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Yoongi's P.O.V.

"Yoongz, who the heck are those guys and how do they have our buddy card?" Jin,the owner of the place, who also happens to be my close friend, came over to our table and set down our requested drinks.

"The little one is Jimin, the other two are his friends I'm guessing." I muttered after taking a sip from the wine.

"Jimin? Who's he?" Jin questioned as he clutched onto the tray. "A new friend or..something more?"

"No, no, he's Sunmi's dance teacher. He's..nice."

" 'Nice'? What do you mean by that? Yoongz, I know you never accept anyone into your life unless they actually do something that's worthy of your soft side." He squinted his eyes toward Jimin's table and back to me. I shrugged and gestured for him to pour some more wine in my glass.

"Serve yourself, I'm gonna go figure out who this so called Jimin is." Jin placed the wine bottle down on the table and made his way over to their table. I kept my eyes glued on him until Namjoon nudged my arm and motioned for me to continue talking to him.


Jimin's P.O.V.

"Hello, nice to meet you all. I'm Seokjin,the owner of this building." A tall,lean, and gorgeous man stood at the edge of our table with a soft smile molded onto his lips.
The three of us sent each other quick glances before Jungkook spoke up.

"Hi, I'm Jungkook, this is Taehyung and that's Jimin" Jungkook introduced all of us and he nodded.

"May I ask, how are you related with yoongi in terms of relationships?" Seokjin asked me while his hands were busy pouring more alcohol into our shot glasses.

"U-Uh, I teach his daughter how to dance every week" I stated bluntly as the drinks began to cloud my thoughts.

"You're a dance teacher?" He arched a brow at me and I nodded limply.

"I teach kids for a living, and I do YouTube on the side..but that's my life! Nothing special! Now, Min Yoongi on the other hand-" I blabbered but cut myself off before I could say anything I would regret.

"Min yoongi on the other hand...what?" Seokjin pursed his lips in confusion.

"Well he's rich as heck, basically a billionaire, and has the best kid in this universe!" I hiccuped.

Taehyung's shoe came in contact with my leg, making me wince in pain and glare at him. He tilted his head toward the door and pointed towards his watch, notifying me it was time to go. I frowned and looked back at Seokjin to see him smiling at what seemed to be yoongi across the room.

"Well Jimin, I'll have you know that Yoongi is totally 100% single and definitely ready to mingle. Shall I give you his number?" Seokjin grinned while his hand reached into his pocket. I held his wrist and shook my head, giggling like a mad man.

"I already–" hiccup. "Have his n-number!"

"You do? Great! Hit him up Jimin, I'm sure he's interested" he ruffled my hair before collecting his tray and empty glasses.
"I hope you come back soon. Oh, by the way.. Yoongi usually comes here on Friday nights. Just fyi"

"We gotta' get going Chim, before it gets too dark" Jungkook and Taehyung stood up and took both of my arms to wrap around their necks, propping my dazed and cold body up from my chair.

"Jimin" Taehyung whispered in my ear, to which I giggled to. "Please don't get yourself into trouble with these men..they're just snobby rich people,Chim."

- - -

"Damn chim, how much did you eat?" Jungkook groaned as he dropped Jimin's limp body onto the couch. A soft mumble escaped his lips, his hands making their way up to rub the side of his aching head.

"Kookie.." Jimin muttered as the pain became worse.

"On it" The younger replied. His feet lead him toward the olders kitchen to find some pain medicine. Once he retrieved them he headed back to the grunting man, slumped over the arm rest.

"Hyung," Jungkook offered a glass of water and a small white pill to him. Jimin sat up and took it, swallowing it in one gulp.

"Alright since you've already taken a pain med, Kook and I are going to head home okay?" Taehyung combed his fingers through Jimin's hair in a comforting way, hoping that he wouldn't disagree with their plan to leave.

"yup" Jimin nodded before laying back down on the couch and falling into deep sleep.

The other two boys left after assisting their best friend get home. Leaving behind a very drunk Jimin with a severe headache and plenty of messages from an unexpected number..


Did you make it home safe?
I noticed you got a little carried away with the drinks lol.


Are you home?
Call me when you see this

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