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 ₩431100.00 later, Jimin has finally satisfied Sunmi's and his own needs. Burning a pretty deep hole into his bank account scared Jimin, but he was soon reminded that it was a good thing every time Yoongi reassured him.

Their expensive trip to the mall only made Sunmi happier as she skipped into the parking lot, holding two new build-a-bears.(who happened to look like both of the men walking behind her.) Yoongi caught on to Sunmi's affection toward Jimin, hell, he always had. He knew that the way her eyes sparkled each time he spoke to her wasn't just a friendly manner. It was love. She was truly in love with Jimin, and of course, not in that kind of way. But in more of a "fatherly figure", type of way. 

"So, how about some ice cream next?" Jimin suggested, earning a nod and smile from Sunmi and a sigh from Yoongi. He turned to Yoongi with a brow arched as if asking "what?"

"You don't have to spoil her Jimin. I can pay for it" Yoongi walked along his side, hands deeply tucked into his pockets. "She's just a kid after all, she doesn't need all of these things you bought her"

"Princess's deserve to be spoiled Yoongi, and of course she needed all of this. Who doesn't need new adorable outfits and a fresh pair of Adidas?" Jimin grinned while nudging his boyfriend's arm.

"I'm just saying that you should put your money to good use, Sunmi's my responsibility not yours." He told.

"Yea, but I still love her" Jimin smiled at the girl in front of them as she twirled around, accidentally bumping into the car and setting off it's alarm. Yoongi quickly turned it off and opened the trunk so they could toss their purchases inside.

"Daddy, can we go visit Uncle Hobi today? Please?" Sunmi begged.

"Uncle hobi might be busy today, he has to practice remember?" Yoongi sent her a glance through the mirror as she slumped back into her car seat.

"Practice?" Jimin questioned. "What does he do?"

"Oh, I never told you huh?" Yoongi smirked. "The only reason Sunmi wanted to join a dance class in the first place was because Uncle Hobi teaches the trainees their choreography. He dances too."

"What!? And you didn't tell me this before?" Jimin gasped. "That's so cool!"

"I guess" Yoongi focused on the road ahead but picked up his phone with his unoccupied hand. Jimin frowned and took the phone from him.

"Are you trying to kill us?" Jimin manually placed his hand back on the wheel, making Yoongi laugh.

"No, I was just gonna call Hoseok"

"Well I'll do it then, what's his number?" Jimin asked and Yoongi told him. The phone call connected to the speakers inside of the car, startling Jimin a bit.

A few rings later, a bright voice answered the phone. "This is Hobi speaking!"

"Uncle Hobi!" Sunmi squealed. "Hi!"

"Hi Sunnie', what are you guys doing?" Hoseok mocked her excited tone.

"She wants to come and visit you, are you busy?" Yoongi asked, waiting for a response as Hoseok hummed for a bit.

"Uh yeah, the team just left and I'm just chilling. They won't be back for about another hour or so" Hoseok explained.
"I'll get to show you the new choreo!"

"Holy crap that's so cool" Jimin unintentionally slipped up, earning a gasp from the other line.

"Is that Jimin-ah?"

"Yea, he's with us today"

"When isn't he with you guys.." hoseok joked. "Kidding, but yea! Come on over!"

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