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**before you read this chapter! I wanted to know if you'd like another smut chapter or should I just end the story and make an epilogue which would be the "extra" chapter after the ending?? Comment what you'd prefer!**

P.S., my Jungkook story, Good Boy, is out right now. (: 


Yoongi anxiously chewed at his finger tips, occasionally catching glimpses of the cameramen that were attempting to be "discreet" of their paparazzi duties. Tugging Sunmi closer to him, he positioned the two of them near the airport security.

"Daddy, when is Dad coming?" Sunmi groggily asked due to the long flight. She rubbed at her eyes cutely, hoping the flashes of the cameras would end.

"I don't know baby, " he sighed. "I don't think he is coming.." whispering the last part to himself, Yoongi checked the clock to see Jimin was nearly an hour late.

"Yoongi-hyung!" Yoongi whipped his head around, landing on the source of the voice, Jungkook. He waved his hands, jumping up and down as the father and his daughter made their way to him.

"Mr.Min, who is the male? Is that another family member?"

"Yoongi-ssi, could you tell us where you were?"

"How is your daughter Yoongi-ah?"

"Will we be seeing more of you and your child?"

Yoongi lifted his daughter from the ground and into his arms, shuffling quickly toward the exits where they were lead by Jungkook.

The flashing of cameras continued, the hands of the paparazzi's constantly banging on the windows for answers.

Locking the car, Jimin drove off in silence. Jungkook awkwardly sat in the back of the car, seated next to the small child. "Hey" he smiled to her.

"Hi" she nodded her head. "Daddy is famous" she chirped.

"Yea he is." He chuckled, each of their breaths echoing throughout the quiet car.

"I missed you" Yoongi croaked, voice shaking as he did so.

Jimin didn't move nor say anything, he just simply hummed. Jungkook caught a glance of Yoongi's hand hesitantly leaning over to brush Jimin's hair, only to pull back instantly when Jimin flinched.

"please don't touch me.." the blonde said as he caught his lip in between his teeth.

"Jimin, please let me explain-"

"Explain what!? That you're an absolute dick!?" Jimin barked, startling everyone else in the car.

"C-Chim, why don't we calm down for just a second...there's a child in the car, remember?" Jungkook laughed sheepishly.

"I don't give a shit. If he wants to explain, then I'll explain too. Yoongi, I'm sick and tired of having to cry over you when clearly-you don't feel the same way!"

"-I do feel the same!"

"Oh yeah? And how's that?" Jimin's hands tightened around the steering wheel as he fixed his gaze forward.

"I love you, and you love me! Don't you?" Yoongi hissed.

"I-I.." Jimin immediately stopped the car, lunging the others forward with the sudden force. "W-Why..would you k-kiss someone else..when you know that I can't handle the pain of losing you to another person?"

Jungkook peeked his head out of the car, noticing the line of cars behind them. "Uh, Chim, can you move over to the side? People are starting to honk.."

Jimin nodded and pulled over, only to begin crying harder than he had ever done before. Jungkook startled, eyes widening at his friend as he watched his shoulders bounce from hiccuping.


"Why!? Who was she? Y-You didn't even tell me! I h-had to hear it from your daughter Yoongi!" Jimin turned in his seat, eyes puffy and lip wobbling, he began to swat at Yoongi's shoulder. His blows became harder each time, but Yoongi took it. Never once did he stop him because when knew he was in the wrong. He brought this upon himself. He deserved this.

"L-Lina" Yoongi finally piped out. "She's.. Sunmi's mom.."

Jimin halted his actions to stare at the male, noticing the slight glint of pain in his eyes. "S-She...she came back?"

"She's always been there, in America. I've just...never had the chance to face her. I didn't mean to, she just..popped up after an interview I had" he spoke softly, fearfully watching the way Jimin's hands had lowered onto his own lap.

"And...you kissed her? Why?" Jimin mumbled through sniffles.

"She just leaned in– I-I don't know why I did too...I think I was just..confused. I didn't know what to feel in the moment other than anger. I hadn't seen her in so long, so I guess that was the reason too..."

Jimin lowered his head slowly as he fiddled with his fingers. "T-Then...go back to her-"

"No. I'm with you-"

"-but I'm not good enough for you yoongi-ah, just admit already. She's the one for you , go back to her. I'm not holding you here anymore.." Jimin felt another tear escape.

"Jimin, listen t-to me.." Yoongi wiped his own tears away before wiping Jimin's with his sleeve. "I love you so much. That kiss with her was stupid and meaningless, it wasn't like you and I. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way, please forgive me. I-I don't want to lose you.."

"B-But, I..what about S-Sunmi? S-She-"

"-She called you dad, that's a big step baby. Which means that I want to take that step too. I want you to be mine forever and ever" Yoongi cupped his face, pressing their foreheads together comfortingly.

Jimin giggled through hiccups as he tried to stop his tears from falling again. "M-Me too.."

"You know what? Her lips were nothing like yours, they were crusty and chapped and nasty. Nothing like my baby's pretty mouth." Yoongi chuckled as he caressed his cheek. "That made me miss you even more"

Jimin shoved him away and laughed. "God damn it Yoongi-ah"

"Hey love birds, can we go home now?" Jungkook sighed.

"Not yet" Yoongi gripped onto Jimin's wrists, yanking him forward and crashing their lips together.

"Y-Yoongi" Jimin moaned as his tongue made an appearance inside his mouth, gasping once Yoongi's teeth had sunken into his bottom lip.

"Woah! Hello!? This isn't a porno! Chill out you freaks!" Jungkook kicked the seat, making Yoongi release the male.

"Gross dad." Sunmi gagged. "I saw your tongue in his mouth..."

Jimin blushed and sunk back into his seat to start the car again. "Sorry"

"I love you" Yoongi held onto his hand as Jimin steered the wheel with the other.

"I love you too"

"But I love you more"

"No, I do."

"You could never love me more"

"I can, and I do."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night"

"Yoongi-ah! I love you so much I think it's unhealthy!"

"It's not though, you're just getting pudgy with my love"

"Did you just call me fat?"

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