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// oh don't I just love my mind..

I'm sorry but you may hate me for the next few chapters.  ;)  //


"Jimin, can you come in here for a second please?"

The male shuffled his way into Yoongi's office, taking a second glance over at Namjoon who seemed to be having a difficult time with setting up his speakers.

"Yes?" Jimin hummed, carefully sliding on top of his desk where he allowed his legs to dangle off, teasingly brushing the sole of his shoes on Yoongi's thighs.

"Would you mind going down a few floors to the practice room and let Hoseok know that the trainees need their breaks?" Yoongi smiled warmly at him as his long and veiny hands crept up his legs, squeezing gently at the meatiest part of them.

"Sure, I might take Sunmi with me to get something to eat. Do you want anything?" Jimin offered while fiddling with his wedding ring.

"I'm good. Joon, you want anything?" He asked, instantly receiving a quiet "no thanks" from him.

"Joonie, let me help you with that-" Jimin removed himself from the desk to assist Namjoon with his struggles.

"No it's fine, I got this" Namjoon's lips curved up into a strained smile as he attempted to plug the correct wires into their sockets.

"Really, let me help you." He took the wire from his hand and successfully set up the speaker, music flowing throughout the room as he did so.

"Thanks," Namjoon chuckled before turning down the volume and returning to his seat.

"So, how's it going with Wonho?" Jimin grinned as a dark shade of pink overtook Namjoon's face.

"Its um..its going.." he anxiously rubbed at the back of his neck as he smirked back up at Jimin.

"I really want to meet him, he sounds like a nice guy from what I've heard"

"Soon, he just um.. he's sort of shy when it comes to meeting new people." Namjoon admitted.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it. For now, I'll see you guys later!" Jimin smiled as he wave to the two of them before leaving the room and getting into the elevator to give Hoseok his orders.


"Hobi!" Jimin piped as he skipped over to his red-headed friend. His preppy voice and bright presence caught the trainees attention once he entered the room. Strangely enough, a set of eyes stood out to him more than the others...
But he chose to brush it off.

"Jimin, what's up?" Hoseok waved for the others to stop dancing so he could focus on him. His breaths coming out unsteady from moving around so much.

"Yoongi-ah said to give them their breaks, which means I'm gonna take Sunmi and head out too"
Just as he told, Hoseok ordered for them to go take their breaks while Sunmi approached Jimin from the back of the studio.

"Hey princess, did you have fun?" Jimin ran a hand through her hair sweetly as she smiled fondly at him.

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