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The night with Lina...

"Lina, you need to leave. This isn't right, my daughter doesn't deserve to be confused because of her mother returning after six years. She has Jimin now-I have Jimin now."

"Our daughter, she's mine too Yoongi. Stop acting like she isn't, and just because you have someone to suck your dick now doesn't mean that I'm completely thrown out of the picture again."

Yoongi was sitting on the brink of shedding tears, doing something he would definitely regret, or even worse-hitting the woman before him. His hands balled by his sides, seeing a sheer layer of red as he looked up at her. He couldn't take it anymore, he was pissed. How dare she describe his relationship with Jimin in such a dirty way?

"Get the hell out of my life Lina. You've lost your chance of being able to reunite with my child." Yoongi growled, shoving her shoulders and making her lose her balance.

Stumbling back, Lina held onto his wrists, hoping he would give her just one more chance. But that wasn't the case. The male never wanted to see her again, especially after she had insulted his true love, Jimin. He couldn't bare to be around her anymore.

"Stay away from my daughter and I. And don't ever expect me to show my face to you again, even if we bump into each other again, I'll just act like you don't exist to me-and you should too. You're nothing to me Lina. Leave." With one last shove, she tumbled back, brushing herself off as she stood outside of the hotel. After flipping him off for the final time, she staggered into the busy roads where she repeatedly kicked the hoods of several cars when they would honk their horns obnoxiously.

Yoongi tightened his grip around his tie, slipping it off of his neck in a single swipe and releasing a sigh. Finally, he thought.
His feet stumbled beneath him as he made his way back up to his room, where he was met with his daughter curled up on the carpeted floor.

"Sunmi? Baby, I'm back.." his voice unintentionally came out sounding hoarse, frightening the child as she took a glance up to her father.

"I called daddy." She piped, now sitting up from her balled up position. Yoongi allowed his assistant to leave the room, thanking him for watching her as he left. He turned toward Sunmi and frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry baby, I wasn't near my phone at the time." He sighed.

"I know, that's why I called" she restated.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he powered it on to find no new notifications other than a few from Jimin. But he knew he couldn't face him yet, not while he looked like a crying mess-which he was.

"Baby, I didn't even get any notifications from you-"

"I didn't call you" Sunmi clarified with slight sass in her tone. "I called daddy."


"Jimin. He's my daddy too now, he promised." She stared at her father as his eyes widened.

In that moment, Yoongi couldn't feel anything else but afraid. His heart sunk, nearly hitting the bottom of his stomach as he swallowed back the tears that threatened to spurt out.

"W-Why would you call him?" He asked with a shaky breath

"Because he needs to know that you and your lady friend went out. If he's my daddy, then he deserves to know everything. Including that kiss.."

Yoongi froze again, forgetting about anything that happened with Lina, only to imagine the pained expression Jimin must've had. He wasn't angry at his daughter for telling him, he had the right to know. What he was angry about was that it was completely meaningless.

"O-Oh.." he cleared his throat and grabbed his suitcase along with his daughters bag. "Okay...well, we have to get on the plane baby, l-let's go"

Sunmi nodded as she followed along, only feeling slightly guilty for ratting-out her father to Jimin. But she truly felt scared not only for herself, but for the couple. She didn't want to lose Jimin's humble comfort that she couldn't receive from anyone else. She didn't want to see her father lose the smile he always has when with him. She doesn't want them to be unhappy. She doesn't want to be blamed for their mistakes.

"C-Come on S-Sunmi.." Yoongi sniffled as he took her hand in his own.



"He's coming back today"

"I know."

"He needs to be picked up from the airport.."

"I know."

"Sunmi's with him too.."

"I know."

Jungkook sighed as he stared at the blonde haired male as he grieved over his wandering emotions. He had been laying in the same position since the call with Sunmi, never once moving unless he had to use the bathroom. Even then, he'd return to the same spot to cry some more. His tears permanently stained the couch cushions by now.

"You could at least pick them up" Jungkook began, only to hear Jimin sniffle. "-maybe you can work something out with him. Confrontation is the best thing to do right now Jimin, talk to him."

"B-But I don't want to t-talk with him." Jimin whimpered as he coiled himself even more. "S-Sunmi called me h-her other daddy, and she doesn't even know how much of a s-step that is. Y-Yoongi kissed a woman...H-How am I supposed to fit in this p-perfect picture we once h-had?"

"You can work this out with him later Chim, for now, they're waiting for us at the airport. So, put on your big boy pants and go get your man" Jungkook rushed, tapping Jimin's butt to emphasize the time.

Jimin wiped away his tears and stood up, walking lamely to his bedroom where he got dressed into a simple hoodie and sweatpants. Jungkook smiled at his friend as he held the door open for him, following suit after he did so.
For that was the job of the three friends; to always be there for each other. Jungkook didn't want to see him in pain. He couldn't.

He had to see Jimin happy again, no matter what.

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