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Distraught, sleep deprived, emotionally exhausted, hopeless, furious, dehydrated-

The list of what Yoongi was experiencing  could go on for centuries. His heart physically and emotionally ached. Not even the gentle back rubs and quiet shushing from Jimin could calm him. His palms were not only clammy with anxious sweat, but with the tears that he had constantly wiped away as he spoke to his daughter.

"Uncle h-hobi is taking you to his house for a little while, okay?" Yoongi's heart sunk to the pit of his stomach as he watched his daughter's face scrunch in confusion and disapproval.

"Why? Daddy, is something wrong?" Sunmi reached her hand out to wipe at her father's tear-stained cheeks.

And oh god, did Yoongi want nothing more but to tell her the truth. To be able to tell her, "yes, there is something wrong"...

But he couldn't. At least, not now.

Unfortunately, the only thing he could do in that moment was pull out her suitcase from under her bed and begin to raid her drawers for clothes. Jimin was nowhere in Sunmi's sight, something that only made her fear even more. Jimin was always around, no matter what. So where was he now?

"D-Daddy?" Sunmi stood up from the mattress to make her way over toward him. "What's wrong? Do you want me to go call uncle Joonie-"

"NO! N-No...we um..we can't call uncle Joonie right now, okay? Just get your stuff. You'll need some things to keep you occupied while with uncle Hobi so go ahead and bring your coloring books and whatnot."
Yoongi sniffled.

"Daddy..how long will I be with uncle hobi?" Sunmi piped, nervously picking at the skin on her arm.

"I.." Yoongi finished packing the last outfit into her suitcase before turning to her, tears welling up in his eyes again.
"I-I don't know baby. Hopefully just a f-few days.."

"W-Where will you be then?" She whimpered, feeling the familiar lump in her throat rising.

"Don't worry about me princess, j-just know I'll be right here-" Yoongi crawled toward his daughter, pressing a cold and slightly damp finger to her heaving chest.

"But..i want t-to be right here" Sunmi pointed to him as she wrapped her short arms around his neck.
"I want to b-be in daddy's arms f-forever! W-Where are y-you going daddy!?"

If Yoongi's heart didn't shatter enough before, it sure did shred apart in that moment. He couldn't hold it in anymore, he released it all, shouting out a hopeless cry in the midst of his world crashing down before him.
His world.
That was what Sunmi was to him.
His whole, entire world.

She collapsed in his embrace the more he screamed for blessings and wishing for his prayers to be answered by whoever was out there listening. He didn't care about anything else. He didn't care if the neighbors suspected a murder happening inside. He didn't care if Jimin thought he was going crazy. He didn't care if other father's would never go to his extent. He didn't care.

This was what meant the most to him. His precious and absolutely gracefully gifted child before him, was his everything.

With a soft knock on the door, Jimin entered the room, instantly overwhelmed with the devastating energy inside it.
Sunmi swollen, red eyes peered up at him, appearing almost as if they pleaded for help.

"H-Hoseok hyung is h-here.." Jimin choked on his words as he bit back the urge to cry.

"A-Alright princess, be a good girl for uncle hobi okay? I'll call you when I have time, I promise."
Yoongi sat up on his knees to wipe away the snot and mucus on her face with his sleeve. Sunmi's inconsistent breaths only worsened as she heard him say those words.

"N-No, please d-daddy! Why? Why Daddy? W-Why do I h-have to go?!" She cried.

"I-" Yoongi's hands shook as he flickered his gaze between her two brown eyes.
"I'm sorry baby..I promise I'll find a way to fix this, okay? Just don't worry about it. I'll make sure you're safe"

"B-But what about h-holly? W-Who's gonna take care of him while I'm gone?"

Yoongi let out a soft chuckle as he ran a hand through her sleek, black hair. "I'm sure he'll be fine baby. Now, go with Hoseok for now."

Sunmi nodded swiftly before grabbing her suitcase and a few coloring books and walked out of her room, Jimin and Yoongi guiding her down the hallway.

"Where are you taking her?" A woman's voice snapped from the living room, her heels clicking against the ground as she came closer.

Luckily, Jimin prevented her from getting any closer to them by putting his hands on her shoulders. Sunmi shuddered at the female's shouts toward her father as she continued to walk out of their home. She attempted to steal a peek at the lady but Yoongi just turned her back around to focus on what was in front of them.

"Come on baby, ignore her.."
Yoongi wiped his nose again as he lead her out to the porch.

"Daddy, who's that lady? Is she the same one from the hotel in america?"

Yoongi simply avoided her question and kept walking, arriving to the side of Hoseoks car. Hoseok rushed out and quickly enveloped his best friend in a tight hug.

"It's gonna be okay Yoongz, don't worry. I've got plenty of friends who are willing to take your case if anything happens." Hoseok muttered, his own tears soaking Yoongi's shoulder.

"I've got your back Yoongi. I love you" he continued.

Yoongi felt his tears escaping him again as he held onto him. "T-Thank you..so much...i love you Hobi. Please, take care of my baby, don't let anyone touch her"

"I promise I'll keep her safe, now go. You can't have that bitch inside your house after what she's done, you never know, she might bug your place or something"
Hoseok hissed as he slipped Sunmi into the car seat he had borrowed from them months ago.

"R-Right, bye" Yoongi waved to him and watched him enter the drivers seat again. Sunmi pressed her hand up against the window with a single tear rolling down her cheek.

Yoongi raised his palm to the opposite side of the glass to mirror her hand, imagining the warmth of her smaller hand in his.
"I love you" he told her, and although she couldn't hear him, she watched as his lips moved to form the words.

Sunmi nodded before mouthing back a,

"I love you more daddy"

Right before Hoseok drove away and the woman who had been unrecognized from before, came rushing out of the front door.

"Where the fuck did you send my child?!"

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