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"why not?" Sunmi pouted, now clinging onto her father's leg as he roamed around the kitchen.

Jimin had unfortunately been listening to the girl whine for the past month about the same topic since their engagement. The dog topic.

"Because I said no, both Yoongi and I have already told you before that we can't afford to have a dog around the house." Jimin explained for what felt like the umpteenth time that day. He was careful not to step on the girl as he moved around, cooking their dinner for the night.

"But daddy's rich! He can afford it!" Sunmi continued, standing up from the ground to complain some more.

"That's not what I meant Sunmi." Jimin sighed. "Even if we were to get a dog, who would take care of it?"


"Yeah, for like, a week! And then I'd be left to clean up after it once that week ends." Jimin groaned, coming to his senses once realizing he was having an argument with a seven year old.

"Dad, I promise I'll clean up after it! I-I'll make sure it never poops or pees inside, and I'll take him for walks!" Sunmi pleaded as she moved to her designated seat at the dinner table.

"I said no before, and I'll say it again, No. And that's final." He placed a plate of crackers and cheese in front of her as a snack while he cooked their food for later.

"Ugh, you're so mean!" Sunmi screamed as she slammed her hand down, accidentally knocking the plate down. It crashed onto the ground, shattering into a million pieces for Jimin to clean up later. The snack had been discarded as they disintegrated across the floor, the cheese scattering in the process.

Jimin whipped his head around, glaring straight at the girl as he slowly made his way over to the mess. Sunmi, knowing enough to know she was most definitely in trouble, trembled in her seat as she watched him near her. It was as if all of their surroundings had frozen in time, Sunmi's hearing abilities exceeding in range as his footsteps seemed to echo around her head. Her beating heart had sped up in pace, breath catching in her throat as she soaked in her obvious wrong doings.

"God damnit Sunmi, you really had to throw a tantrum huh?" Jimin snapped as he swept up the remainders of the once white plate.

"I-If you weren't being so mean, I wouldn't have thrown a tantrum!" She defended, the thought of making this all worse upon her self never dawning her.

"You're seven years old Sunmi, it's time to stop making stupid arguments after I've already told you no." Jimin grumbled while throwing away the mess.

"Y-You're stupid!" Sunmi popped, immediately regretting those words as soon as the escaped her mouth.

"Oh, am I now?" Jimin tsk'ed, arching an intimidating brow at her as he turned off the stove to stand directly in front of her.
"We'll see what Yoongi has to say about that once he's home. Don't think you'll just be set off with a warning"

Now, Sunmi wasn't one for hitting nor talking back on normal occasions, but this situation was far too developed in her anger that bubbled inside her to just let go. She couldn't let Jimin off the hook after he mentioned her daddy. No, she couldn't!
With a shove to his shoulder and a slap to his chest, Sunmi raged out.

"I hate you!" Face red from anger, Sunmi moved her hand up to swing at him again. Only this time, Jimin was quick to grip her wrist and pull her straight off of the chair.

"That's it! I told you to stop, but you've just made this worse for yourself."
Pulling her up to her feet, Jimin practically dragged her toward her room, slamming the door shut behind himself as he sat down on her mattress.

"Let me g-go, you–you ugly butt face!" She screeched, now squirming in Jimin's grip as he bent her over his lap.

"No, you want to be a bad girl, I'll treat you like a bad girl." Jimin scolded. "Now, count for me or I'll add another if you don't"

Sunmi's eyes shot open as she felt Jimin raise her shirt a bit so he had full access to her butt. With one last yelp for help, Jimin's hand struck down to give her a warning spank.

"Do you really want me to discipline you more than I need to!?" Jimin raised his voice now, the girl shrieking under his hold as he kept her from moving.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" She continued.


"I don't hear you counting Sunmi!" Jimin hissed, the girl only crying as she received her first spanking from the male.


"Min Sunmi, count right now!" He pressed.

"O-ONE!" Sunmi finally peeped through painful sobs.






Jimin allowed his hand to strike her already red bottom a few more times before deciding she had learned her lesson enough.

Carefully shifting the girl onto the bed from his lap, Jimin stood up with a huff as he raked a hand through his hair.

"Did you learn your lesson or do I need to continue?" Jimin spoke rather roughly, noticing Sunmi's slight attitude as she sat up, rubbing her burning bottom.

"I'm done." She mumbled through sniffles. Jimin repeated it again, hoping she would answer clearer so he could hear.

"I said I'm done." Sunmi looked up at him with pained eyes, just hoping he would leave her alone already.

"Good," Jimin walked to the corner of her room to take her iPad and remote control away. "Consider yourself in time out for the rest of the night"

When Sunmi didn't say anything, Jimin took it as a sign to leave.

Sighing, Jimin pulled his phone out and dialed one of his friends numbers, hoping that one of them would help him through the tears that threatened to fall.

He felt guilty. Evil...


Yo, it's ya' boi, Eli(the author) so I know this chapter is going to have alot of controversial opinions, and to be fair, I believe children do deserve to be disciplined if they are misbehaving. Jimin was not intentionally hurting the girl to see her in pain, he simply wanted to see a reaction to her actions. And that's something that comes with consequences, you have to learn from your mistakes. I didn't intend on making this chapter to be a "naughty" or "kinky" thing when he began to spank her. It's punishment, and not in a smut way.

So to conclude this,

-Do you think Jimin did the right thing?

-Or should he have just taken the hits from Sunmi and waited for Yoongi to handle it when he returns home from work?

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