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Jimin's P.O.V.

I greeted all of the students as they came in through the doors. The two brothers, Hyungwon and Wonho, entered in a rather disruptive manner; screaming and kicking each other. I frowned and immediately went to separate their fit.

"What's going on between you two today?" I placed a hand on either of the boys' shoulders, awaiting an explanation for their behavior.

"Wonho told our dad that he hated dance, so me being the 'goodest' boy there is, I told Dad that he was lying!" Hyungwon told with a high level of irritation in his voice.

"And why would you lie about that Wonho? I thought you liked dance" I looked over at the boy who simply shrugged.

"I didn't mean it...I was just angry at dad since he didn't buy my ice cream today." Wonho pouted. "But he doesn't have to be such a snitch!"

"I'm not a snitch! I was just telling the truth you...you...stupid!" Hyungwon shouted before widening his eyes at his own 'potty mouth'.

I shook my head and held a hand out by my face. "I'm going to count to five Hyungwon and by the time I hit one, you're going to apologize to your brother"

"As if!" Hyungwon huffed, glaring at his brother. Wonho stomped his feet and shoved his shoulder angrily.

"Say you're sorry and I will too!" Wonho promised.

"Five" I counted off.

"No" Hyungwon

"Hyungwon" I warned. "Four,"

"Ugh, fine! I'm sorry" he groaned and Interlocked their pinkies. "No more lying and no more name calling, promise?"

Wonho nodded and dragged his brother away to their designated spots. Before I could even begin the class, a peppy voice called behind me.

"Mr.Park! Look who came to watch me dance!" Sunmi sprinted over to me and tugged at the sleeve of my sweater. I glanced behind her to see Yoongi with a laptop in one hand and waving with the other.

"Oh, Mr.Min, y-you came to watch today?" I blinked at him a few times, attempting to snap myself out of his dark trance. His eyes stared back at me as he nodded.

"I hope you don't mind. I decided to work from home today so I'll just be in the corner until the class is done" he pointed towards the chair in the corner of the room and began to sit down.

"That's fine" I smiled and turned away to begin class. The students conversations came to a halt as I stood at the front, giving them their instructions for the day.

- - -

"Sunmi, that's good but your foot needs to be a little farther back okay?" I taught the girl as she pouted in frustration.

The hint of pink in her eyes alerted me beforehand that a tantrum was going to come anytime now. I sighed and awaited her deafening screams, which came a bit sooner than I anticipated.

She clutched her hands together while shaking her shoulders. Her loud weeps attracted attention from her classmates and father. Yoongi immediately rushed over to her aid and knelt down in front of her, hands cupping the side of her face.

I rubbed my temples and heaved out a long breath. I knew I was being a little picky with her today but it was out of pure excitement. I wanted her to advance and begin the more difficult dances since she was getting extra practice. But I guess I was wrong.

"Shh, baby it's okay. Don't cry Sunmi, daddy's here alright?" Yoongi soothed her as her head landed into his chest, tears soaking into his t-shirt.

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