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It was the following week, Monday to be exact, and Yoongi had to be at work earlier than usual. Hoseok, being the most kindest person in the world, promised to take care of Sunmi for the week while Yoongi was busy.

Which meant taking her to her school and driving her to dance class straight after. So, hoseok followed his GPS to her nearby pre-school and signed her in.

"Ah, Sunmi! Good morning" her teacher greeted both Sunmi and hoseok. After dropping her off, hoseok headed out to run any errands he needed to get done before school ended.

- - -

"Uncle Hobi! Look what I made in school today!" Sunmi practically flew into the back seat of his car before handing him her 'master piece'.

His eyes stared at what seemed to be a blob of colors for a good 5 minutes, attempting to figure out what in the world he was looking at.

"What is it?" He asked bluntly.

"This one is daddy," The girl scoffed and pointed to a cluster of black scribbles. Her nubby finger trailed off to another knot of colors, "and this is you~"

Hoseok nodded and smiled brightly at the girl. "You chose green for me! My favorite color"

"Duh! Anyway, where's my snack?" She questioned as she looked around the front of the car. He pulled a small backpack out with various things yoongi had left him with. Even though hoseok had babysat Sunmi plenty of times, he was going to be watching her for a longer time than usual. So, Yoongi left him an almost never ending list of things he needed to know about his daughter.

"Snacks!" Hoseok chimed as he whipped out a ziplock baggie filled with an arrangement of trailmix. "No peanuts" he assured.

She giggled and ripped it open, instantly digging in for the m&m's. "Thank you Uncle hobi"

"You bet, kiddo" he grinned and started to drive away from the school's parking lot. His grin immediately faltered as the line of cars in front of their own moved along painfully slow.

"We're gonna be a little late to your dance class..." Hoseok nervously tapped on the steering wheel. He had overestimated their free time between picking her up and driving to the studio, which Yoongi had warned him about beforehand.

- - -

The pair hurried into the studio after Hoseok parked the car, Sunmi jerking at her uncle's arm in a rush. The bell rang at the door, notifying the instructor of a student arriving.

Jimin was in the middle of teaching the toddlers a new stretching method when he noticed a new adult with his favorite student, Sunmi. He stood up from the floor, dusting his joggers off before bowing to the male.

Hoseok smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry for being late, there was so much traffic."

Jimin returned the smile, eyes nearly covering up completely due to his cheeks. "It's alright, Sunmi's father isn't the best with time either..."

Hoseok laughed and rolled his eyes at his best friend's recognizable personality. "Yeah, he's late to alot of things"

"So who are you? Are you perhaps..her father as well?" Jimin questioned.

Hoseok choked on his embarrassment as he shook his head profusely. "No no no! I'm his best friend, basically Sunmi's uncle"

"Ah, sorry.." jimin giggled nervously before being gestured down by Sunmi. He crouched down to her level and she smiled wide.

"Uncle Hobi already has a boyfriend, and he's super duper pretty" Sunmi giggled. "Jackson wa-"

"T-That's not necessary, Sunmi! He doesn't need to know that.." hoseok clamped a hand over her small mouth. Her sentence muffled against his palms.

"She's really cute for Yoongi to be her father" Jimin chuckled while standing up straight again.

"Are you bashing my best friend?" Hoseok gave him a slight glare. It wasn't like he didn't agree with him. Yoongi did have a completely different personality when he was with Sunmi, but he was still a classy business man.

"I'm not bashing him...just...I don't know, envying him? He has a good job and an amazing kid." Jimin chewed on his lip as he realized he really did envy the man.

"True, he's a great guy if you get to know him. He only has a soft spot for Sunmi though, so it may be a bit hard to get close" Hoseok smirked at the now blushing dancer.

"O-Oh, Is he? I would think his w-wife is very lucky.." he stuttered.

Sunmi moved away Hoseok's hand to speak to her teacher. "Daddy is single, silly!"

Hoseok sighed and patted the girl's head. "She's not in the picture anymore.."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know-"

"It's fine, they're much better off without her." Hoseok snapped out of his thoughts and took Sunmi's jacket off for her. "Time to dance right Sunmi?"

"Ah yes, come on class! On your feet! Um, h-hobi was it?" Jimin called out.

Hoseok smiled at the man and took a seat by the door. "It's hoseok, and I can watch right?"

"Of course! Class ends at 5:30" Jimin clapped his hands, earning the attention of the students. He did their daily routine before teaching them a new dance move.

- - -

"I'll see you all tomorrow!" Jimin waved goodbye to all of the students who were being picked up.

Sunmi was still practicing the short dance she had just learned, watching her steps carefully in the mirror. She groaned when she messed up, starting all over again.

Hoseok quietly recorded her from the side, capturing the adorable moment to perhaps show her father later...or maybe to just post online to brag about how cute she is.

Jimin cleaned the mirror on the opposite side, stealing glances at the hard-working child. "She's a cute one"

"Yea she is" Hoseok chuckled. "She gets that from her dad"

Jimin laughed and shook his head softly. "I feel like you're trying to make me like him"

"And if I am?" Hoseok grinned at him. "I really do think you'd like him if you got to know him."

"Is he even...you know.." jimin gazed at the floor nervously. He had never thought about dating one of his students parents, but maybe he could create a strong friendship?

"Oh, haha yes! He's bi, but I have a feeling he's 100% gay." Hoseok finally slipped Sunmi's jacket on her. "Time to go Sunmi"

"Ah, okay.." Jimin blushed once again but hid it with his sleeves. "I-I'll see you two tomorrow?"

"Yup, goodbye!" Hoseok smiled while waving. Sunmi ran up to Jimin and hugged his leg tightly with a quiet 'bye bye'.

Jimin smiled and watched them walk out together. Was hoseok right about Yoongi?

Could he really be as kind hearted as he described him to be?

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