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Namjoon didn't know why he did it.

He didn't understand the amount of loss he'd be facing once it happened.

His heart was torn in two,

Half owned by Kim Seokjin, his...well, everything,

While the other half received mixed signals from his best friend, Min Yoongi.

In reality, Namjoon had kept those feelings to himself for a while. But he never needed to express them because he knew Yoongi wouldn't reciprocate them, so he stayed quiet. Wallowing in self pity and his depressive thoughts could only do so much to Namjoon's confidence. He had become depressed at the thought of his crush receiving the love from someone else that he couldn't give.

Namjoon grew hopeless,

Until Seokjin had confessed not too long ago. He explained how much his heart raced for him whenever Namjoon would enter the room, dimples on showcase for the world to see. Although, Jin wanted those dimples for himself. He told him that he's never fallen so hard for a male before Namjoon. To say the least, Namjoon was flattered.

He learned to fall for him just like he had...

He forced himself to fall for him just like he had.

Over the months they spent together, loving each other, Seokjin never once would've expected the situation he would be in now. Namjoon had sat him down in their shared living bedroom, taking a chair to sit himself on. He held his hands tightly as he stared deeply into his eyes. Seokjin occasionally questioned him, asking, "what are you doing?" Or "what's this?"
To which Namjoon would ignore and continued to resist crying in front of him.

"Jin, I love you. You know that, right?" Namjoon asked shakily, worrying Seokjin more.

"Y-Yes, of course.."

"I always have, and always will. Please, don't freak out-"

"Joon, what's going on? Why would I freak out?"

Jin' s mind wandered in several directions, the main conclusion being a proposal. Was Namjoon going to propose?
He panicked, instantly feeling like a complete idiot for wearing convenience store underwear instead of his more higher-priced usual-

"I'm breaking up with you, I'm sorry. But please understand that this isn't because of you- god, you're so perfect Jin, anyone who has the honor to have you will realize how special you are."
Namjoon now had tears streaming down his cheeks as he stared at his once lover's, face falling into a frown.

"Why? Did...was I not enough?" Jin asked as he jerked his hands out of Namjoon's hold.

"N-No, Jinnie, you were more than enough. I just...i can't date you while my heart beats for someone else...Jin, I'm just going to hurt you the longer I stay"

"Who? Who is it? Huh! W-Who has the right to c-change my boyfriend's mind so quickly that he has to b-break up with me?"
Jin cried, glaring at Namjoon.

"Jin, I'm sorry. I-I...I kissed him too, I just..i don't know! I knew this wouldn't work out anyway, but-"

"- You knew!? What!? Were you leading me on Namjoon-ah? This whole time..you had me thinking we would end up marrying and having kids together, for what?! For you to come out to me, saying it was all fake?"

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