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Jimin,Yoongi, and Sunmi were all seated inside the car once again. The radio was playing at a soft level, enough to hear Sunmi's voice singing along. Jimin smiled at her several attempts to hit the high notes, but failed each time.

"Oh! Daddy, can we go to the park? Please please pleeease?" Sunmi begged once she had seen the nearby park approaching.

"I don't know Sunmi, Mr.Park still has to go home." Yoongi pondered while taking a glance back through the mirror to see her frowning.

"I-I don't mind, it's still early anyway." Jimin looked over at the time,seeing it was only 3pm, then looking back at yoongi.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be wasting your free time, y'know.." Yoongi mumbled before hesitantly turning into the park's parking lot.

"No, it's fine! I wasn't planning on doing anything today" Jimin smiled and unbuckled his seatbelt. Yoongi got off the car and helped Sunmi out.

"Alright, we'll be sitting right here if you need anything. Stay close, I don't want you running off too far okay?" Yoongi told her and she nodded hastily.

"I'll be safe, promise!" Sunmi pecked his cheek before sprinting off to the swing sets.

Jimin grinned and sat on one of the benches nearby, Yoongi following along. "She's so cute"

"Yea" yoongi sighed. "She got that jumpy and bubbly personality from her mom"

Jimin's lips pressed together into a straight line. He hadn't expected Yoongi to mention her to him, they weren't that close after all. At least, that's what Jimin thought.

"H-How..um..what happened between you two?" Jimin spoke in a gentle tone, worried that if he said the wrong thing Yoongi would back away from the topic.

Yoongi exhaled deeply before explaining it all. "We were highschool-sweethearts. We never had any issues with our relationship, other than the few typical arguments, we were both happy. Let's just say that one night after our senior year graduation, we got a little...too happy."

Jimin stayed quiet, knowing that this wasn't the time to make jokes or bring up anything irrelevant. He wanted and needed to know the true Min Yoongi.

"She was so excited to lose her v-card, meanwhile, I was fucking freaking the heck out." Yoongi scoffed. "She insisted that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me;get married,have kids, and do everything the couple's in the movies did. And me being the dumbass I was back then, took that a sign she would stick to those words.

We ended up having the best year of our lives, laughing, kissing, drinking. She then told me something about her being addicted to drugs. Of course, I took it as a joke and decided to keep going with the flow. Oh boy was I stupid...she tried to get me into it, Jimin."

Jimin eyes widened and he looked over to see Yoongi with his face scrunched up out of frustration.

"I didn't even know she was that addicted! I mean–she smoked alot, but that's all I knew about. Until, she showed me her fucking collection of different types of..of..drugs. she was insane. Truly a low-life drug addict. She pressured me into it but I refused, which lead to this ridiculous argument." Yoongi ran a hand through his hair and heaved a sigh.

"That's when she told me she was pregnant."

Jimin blinked, staring at the ground in shock.

"She was pissed, I was pissed. She could've...c-could've hurt my Sunmi. She was doing all of these useless things to herself while carrying my baby inside her. God, was I angry. Thankfully, when she had her, Sunmi was okay. A few breathing problems when she was born, but okay. Then, after she was released from the hospital...she just packed her things and left. She said she "needed space"."

Yoongi kicked around a rock between his feet before scoffing and balling his hands into fists.

"I hope she's doing well with someone else, getting high and having nothing to do with the kid she could've been raising." He snapped. "I was nineteen! How was I supposed to raise her on my own?"

"But you did a great job! I mean–look at how much she's grown and turned into someone so talented, just like you." Jimin squeezed his shoulder while pointing to Sunmi who was running around with the other kids.

"She has a good life, even if it's without her mom in it. All she needs is you. You've done an amazing job raising her on your own."

"I'm not good enough..she needs someone better, someone who can make her smile 24/7. Someone who knows how to handle boy crushes, or how to actually do freaking math." Yoongi sniffed.

"You are good enough. You're more than just 'good enough', you're her dad. You're a hero in her eyes, the only boy she needs in her life to smile. You are that man who knows how to make her smile, you know everything about her more than anyone else in this world." Jimin rubbed circles into his back, calming him down from crying.

"T-Thanks." Yoongi wiped the tears away with the back of his hand. "We should uh..get back home now."

"Let's stay for a bit longer. Sunmi just started playing a new round of, what looks like freeze tag, with those kids." Jimin giggled.

"Right." Yoongi chewed on his lip before placing his hand on top of Jimins. Jimin's breath hitched, but allowed him to intertwine their fingers anyway.

"Can I do this, or am I just being a major creep? Oh gosh–sorry–i'll just stop–"

"No, it's okay." Jimin held onto his hand tighter when Yoongi tried pulling away. "You owe me another play date though"

Yoongi chuckled and nodded while rubbing circles onto Jimins hand. "Next Friday night, I'll take you on a play date Mr.Park."

They both laughed at their cringey-ness while staring at the smiling girl who was too occupied in the game. But one thing on Jimin's mind couldn't end his smiling,

They were holding hands...in front of everyone at this park. 

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