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Yoongi's P.O.V.


I kept my gaze on the clock that hung on the dark wall, following the red hand that ticked by each second. Jungkook had come in for his registration a few weeks ago, and he was now working for me as a trainee. Although he technically was considered a close friend, the company allowed me to hire him.

This being said, Jungkook would always manage to pop into my office after practice and bug me. Mainly to recite his entire day to me, unfortunately for him, I had no interest in listening what's so ever. I sighed once more as he rambled on.

"And so, Jimin began dancing and I was just following along when this guy came in and just started bossing him around! Like, who does he think he is? Isn't Jimin the boss of this place dude?-"

"What? What happened to Jimin?" I snapped out of my drowsed haze to focus on the conversation once Jimin was mentioned. Jungkook sighed and retold the whole story again.

"I went over to Jimin's studio to practice after the kids were gone, and this really..I don't know..weird looking dude came in and started yelling at Jimin. I didn't catch anything he was saying since he was shouting so much, but I know that Jimin definitely didn't know him and neither did I. He seemed so angry at Jimin though, as if he was gonna kill him. I couldn't bare seeing someone treat my best friend that way so I ended up kicking him out, quite literally." Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.

"He didn't touch Jimin did he?" I frowned. Jungkook smirked and nudged my shoe with his own. "Of course not."

"Good" I huffed and pinched the bridge of my nose as I felt a headache coming on. "Did Jimin say anything to him?"

"Not really, mainly just attempting to calm the guy down and telling him to leave. Typical Jimin, y'know? He's too sweet for this world. He wouldn't hurt a fly if he was offered a million bucks for doing so." Jungkook chuckled.


"I'm gonna beat his fucking ass." Jimin snapped into the speaker of his phone. "Hell yeah I am! I don't care if he used to know my parents, he means nothing to me."

"Slow your role Chim, you don't know what that man is capable of. Didn't he used to work with your parents too? He's still powerful." Taehyung told with a soft voice, hoping that his calmness would rub off onto Jimin.

"I don't give a flying fuck about him Taehyung! He threatened to shut my studio down, what was I supposed to say? 'oh yea, take my studio because it's the only way I make money.'? I saved up my own money for that studio, teaching kids is my passion Tae"

"Look, if it's money that he wants, then give him the cash your parents left you. It's not like you have any plans to use it anyway" He mumbled.

"I don't want to touch that filthy money, and he doesn't just want that. He wants the company name. The Park industry wasn't even that big of a deal, I don't know why he wants it" Jimin groaned as he laid down on the comfortable couch.

"Who wouldn't want it? Oh wait, you. But seriously, your dad was a ballin' man, as well as your mom. I can't believe that guy found you though. After all these years, he barely found the son of his best friend?" Taehyung laughed dramatically. "Classic."

"I don't know Tae, I think I'll just sign those papers over and give him that stupid company name. I don't want to lose everything I have just for my parents sake." Jimin sighed.
"Listen, I'll call you later when I figure all of this out"

"Alright, remember, I'm always here for you okay?" Taehyung soothed. "Love you ChimChim, Fighting!"

"Love you, bye!" Jimin laughed and ended the call.

"Who are you saying 'love you' to? Are you cheating on me?" A low voice stammered from the front door. Jimin sat up and looked towards the entrance to find Yoongi staring at him.

"Ah, it was just Taehyung" Jimin smiled as his boyfriend approached him with a soft frown. "Don't be jealous Yoongz"

"I'm not, I know you're mine." Yoongi grinned and placed a swift kiss to the crown of his head. "So what were you talking about?"

"Uh..nothing much, just work stuff" he muttered.

Yoongi sat down next to him, taking his smaller hand into his bigger one. "Jimin, Jungkook came by my office today and told me you got yelled at by some guy. What happened? Did he hurt you? Threaten you?"

Damnit Jungkook, Jimin thought. "No, I'm okay. He was just..a really old friend"

"A friend? Friends don't yell at each other like the way Jungkook explained. Please tell who it was baby." Yoongi rubbed gentle circles on the back of Jimin's hand.

"I-I don't know..we just started dating and I really don't want you to think I'm stupid or anything.." Jimin meekly stated.

"I won't, I promise."

"Okay.." Jimin took a deep breath before nodding his stress away. "My parents owned this really big company by the name of 'Park Industry', before they passed away. They never wanted to spend their precious money on me because I was just kid with futile dreams. They wanted me to be a successful business man like my father. So, they promised to give me the rights to own the company if anything happened to them, and that sort of started a big argument in the industry.

I was claimed to be useless for the company and everyone rebelled against their wishes of making me the new boss. Seo-Joon, one of my father's closest friends, begged for my place. With much reluctance, my parents declined his wish and he quit. After they died, I managed to claim their will. So now, I technically own that stupid industry along with some money in my bank account, which I never plan to use."

Yoongi blinked, soaking in the information he had just received. Jimin sighed and pulled his hand away from him. "He came to my studio to tell me he would shut it down if I didn't give him the company name."

"Shut down your studio? Who does he think he is?" Yoongi hissed. "He can't do that, I won't let him."

Jimin faintly smiled before shaking his head. "I'm giving him the industry, I don't want it. It's a horrible place so I'm willing to give it up. The money too."

"I mean-you could use that money though...how much is in there?" Yoongi asked bluntly.

Jimin shrugged. "Last time I checked it was like 20 grand..but I really don't want to touch it. I still believe that if they didn't want to waste it on me, then it shouldn't be wasted now."

"But Jimin, think of everything you could purchase with that money! A new studio, new equipment and a better house" Yoongi bribed, letting Jimin think of the possibilities he could have.

"I don't know.." Jimin lowered his head, only to feel two fingers hook under his chin and turn his face toward the other.

"Jiminie, don't let the past haunt you. Think of the future and how this could benefit you, even if your parents weren't the greatest people, they still gave you the money." Yoongi pecked his lips gently, pressing their foreheads together after.

"I'll do it." Jimin smiled."I'll keep the money but sign off the company."


Good" Yoongi raked his hands through his nappy hair.

"So what do you plan on buying me with that money?" Sunmi questioned from behind the couch.

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