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"Hello? Earth to daddy!"

Yoongi groaned at the sudden tug at his blanket followed by the several whimpers from his daughter. He shifted in his spot,managing to send the girl tumbling off the side of the bed and hitting the ground with a soft 'oof'.

"Daddy, it's time to wake up! You can't sleep all day!" Sunmi pouted, yanking the covers straight off of him.

"Watch me" Yoongi muttered while continuing to sleep. He listened to her whine some more as a smile stretched upon his lips. She climbed upon his bed once again to straddle his back and attempted to wake him up for the umpteenth time.

"Daddy please wake up, I'm hungry" Sunmi placed her head in the crook of his neck and gave him light kisses along his chin. Her legs dangeled off his sides and he couldn't resist from letting out a chuckle at her cuteness.

"Aish, I'm up" he grunted. "Will you ever let me sleep for more than 7 hours?"

"Nope! Now get up you sleepy head" she crawled off of his back and sat patiently at the edge of the bed. Yoongi took this opportunity to yank her into his arms, attacking her with tickles and leaving raspberries along her stomach.

Sunmi's giggles and protests echoed around the room, filling Yoongi's ears with pure happiness and love. This is what he needed every morning,night, and day. He needed his baby.

"Y-Yah! Appa, s-stop!" She cried out while catching her breath. He smiled and kissed her chubby cheeks gently before lifting her up and holding her in his arms.

"I love you Sunmi" he whispered. She nodded and jabbed a stubby finger into his cheek. "Now I have to go wash my face to get those nasty kisses off"

Yoongi's jaw dropped exaggeratedly at his daughter's words. He placed a hand on his chest and pretended to fall over. "I'm hurt. So hurt. Sunmi doesn't love me or my kisses!"

She rolled her eyes at her father's poor acting skills, shrugging it off and making her way to their shared bathroom.
"Dada, you're so silly"

- - -

The rest of the evening went smoothly; no crying, whining, or resistance to Yoongi's orders. Everything was good.

Until uncle Hoseok arrived...

"Uncle Hobi!" Sunmi squealed as her favorite 'uncle' arrived. He immediately scooped her off of the ground and smothered her with his aggressive hug.
She patted his shoulders in signal to release her when she couldn't hold her breath any longer, to which he complied and stood her back up on the floor.

"You came just in time hobi! My favorite show is about to start, come on!" Sunmi tugged at his arm, only for him to stay in his place and glance around the home.

"Where's your dad? Is he home today?" He asked, making the girl pout and stomp her foot angrily.

"You came to see dada and not me?" She released his wrist and made fists with her small hands.

"No, I came to see you of course! But I need to make sure your lame dad isn't gonna get jealous because of our super rad tea party. Y'know how he gets when he's not invited.." Hoseok joked.

Sunmi nodded and gave him a wink. "He can't be invited to our super fun day today, promise?" She held out her short pinky and he interlocked it with his own.

"He's up in his office" Sunmi pointed up toward the staircase where her father usually spent most of his time whenever he was home.

Hoseok walked up the stairs and creaked the door open to find a slumped over man, sighing and grunting at his attempts to finish a project.

"Yoongz, I know your job is rough but you really need to take a break. I can't come and watch your kid every time you're too busy..she needs her dad too.." Hoseok admitted, carefully massaging the elders shoulders.

Yoongi groaned and shut off his computer. "I know, but I can't just take time off out of the blue. The company needs their boss. They need me."

"And everyone else needs you too. Sunmi,me, and the guys.." He reminded.

Yoongi swerved around in his computer chair to face the man directly. Hoseok and Yoongi had been close friends,almost brothers, since freshmen year of high school. Along with him, came Seokjin and Namjoon. They formed a great friendship and later on promised to be there for each other no matter what circumstances.

"I just need you to take care of Sunmi for me next week..I've got this really important client to judge and I won't be able to come home at the same time–"

"Yea, I got it. But as soon as you have some free time, you better take me out for drinks" Hoseok warned with a flick to his forehead. Yoongi grinned and gave him a slight nod.

"Thanks Hoseok, it means alot to me and Sunmi. You're her favorite person other than me y'know?" He chuckled.

"Well duh. I'm the coolest uncle you could ever have. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a tea party to attend to" Hoseok strutted out of his office and met back with the girl.

- - -

"Daddy! Hobi isn't sharing his cookies with me!" Sunmi screamed from the bottom of the stairs. Yoongi only shook his head and left his work to come and investigate the issue.

"What's wrong baby?" Yoongi asked as he noticed a streak of dried tears staining her peachy cheeks.

"Uncle hobi is being...being a craphead!" The girl gasped at her own choice of words before clamping a chubby hand over her mouth. Yoongi couldn't help but lower his head to avoid showing her his obvious smile. Hoseok, on the other hand, was happily chewing away at the stack of cookies placed in the center of their kitchen table.

"Sunmi, how could you say such a thing about your uncle hobi? You know he has feelings, too, right?" Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at the girl who was at the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that, it's just that he m-made me a-angry" Sunmi choked out.

"Hoseok, why the hell are you eating all of the cookies? They're meant for her." Yoongi glared at the man who had stopped eating to focus in on the situation.

"I just took a couple!" Hoseok argued. "Do you want me to starve? Huh, Sunmi? Huh!?"

Sunmi shook her head and ran over to her uncle's side. "N-No! Don't starve uncle hobi! B-Be healthy!"

"That's what I thought" hoseok tutted.

Yoongi simply chuckled at their petty argument before returning to his daily tasks. As he sat back in his chair and began writing down more notes, he relaxed at the thought of being left alone for a few more hours. Or so he thought, until he heard the magical word once again,


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