, what the hell is going on with you?"

"I'm just a stupid person Yoongi! I cry too much, I'm sorry. Instead of keeping my issues in, I let them slip up and now you're going to worry about me. Please don't worry about me. Don't pity me. Our relationship is merely friends, don't get attached to me; a complete failure of a guy. Someone is out there for you, just as rich and handsome as you, someone who can love and care for you better than I can. Please don't waste your time trying to date me."

"Park Jimin, I don't know what the hell you're going through right now. But I know for damn sure that I have the right to stay by your side if I need to. You're human, it's normal for humans to cry and let this all out, but you can't just push me away." Yoongi snapped.
"I'm trying to get you to open up because I want to know you better. I was hoping to go on a million more dates with you because I actually enjoy your presence. You make me smile whenever I'm stressed or down, and seeing you like this...pains me"

"I'm sorry, I'm just so selfish–"

"Shut up Jimin!" Yoongi shouted. "You're still beating yourself up! Stop! You're perfect Jimin, you'll never be useless or unworthy of being loved! You're just as important as anyone else in this world, okay? I care about you. Sunmi cares about you. All of the kids you teach care about you"

Jimin was at loss of words, what was he supposed to say after that? Yoongi was truly the man he needed, the one to keep his sanity in check when he couldn't do it himself. He was the one. For sure.

"God damnit yoongi.." Jimin giggled through tears. "You're too nice to me."

"It's what you deserve" yoongi stretched his hand toward him to wipe away the tears on his cheeks. Jimin sniffed, switching his gaze down at his hands. "So much for wearing makeup, huh?" Jimin laughed as he noticed the smudged eyeshadow on his fingers.

"You still look gorgeous" yoongi told with a warm tone. "You always do."

Jimin blushed and leaned over in his seat to slot their mouths together, catching Yoongi off guard. Once they pulled away, Jimin sighed with a smile and sat up straight in his seat.

"Um.." Yoongi began to drive again while Jimin attempted to hold back his wide smile.


After Yoongi escorted Jimin all the way back to his apartment and leaving him with one last peck to the lips, Jimin was finally alone.

He kicked off his shoes, flinging them somewhere around his home. "Damn" he huffed out after collapsing onto his couch.
The night had brought him so many emotions and tears, draining him of any energy at the end of the day. But it was worth it, because now Yoongi knew about Jimin even more. He knew his struggles and pains, and how to comfort him.

And in the end, Jimin knew something he hadn't before.

Min Yoongi was the one.


A/N: oh my– the bbmas performance...I'm shook. The amount of times I screamed throughout it was..idek. Jungkooks abs!
I have to admit though, I was upset that they didn't show Hoseok's reflection part.  They kept showing the audience and that made me mad :( but either way, they did good.

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