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"A-And she just...ah, Jungkook, I can't..I just can't handle this!"

"Jimin, chill out for a second and breathe! You didn't nothing wrong, she was the brat in this situation. She's a kid, kids get out of hand and sometimes deserve to be put back in their place." Jungkook explained.

"B-But she's not my kid! I shouldn't have even touched her-"

"Oh my god, you've been with Yoongi for how long? Get over it Jimin. You're Sunmi's other father now, she's been considered your daughter since Yoongi put a ring on it!"

Jimin laughed with a shudder as he sniffled back more tears. "I-I know, but it felt so..wrong. I should've just waited for yoongi to come home and work it out"

"No, this is good Jimin. That way she knows if she misbehaves again, you'll punish her. You can't always be soft and gentle to her, she needs to see the strict and tougher side of you if she decides to lash out again. "

With a hum in response, Jimin wiped his wet cheeks with his sleeves. "It was so hard to not cry in front of her. As soon as my hand hit her, I instantly felt this rush of guilt and regret."

"Anyway, thanks for the advice kookie. I'll uh, call you to let you know what happened"

"Okay. And remember, what you did was perfectly reasonable, if I were in that situation I would've done the same thing. A little spanking won't scar her for life, I'm sure Yoongi has done it plenty of times. Don't worry!" Jungkook reassured before the call ended.


"No, I've never spanked her before."

"W-What!? That just makes me feel a million times worse!" Jimin rubbed his face frustratedly, groaning out a curse or two.

"I'm kidding baby, I'm not angry either. If she really was being as much of a brat that you described her to be, I believe you. She deserved it." Yoongi rubbed his back softly as he loosened his tie with the other.

"Gosh, why are you so nice? I just hit your daughter!"

"Our daughter, she's yours now too. Which gives you every right to punish her if I'm not around"

Jimin's heart fluttered at that, making him dip his head into Yoongi's neck with his lips pursed.
"You're supposed to be mad.."

"Fine, I'm so mad Jimin. I'm furious! How could you do such a thing, huh? She told you she hates you and you decide to spank her? Oh my god, I'm in relationship with such an abusive person!" Yoongi gasped dramatically, shoving Jimin's shoulder and tugging at his hair gently.

"Aish" Jimin smiled as he allowed Yoongi to pin him against the kitchen counter.

"I guess someone will have to spank you in return. Just so you can learn your lesson, you horrible person."
Pressing his lips to Jimin's, yoongi grinned as he held him up against his chest.

"I made her count too...I'm so mean.." Jimin pouted

"Okay, that's a little cruel" yoongi smirked upon Jimin's frown.
"Kidding! It's okay, don't beat yourself up for it. I'm gonna have a talk with her and then we'll all go out for dinner."

"But I cooked-"

"Family bonding time Jimin. Don't you feel a little bad for making her cry?"

"You just!-"

"God I love making you confused, I love you baby" Yoongi chuckled as he pecked his cheek. "Just go get changed while I go talk"

Yoongi made his way over to the girl's room, knocking on the door softly only to hear a few heart-wrenching words.

"Sunmi's sorry..dad.."

"Actually, it's just me baby" yoongi cleared his throat as he peeped his head into the room. There, on the bed, laid a curled up Sunmi, sniffling softly as she raked her eyes up to him.

"W-Where's Jimin?" Sunmi asked with a small voice.

"He ran away." Yoongi lied with a sigh. "After you told him you hated him, he thought he wasn't good enough so he left."

"N-No!" Sunmi jolted up as tears began to stream down her cheeks again. "I didn't mean it! C-Call him back daddy!"

"I don't think he's gonna come back princess" Yoongi carefully sat at the edge of her bed, the girl quickly climbing onto his thigh to whimper.

"N-No daddy, please I didn't mean it! I was just mad because he was being a meanie-"

"-How was Jimin being a meanie, hm?"

"H-He...he said no to having a doggie.."

"And that's what I agreed with too, so does that make me a meanie?"

Their eyes met for a long while. Yoongi's eyes showing question and confusion toward the girl's, while hers displayed sorrow and truth.


"So why is Jimin considered a meanie then?"

"I dunno'.." lowering her head shamefully, Sunmi rubbed away at her eyes with quiet cries.

"I w-wanted a puppy, but I-I didn't mean to be mean to Jimin..I love him a-alot daddy, please b-bring him back"

Yoongi nodded as he stroked his hair softly. "If you're really really sorry, I bet he'll come back if you just call for him. Hm? Why don't we try to call for dad"

Sunmi nodded as she stood up from her bed "will he hear me?"

"I'm sure he will. He couldn't have left too far."

Little did Sunmi know, the male she yearned for was standing outside the door. A few drops of salty tears had escaped his eyes, sticking to his cheeks as he listened to her apology. She did love him after all. And he loved her.

"D-Dad!" Sunmi called out, straining her raspy voice in hopes of bringing him back home. Yoongi smiled as he cleared his throat, calling for the same male.

"Dad? Jimin!" Yoongi waited.

Jimin made sure there wasn't any signs of him crying before entering the room.

"I heard you calling for me. Does this mean I'm not a meanie anymore? Do you not hate me?"

"No! I love you so much Jimin! You're the best dad I could've asked for, a-and I'm sorry for being dumb!" Sunmi launched herself into his arms, quickly wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheeks.

"I love you so much, too." Jimin smiled as he held onto the girl, rocking her slightly with chaste kisses to her head.

"What about me? Do I get kisses?" Yoongi was standing next to Jimin now, pursing his lips slightly at the two.

Both of them smiled and leaned over to peck his cheeks. Yoongi enveloped the two of them in a tight hug, whispering quite "I love you's" to them.

"Dad, can we eat now? I'm starving.."

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