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Jimin arrived to the usual meet up place, the bar, where his friends waited for his arrival. After greeting them and getting situated in his seat, he ordered a few drinks and swallowed them as if it was water.

"Jimin-ah, I haven't seen you drink something that quick since you applied to own the dance studio" Taehyung chuckled as his lips pressed against his glass full of beer.

"I'm sorry, is this not a time for drinking? I thought that was the point of going out for drinks" Jimin snapped back.

"Woah someone's pissed.." Jungkook, Taehyung's boyfriend, stared wearily at the older.

"I'm not pissed I'm just...confused and stressed" Jimin grunted. Taehyung reached his hand over the table to rub his thumb smoothly over his knuckles.

"What happened?" Taehyung questioned as Jimin froze in thought before explaining it to him.

"I think I have a crush on one of my students' parents" Jimin blurted. Both Jungkook and Taehyung squinted their eyes in confusion.

"You think?"  Jungkook arched a brow. "Or you know"

"I-" Jimin groaned and tugged on a strand of his hair. "I don't know. I think I do and he does too, but maybe he's just being nice and I'm overthinking it all.."

"Tough pickle you got there Chim. Maybe you should just ask him out on a date to see if he is interested" Taehyung sipped on his drink as his eyes wandered behind Jimin.

"Woah Chim, there's this really freaking hot guy behind you...turn around–" Taehyung waited for the man to turn away for Jimin to sneak a glance. "Now."

Jimin subtly whipped his head around, pretending to be looking for someone. His eyes landed on yes, a very handsome man, but one that he knew quite well.
"Holy crap" Jimin looked away instantly and covered his face.

"Hot right?" Taehyung laughed as Jungkook nudged his shoulder with a tad more force than usual. "Don't get jealous baby, I was just complimenting him..I still love you"

Jungkook frowned but intertwined their fingers aggressively. Meanwhile, Jimin was dealing with a mental crisis.

"I-I know him." Jimin muttered but Taehyung caught his words clearly.

"You know him and you haven't introduced us to him? He's gorgeous Chim!" Taehyung whined.

"Taehyung, do you not recognize him? That's Kim Namjoon, co-owner of the MinKim entertainment!" Jimin scoffed.

"Oh. Wow, okay. I didn't think the owner of that company would be that good looking." Taehyung kept his eyes glued to the man as he walked passed their table.

"Anyway," Jungkook continued. "Who's the guy you like?"

Jimin fiddled with his thumbs as he hesitated on telling his friends or not. "He's um...he's the other owner of MinKim entertainment.."

Taehyung nearly choked on his drink while Jungkook stared at Jimin, wide eyed.

"Y-You...he–..Min Yoongi?" Taehyung stuttered. He didn't expect his best friend to fall head over heels for someone who everyone knows is cold hearted. Taehyung shook his head and grabbed Jimins hand tightly.

"This is just a phase, you'll get over this crush in less than a week. In the meantime, let's find you someone a bit more capable of actually communicating"

Jimin's brows furrowed together in shock and disapproval. He didn't want to go on anymore blind dates that Taehyung would set up. He knew damn well that any of those men he would have to meet would either be drunk, aggressive and horny, or in some cases, all of the above. He jerked away from his grasp and leaned back into his chair.

"Tae, I'm not joking and this isn't just a phase! I'm a grown man who is fully capable of finding someone on my own, and this is that time. He's really nice unlike what everyone says about him" Jimin defended.

"Chim, we've been over this before. You can't just like someone for their money or fancy lifestyle–" Jungkook began only to be startled by Jimins hand slamming down on the table.

"I'm not just looking for a sugar daddy!" He shouted loud enough to attract the attention from everyone in the bar, one of the people being Namjoon.

"Is everything alright over here?" Namjoon approached their table and looked at the three men with wide eyes.

"U-Um yes, our friend is just a little...y'know" Jungkook made a drinking gesture with his hand, Indicating that Jimin was tipsy. Jimin gasped and slapped his hand down.

"I'm not drunk. I'm sorry if we disturbed you Mr.Kim, please take this for my inconvenience" Jimin pulled out his wallet and gave him a twenty dollar bill. Namjoon merely laughed and handed it back to him.

"Please, keep it. I'm not one to take money from others." He patted Jimin's shoulder while flashing his notorious dimple smile.

"I'm sorry, I probably seem so petty and annoying to you right?" Jimin groaned and rubbed his temples.

Namjoon frowned and shook his head. "Not at all! I just came to check on you all...are you okay? These men are with you correct?"

"Yes, they're my friends. We were just arguing over something stupid, thanks for worrying"

"Ah, well if you need anything else, my friend owns the bar so all you need to do is ask–" Namjoon paused mid-sentence when he heard his name being called from the entrance of the bar.

"Namjoon-ah! Sorry I'm late, Sunmi was a bit upset at me for leaving her with hobi." A slightly sweaty and pale man sprinted up to Namjoon, holding a notebook and pen in his hands.

"Yoongi?" His name unintentionally slipped past Jimins lips as he stared at him in shock. Yoongi glanced over to see whom had said his name, only to see his daughter's dance instructor and a couple who was busy nudging each other's elbows.

"Jimin, odd to see you here... weren't you heading home earlier?" Yoongi towered over Jimin's table, unaware of the faint blush creeping onto his cheeks. Jimin was utterly embarrassed now. He had over four shots of whatever Taehyung had ordered him, and two glasses of beer piled up in front of him.

"I uh..this was a last minute outing. My friends were finally available so we decided to meet up." Jimin smiled shyly at the man who simply hummed in understanding.

"Well as much as I'd love to stand around and chat with complete strangers, we have some work to discuss Min." Namjoon handed a card to Jimin before strutting away to a farther table.

Jimin eyes focused on the card, reading the neatly written print.

'Jinnie's Pub & Dine'

"Our friend owns this place. Order some more, on the house" Yoongi pointed towards the card and followed behind Namjoon.

Jimin's mouth opened and closed, wanting to speak but nothing came out. Instead, he looked back down at the card and read over it again.

'Namjoonie&Yoongz' buddy card'

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