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Jimin's P.O.V.

Being stuck in a room with 6 year olds for 2 hours wasn't as pleasing as I wished it would be. Although, the only child I was pleased to see and teach was Sunmi. Her bright persona filled the room with such excitement and energy, something I really needed to see everyday.

"Jimin!" She came bouncing into the studio, bag and dance shoes in hand.

The other students shot their attention to me, wondering who this so-called Jimin, was. I smiled at them and quietly walked over to the girl. Bending down to her eye level, I stared at her beautiful dark orbs.

"Sunmi, you can't call me by my first name while we're in class. It's not polite, remember?" I stroked her soft hair, earning a hum from her.

"Sorry mr.park" she hugged my neck before scrambling off to stand in her spot, directly in the front.

I began class and it thankfully ran by smoothly today. None of the children tripped or fell over during the steps,which was a shocker considering Sunmi usually lost balance when doing the spin part. The students began leaving after 5:30 hit, their parents forcing them to say goodbye to me, to which I smiled at.

"Ji–...Mr.park, my daddy isn't coming for a little while..can you teach me a new dance?" Sunmi cupped her hands together while pouting her little lips out.

"Ah, sure.."I cleaned up the room before playing some of the newer pop music on my speaker. She hurried over to my side as I began to stretch. "What do you feel like learning? Some simple things or a bit advanced?"

She eyed me closely as I asked her. Her cocked to the side in confusion and she giggled. "I can't do a-advan...advanced stuff!"

I smiled and patted her head gently. "You're a big,strong girl, Sunmi. You can do anything."

"Anything?" She gasped.

"Anything. Now, let's start off with a fun little freestyle." I turned up the volume and began to make small movements with my legs, watching her as she copied.

She caught on quick and soon enough began having her own 'jamming out' session. My eyes grew 10 times wider at a certain move she did, repeating it over and over again. I broke out into a laughing frenzy as her hips rolled adorably.

This girl was doing body rolls.

She glared at me and stuck her tongue out in defense. "You're just jealous cause' I can do it better than you!"

I pretended to gasp dramatically and shook my head. "Sunmi, please teach me how to do that! Oh please! I want to be as good as you!"

She crossed her arms and tapped her foot before nodding. "Alright, I guess I can show you. Ready?"

I stood up straight and waited for her cue. "Im ready"

"Okay, first you have to put your legs like this," she spread her legs ever-so-slightly and leaned her body against her right leg. I followed her directions even though I knew how to. It was quite cute seeing her enjoy dancing as much as I did as a kid.

"And then...you just do it" her body moved along like waves, snaking back and forth. I did the same, trying to restrain my laughter.

"So this is what you're learning in class?" A low and raspy voice came from the entrance, startling the two of us. Sunmi giggled as she ran up to her father, wrapping her short arms around his leg.

I bit my lip and walked over to them, shaking his hand before thinking of some sort of excuse as to why I was just doing body rolls with his six year old daughter.

"W-Well, she was actually the one who taught me" I grinned at the girl who shook her head in disagreement.

"Mr.Park told me to!" Her cheeks tinted a red hue as she looked up at her father with watery eyes.

"Is this true Mr.Park?" Yoongi looked up from his daughter to me, a smirk growing on his lips.

"Fine, it's true. I just really wanted to dance like her, she's the best" I sighed, running a hand through my sweat-slicked hair.

Yoongi chuckled and lifted her from the ground to hold her properly. "Well, you heard it Sunmi. I guess since you're the best, you don't have to attend this class anymore"

Tears brimmed at her eyes as she let out a loud yowl. "No! No daddy! Please no! I like mr.park! I don' wanna leave h-his c-class!"

I instantly felt a sharp pain in my heart. She cared about me, she liked me and the class. I rubbed her back gently and hushed her cries.

"It's okay Sunmi, I think daddy was just kidding" Jimin.

"I was, sorry baby" Yoongi kissed her head lovingly as his thumb wiped her tears away.

"And Jimin, I'd appreciate it if you didn't show my kid how to... y'know...body roll?" Yoongi laughed.

"Oh yea, no! I didn't mean for that to happen, she kind of just did it" I laughed sheepishly. "The body rolls will for sure come to an end, right Sunmi?"

"I didn't say I have an issue with seeing you doing it.." yoongi mumbled, eyes connecting with mine. I blushed and looked away shyly.

"Y-Yoongi, I um.." before I could say anything to him he took out his cellphone, opening the contact app and sliding it into my grasp.

I stared blankly at it until my fingers did the work for me, typing in my personal number, digit by digit.

"Great, now if anything ends up happening..I have your number" Yoongi smiled as he pocketed his phone again.

"I-I should have yours too. You know, since you already have mine...it's only fair" I gave him my phone.

He smirked and handed it back to me, leaving me shocked at his actions.
"I-Is that a no?"

"How am I supposed to know your password?" Yoongi chuckled as he pointed to the locked screen. I sighed in relief and typed it in quicker than my stumpy thumbs could handle.

"Alright" he entered his number into my contacts and returned my phone back to me. "I'll see you tomorrow Jimin, have a good night"

"Bye mr.park" Sunmi smiled before tucking her face into yoongi's coat. I waved to the both of them until they got into their car and drove off.

After shutting off all of the lights and making sure the studio was locked, I leaned against the brick wall of the building. Pulling out my phone, I stared at the new name in my contacts.

'New Contact:  Yoongi'

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