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// a/n:  this chapter is gonna have quite a lot of tea sis :) ,

please don't hate me, lmao.//



Both, Yoongi and Jimin held their breaths as they entered the courtroom they were assigned to. The hand that held Jimin's tightened, nearly preventing any blood flow to occur. Jimin chewed his lip in attempts to suppress the yelp of pain he wanted to release. Yoongi noticed his actions and instantly loosened his grip, apologizing profusely- to which Jimin simply forgave.

"Yoongi," a voice called before he could take his seat, causing him to turn around and look for the source. His gaze fell upon Hoseok who was pointing toward Jimin, mouthing him a quick "He can't sit with you"

Yoongi nodded and followed his orders, telling Jimin to move toward the back of the room. Jimin agreed to move, giving him a chaste kiss to the mouth before whispering a, "I love you"

Just as Yoongi sat down a caramel haired male came and sat in the seat closest to him. His hand jerked forward, straight into Yoongi's vision as he smiled brightly.

"I'm Mark, Hoseok's friend, aka- your lawyer for today" he explained, hand still awaiting to be shaken.

Yoongi hummed and shook his hand. "Thank you so much for taking my case..this is just really stressful for me. And don't worry, I'll pay you as much as you'd like-"

"-no, no sir. I won't be accepting your money, with all due respect- I'd rather just do my job for free since you're basically family. A friend of Hoseok's is a friend of mine considering he's dating my brother."
Mark chuckled as he unpacked his briefcase, placing several folders on the wooden desk.

"Oh" Yoongi blinked. "Alright then.. thank you anyway"

In the moment Mark had begun to open his mouth to say something, a woman's voice boomed around the room as they entered. Almost immediately, Yoongi's eyes darted over to the entrance where his ex stood.

"Why is it so quiet in here? Damn, I thought this was gonna be like the movies where everyone is chatting until the judge comes in...obviously not." She scoffed as two men followed her toward her seat where she made faint eye contact with Yoongi.

"Hey babe, just hand over the kid before this all goes down in flames. You're not safe hun" Lina warned with a 'pop ' of her bubblegum.

Yoongi scowled before turning in his seat to face the front. "I hate that bitch."

"She's not at all what I expected..she's more...evil than what I anticipated, to be honest" Mark mumbled, earning a glare from Yoongi.
"But don't worry, I've got this. I studied law and statistics for 5 years and was at the top of my classes the whole time. Nothing can be easier than this"

"Oh I hope so.." Yoongi huffed.

"Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge, Sul presiding." The deep voice of one of the security instructed.

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