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During their, so called "sleepover party", Yoongi could not keep his eyes off of Jimin. Mainly because of the fact that he was seated directly in front of him, but also due to his choice of outfit. Jimin had insisted on going home before heading to Yoongi's house since he had just came from teaching the dance class.

But Yoongi hadn't expected for Jimin to return looking like a total Playboy advertisement. The boy was wearing a pair of very skimpy pajama shorts, and Yoongi knew it was intentional whenever Jimin would get on his knees and lift his back half a bit higher each time he had to move a game piece. Jimin was a tease.

"Jimin-ah, you can't move it like that! That's cheating!" Jin scolded while flicking his game piece to the side. Jimin whined and moved it back to where it originally was.

"I thought it said I could move three spots" Jimin frowned, checking his card again before it was snatched out of his hands by not other than Jin himself.

"Yea, three spots is not four. You moved four times, you can't count the next square as zero." Jin grinned.

"Whatever, you just want me to lose so you can have the last beer" Jimin told with a smile. Jin nodded proudly and returned to his spot. "That's the plan, little one"

"Yah! I'm not little!" Jimin affirmed with his lips in the form of a pout. "I'm a grown man who just so happens to be a bit...short"

"A bit!?" Namjoon laughed, slapping his knee for the emphasis. "Jimin, you're like, a baby's size! You're so tiny and cute!"

"I'm not cute, I'm handsome." Jimin argued, roughly throwing the dice for his next move.

"Jiminie, you're cute" Yoongi spoke up, startling Jimin a bit due to him not saying anything since the beginning. "You're cute and you're definitely not little from what I've been seeing.." Yoongi smirked with the last sentence.

Jimin's face instantly tinted red, his hair fell over his eyes, hiding the embarrassment his boyfriend had granted him. "Yoongi.."

"What? it's true." Yoongi chuckled and moved out from behind him, sitting to his side and wrapping an arm around his waist loosely.

"Gross, are you two gonna make out again like last time? If so, I'm ditching this lame game night" Namjoon said with a displeased tone. Jin nodded along and began to play his turn of the game.

"N-No, I just uh.." Jimin looked down at his lap shamefully. "Nothing, let's just play another game"

Yoongi's head shot to the source of a loud shriek, followed by a very obnoxious uncle running out into the living room with a girl wrapped around his torso. He shook his head and stared at the two and they came and sat next to them.

"Prince Jimin, I'd like to introduce you to a very special young lady. She's come from the land of bubbles to deliver some news" Hoseok informed with a very strong and serious voice, puffing his chest in a manly manner.

"Prince Jimin?" Jimin laughed, not really disliking the name at all. He accepted Hoseok's hand and stood up with him.

"Prince Jimin, nice to see you again!" Sunmi giggled. "I have very very VERY important news for you! I, queen Sunmi, am hosting the biggest and best party you'll ever attend to."

"Oh? A party you say?" Jimin played along, nodding his head in thought "maybe I shall attend. Am I allowed to bring my servants with me?" He grinned while looking towards Yoongi and the others.

Yoongi frowned and nudge his leg with his elbow. "I'm not your servant."

"You are now, now hush!" Jimin smiled and averted his attention back to Sunmi. "Of course not. Peasants aren't allowed, only the fancy people can go."

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