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"e-everything?" I partially choked on the food when he asked me. Was he serious? Why does he want to know about my life?

"Well, not everything, but something interesting. I mean–you already know alot about me and my daughter, so.." Yoongi's sentence trailed off as he waited for my response.

"A-Alright, um..I.." stupid brain, think of something! "I used to attend the School of preforming Arts."

"That's cool, what did you major in? Well–obviously dance right?" His smile warmed me up even more than I already was, anxiety began to kick in but I was too focused on giving him the answers he wanted.

"Contemporary Dance, it was my passion to preform on stage for a long time." I sighed while taking a gulp of wine. "But money was tight, so I had to sort of...give that up."

"Oh." Yoongi nodded and proceeded to finish his meal. The silence only made my mind wander even more, should I tell him everything? He's told me so much about himself, why can't I?

"My–My family..wasn't supportive," I began. "I lied to you Yoongi-ah.."

"Lied to me? How?" He frowned.

"I abandoned my dream to preform back then because they didn't believe in my dreams–my passion. My father..he told me that we were simply wasting money on something that would get me no where. He took me out of that school. I was so angry,yet, understanding?"

"I knew that I'd be much more helpful to them if I had a job that actually made good money." My fingers lazily smoothed the rim of the glass, making a soothing ringing sound.

"That's bullsh-" Yoongi bit back the urge to curse once a few eyes had peered over at our table. "–bullcrap."

A smile tugged at the corner of my lips at his comment. "It was, but I can't do anything now." I huffed.

"Yea you can, you can just go back to studying there. It's not like your parents are gonna find out right?" Yoongi's words only tugged a tad at the threads of my heart, he didn't mean to say something that could be taken so literal. He didn't know why they couldn't find out. Because they were dead.

"Right" I looked down at my empty plate and back up at him when his hand touched mine. "Wine?" He offered and I nodded.


"Well, I personally had a great time tonight. Despite spilling out built up emotions, right?" Yoongi spoke while stuffing his hands into his pockets. I nodded and walked along his side, keeping quiet.

"What? Did I say something?" Yoongi stopped walking to stand directly in my path. "Why are you so quiet now Jimin?"

I froze and nervously played with the ring on my finger. "You..um..you didn't mean to say it, but it sort of–ah nevermind. It's nothing–"

"No, tell me. If it was nothing then you wouldn't be upset, and I know you are. So tell me." Yoongi gruffed, stepping a bit closer to me so our breaths were lingering with one another's.

"When you said that they wouldn't find out, you were right. Not only because they don't live here, but because..they passed away." I mumbled after lowering my gaze to my shoes.

"O-Oh, I'm so sorry Jimin. I didn't mean to say anything offensive, I just meant–"

"Yea I know, I'm sorry for making such a big deal. It's nothing,really. They died in a car crash a few years ago, it haunts me to know that I never got to say goodbye or be on good terms with them before...but..it's okay now" the tears in my eyes threatened to stream out, but I swallowed them back.

I couldn't make myself look so vulnerable and hopeless, Yoongi shouldn't pity me. He shouldn't have even known this about me. That's thing about me; I tend to say too much, whether it be about myself or something someone did, I can't hold it in.
I know that I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut like everyone else. Don't let your emotions show and just keep it in, don't let others feel bad for you. Bottle up those issues and tears you want to release and tuck that bottle away, somewhere you can never lay a finger on. Never let someone know the real you, in fear of them judging your every flaw, in fear of allowing them to feel sorrowful for you, in fear of showcasing the fears you once had to close away from others.

"Jimin, it's okay..don't cry" Yoongi's voice muffled against my shoulder as my head was suddenly tucked into his neck. I couldn't hear anything. Everything sounded weary and toneless, as if I was underwater, drowning in my thoughts and locked up emotions. The arms that wrapped around my weak and vulnerable body, tightened as the hot tears stuck to my cheeks. The soft hushing sound echoed their way into ears, attempting to cease my sobs. The hands that ran gentle circles on my stiff back felt warm, almost too warm for my already lonesome custom.

Once my cries had died down to quiet sniffles, Yoongi pulled away. I looked at him through bleary eyes as I tried to blink the tears away. "I'm sorry" I whimpered out.

"Jimin," Yoongi spoke softly, nearly at a whisper. I rubbed my eyes and wiped the tears away with my hands. I was embarrassed to say the least, I had just cried in front of him..on our first, and most likely, our last date.

"I'm so so sorry, I'm such a big baby. I actually feel kind of good letting that out though.. you're a great guy Yoongi, letting me drench your fancy shirt with my useless tears–god, I'm such a loser."


"-I understand if you never want to see me again, you probably think I'm an annoying cry baby right? I'm sorry for ruining the date, oh look–here I am wasting someone's money yet again–"

"Jimin!" Yoongi shouted, cutting my petty rant short. I looked at him with my lips pressed together. What was he planning to say after all that? Was he going to call me a baby? Nice going, Park–

"Can I kiss you?"

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