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A few months later....

"o-ow, careful it still burns!" Yoongi winced, jerking his hand back from Jimin's grasp.

"Of course it still burns, you punched a wall" Jimin sneered.

"It wasn't my intention"

"Right, your intention was to punch the man who was standing near it. But you just so happened to miss the guys face."

"Yea daddy, you totally missed him by like, a million meters" Sunmi watched intently as her two dad's bickered about the recent event.

"Okay, it was not that far. And it's not my fault that he freaking moved away!" Yoongi groaned.

"And yet, you still managed to recover from it and move to beat the man up." Jimin held the now blue haired male's hand as he applied a disinfectant swab to his knuckles.

Yoongi bit the inside of his cheeks to refrain from cursing. "He threatened you-"

"-correction, he accidentally bumped into our cart and may have slipped in some vulgar language as he did so. You on the other hand, decided to use just as worse of words toward him–which provoked him to later on threaten me"

"He eventually did threaten you though, how was I supposed to react to that?" The blue haired man huffed.

"The man got what he deserved, right dad?" Sunmi tapped Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin sighed and proceeded to wrap his hand. "I guess so."

"He called you a worthless, disgusting-queer. He definitely deserved it" He hissed as Jimin tightened the bandage.

"Violence isn't the answer."

"Sometimes it is, and this was one of those times." Yoongi assured.

"Dad, can we please dance while daddy stays in bed and recovers? I really really want to learn a new choreography!" Sunmi pouted.

"Sure, I think daddy needs some resting time all by himself." Jimin grinned as he packed away the left over bandages into the first-aid kit.

"Can I at least watch? You know like, entertainment as daddy heals?" Yoongi pursed his lips slightly at the two.

Sunmi nodded hastily as she dragged both of them toward the living room. "Time to dance!" She chimed.


Yoongi hated it.

He hated watching Jimin dance in front of him, especially when it's such a provocative routine. Every sway of hips and roll of his body sent Yoongi fidgeting in his seat as he resisted the urge to pounce on the male.

"Again?" Jimin perched his hands on his hips lazily as he caught his breath. Sunmi, completely unfazed with the choreography, hummed and replayed the song. Jimin took a long sip of his water, Yoongi's eyes glued to the way his adams apple bobbed with each gulp.

"Sunmi, you go ahead, I'm gonna take a break." Jimin said as he took a seat next to Yoongi. The girl nodded as she continued to continue to dance along with the girl group on the TV.

Before Jimin could relax his tense muscles, a pair of hands gripped onto his waist and yanked him back. With a yelp, Jimin landed on top of his boyfriend's thighs.

"Y-Yoongi-ah?" Jimin gulped, feeling said boy's fingers creeping under his shirt to gently knead the flesh of his sides.

"God damn it Jimin, you think that should be allowed? You dancing around like the pretty little boy that you are, acting like you don't notice how badly your plump ass taunts me right behind you?"
Yoongi growled into his ear, pulling the boy further onto him.

Jimin whimpered lowly, pleading ever-so-slightly for permission to turn on his lap to face him. Yoongi smirked at the sounds that escaped his beautifully sculped lips, allowing him to do as he begged.

"Go ahead, turn around so I can get a better view of that pouty mouth of yours."

Jimin almost instantly swiveled around at his words, his arms snaking around Yoongi's neck as he let their lips collide quickly. Yoongi pulled away, only to return to his lips several times with chaste kisses.

".. S-Sunmi.." Jimin warned through a whisper as soon as yoongi's hands had squeezed his butt cheeks. "C-Can't right...now" he whined, feeling his lips attach to his neck.

"I'll call Hoseok to pick her up" Yoongi began to pull his phone out of his pocket when Jimin stopped him. Leaning back to meet eyes with him, Yoongi frowned slightly. "What?"

"She's already gone to his house twice this week, don't you think he'd be suspicious?" Jimin bit his lip nervously.

"No, I mean- the last two times were because of work and you needed help moving into the house." Yoongi explained firmly, still having his fingers indent into the plump skin of the smaller male.

"B-But...I'd feel bad.. I bet she feels neglected, or upset whenever we leave her somewhere else." Jimin pouted. "Can't this wait for a bit?"

Yoongi sighed as he tilted his head back. "Alright,"

Jimin giggled and pecked his cheeks. "I promise I'll make it up to you"

Yoongi smirked as he smacked a hand heavily onto his ass. "As soon as she falls asleep, you'll be kneeling down for me, got it?"
Jimin held back a moan as he nodded sheepishly.

"Dad, where's the remote?" Sunmi piped.

Jimin peeled away from Yoongi to help her look for it, bending over more than necessary when he checked under the couch in front of him. Yoongi chuckled and teasingly stroked his butt where his hole would be positioned, his sock-clad foot rubbing circles across the cloth. Jimin gasped from the feeling, playing it off as he picked the remote up from the ground.

"F-Found it" he choked.


The night ticked by smoothly, ending by Sunmi being tucked into bed successfully by Jimin. After reading her a book, he shut off her light and left with a kiss goodnight.

Jimin's hands were clammy against the doorknob that lead to their shared bedroom. Opening the door quietly, he shuffled into the room and shut it behind himself. Finding Yoongi impatiently sitting at the edge of their bed only made Jimin's insides churn more from excitement.

"Here." Yoongi pointed a slender finger toward the ground in front of him.

The blonde did as told, crouching down into a kneeling position in between his legs. With a tug at his hair, Yoongi lifted his head to look up at him.

"Teasing me is a crime, Park. You should know that by now, shouldn't you?"

"S-Sorry"  Jimin shuddered at the dominance that radiated off from his boyfriend.

"You should be." His fingers tightened on the male's golden locks, tugging it to the side roughly.  "You should feel sorry for getting yourself into this situation.."

"I'm not going soft tonight, baby."

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